Erzurum Erzurum city in eastern Turkey (“Erzeroum”). Known as Theodosiopolis in Roman times. Neighbouring city of Artsn (Arzan) was destroyed 1048–49 and citizens moved to Theodosiopolis and called it Artsn Rum (Arzan of the Romans). Muslim citizens changed it to Arzan ar-Rúm (or Arz ar-Rúm) and then to Erzurum.
Fa’ida, Fawa’id (Fava’id) Fá’ida, pl. Fawá’id utility, avail, benefit, advantage; gain, profit; interest (on money); useful lesson, moral; use (e.g., of a medicine)
Fa’il, Fa’ilun, Fa’ala Fá‘il, pl. Fá‘ilún, Fa‘ala effective; efficacious, efficient; (pl. fá‘ilún) doer, actor, perpetrator;—(pl. fa‘ala) worker, workman, labourer; active subject of a verbal clause (grammar). See maf‘úl, manṣúb and marfú‘
Fa’iq Fá’iq superior; surpassing, excellent, exquisite, first-rate; outstanding, remarkable, striking; pre-eminent; exceeding, extraordinary; going far beyond (a restriction, etc.); awake, waking, wakeful
Fa’iz, Fa’iza Fá’iz, fem. Fá’iza successful, victorious, triumphant; victor, winner
Fa’izih Fá’izih Pers. “she who has attained”—name given to Gulsurkh Bagum by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
Fad-dan Fad-dán (feddan) about an acre in size
Fadil (Fazil), Fawadil, Fadilun, Fudala Fáḍil, pl. Fawáḍil, Fáḍilún, Fuḍalá Ar. (Fazel is an old Persian form) remaining, leftover, left, surplus, exceeding, in excess; (pl. fawáḍil) remainder, remnant, residue, rest, leftover, surplus, excess;—(pl. fáḍilún, fuḍalá) outstanding, eminent, very good, first-rate, superior, excellent, distinguished, deserving; learned; man of culture and refinement. Persian (ẓ may be used instead of ḍ): fáḍil, fem. fáḍilat, fáḍila, pl. fáḍilát.
Fadil (Fazil), Fudala Faḍíl, pl. Fuḍalá’ outstanding, eminent, very good, first-rate, excellent; distinguished, deserving; learned, erudite. As the day of the Badí‘ week, Faḍíl: grace, favour.
Fadila, Fada’il Faḍíla, pl. Faḍá’il moral excellence, excellent quality, virtue; merit, advantage, excellence, exquisiteness
Fadilabad (Fazelabad) Fáḍilábád 28 km ENE of Gurgán (SE corner of the Caspian Sea), Iran
Fadil-i-Qa’ini Fáḍil-i-Qá’iní the Learned One of the Qá’in. A district in the province of Khurásán
Fadl (Fazl), Fudul Faḍl, pl. Fuḍúl surplus, excess, superfluity, overflow; leftover, remainder, remnant, rest; matter of secondary importance, subordinate matter;—pl. that which is superfluous, redundant or in excess, a surplus, superfluity; waste, refuse; droppings, excrement. Persian (ẓ may be used instead of ḍ): faḍlat, faḍla.
Fadlu’llah Faḍlu’lláh Grace of God
Fahandizh Fahandizh Pers. a family name
Fahd, Fuhud, Afhud Fahd, pl. Fuhúd, Afhud lynx (also the term for cheetah and panther)
Fahima, Fahm, Faham Fahima, Fahm, Faham to understand, comprehend, realize (something); to note (something), take note, take cognizance (of something); to hear, learn (of something from), be informed (of something by)
Faid (Faiz) Fai
(Faiẓ) Pers. of Fayḍ, hence Faiẓí. being plentiful, copious (water, tears); being brim-full (vessel or river); being published, spread (news), divulged (secret); dying, expiring, death; emanation; plenty, abundance; favour, grace, bounty
Fajr Fajr dawn, daybreak, morning twilight; dawn (figuratively), beginning, outset, start; (fem.) morning prayer (Islamic Law)
Fakara, Fakr Fakara (Fakr) to reflect, meditate, cogitate, ponder, muse, speculate (on), revolve in ones mind, think over, contemplate, consider (something) form V to reflect, meditate, cogitate, ponder, muse, speculate (on), revolve in ones mind, think, over, contemplate, consider (something); to think (of) forms V & VIII to remember, recall, recollect (someone, something)
Fakhara, Fakhr, Fakhar Fakhara, Fakhr, Fakhar, Fakhár glory, pride, honour
Fakhkhar Fakhkhár (fired) clay; earthenware, crockery, pottery. Tell ‘Akká (inaccurately also called Tell al-Fakhkhár (Hill of Shards) or Napoleon’s Hill.
Fakhru’d-Dawlih Fakhru’d-Dawlih (MF)
Fakhru’d-Din Fakhru’d-Dín (Fakr ed Din)
Fakhru’sh-Shuhada’ Fakhru’sh-Shuhadá’ (Pride of Martyrs) Note final Hamza
Fakhura Fákhúra pottery, earthenware manufactory
Falah Faláḥ thriving, prosperity; salvation; welfare; success
Falaq Falaq daybreak, dawn
Falsafa Falsafa to philosophize; philosophy
Falsafi Falsafí Pers. philosophical; a philosopher
Fana Faná’ passing away, cessation of being; perdition, ruin, destruction, annihilation; evanescence, vanishing, termination, extinction; exhaustion; nonbeing, nonexistence, nonentity; extinction of individual consciousness, recedence of the ego, obliteration of the self (myst.). See Baqá’
Fana’ Fi’lláh Faná’ Fí’lláh the annihilation of self in God (Remembrance of God, p. 5, Scholl)
Fana’ wa Baqa Faná wa Baqá’ annihilation and subsistence (Remembrance of God, p. 5, Scholl)
Fanan, Afnan Fanan, pl. Afnán bough or twig. Denotes the male relatives of the Báb
Fani Fání Pers. frail, transitory, perishable, inconstant; tottering (old man); (in the parlance of the Sufis) one who has reached the state of fanáʼ, or annihilation
Faqih, Fuqaha Faqíh, pl. Fuqahá legist, jurisprudent (and theologian), expert of fiqh
Faqir Faqír, pl. Fuqara’ poor one, from faqr
Faqnas Faqnas phoenix
Faqr Faqr poverty; need, lack, want
Far’, Furu’, Afru’ Far‘, pl. Furú‘, Afru‘ twig, branch, bough, limb, (also colloquial) branches, twigs; derivative; section, subdivision; branch office, subsidiary establishment, branch; branch line, feeder line; branch wire (electricity)
Farab Fáráb village 60 km south of Ardabíl, Iran
Farabi Fárábí Abú Naṣr Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Al Fárábí (known in West as Alpharabius). Renowned Arab philosopher and jurist. Born in Fáráb or Fáryáb.
Faraburz, Fariburz Faráburz, Faríburz Pers. glorious and mighty. Name of a mighty champion and minister of Iran.
Farada, Faruda, Furud Farada and Faruda (Furúd) to be single, be alone; to be singular, be unique;—farada (furúd) to withdraw, retire, segregate (from)
Faraghih (Farugh) Farághih (Faraghe, Faragheh) village 160 km SW Yazd
Farah, Afrah Faraḥ, pl. Afráḥ joy, gladness, glee, gaiety, hilarity, mirth, exhilaration, merriment, happiness; wedding;—pl. feast of rejoicing, celebration, festival, festivity; wedding (feast)
Farah-Abad Faraḥ-Ábád “The Fair Abode of Joy”, palace near Tehran that was built by Muẓaffari’d-Dín
Farahan Faráhán merry, gay, cheerful, joyful, glad, delighted, happy. County in Markazi Province, Iran.
Farahmand, Farhmand, Farhamand Farahmand, Farhmand, Farhamand Pers. intelligent, wise; near
Faraj Faraj freedom from grief or sorrow, release from suffering; joy; relaxation; relief, ease, repose, pleasure, comfort; happy ending
Faraju’llah Dhaki al Kurdi Faraju’lláh Dhakí al Kurdí see Zakíy
Faraju’llah Tafrishi Faraju’lláh Tafríshí (MF) (from Tafrísh)
Faraju’llah Faraju’lláh God’s relief or rescue
Faramarz Farámarz
Faramush Fáramúsh Forgetfulness
Faramush-Khanih Farámúsh-Khánih Pers. house of oblivion, Freemasonry headquarters, a corruption of franc-maçonnerie (Freemasonry)
Faran Fárán Pers. Small village in Ardistán
Farang, Firing Farang (hence Farangí), Firing Pers. from old French word franc (“Frank”), an Italian, European; a Christian; all nations that wear short garments; ruddy, of pleasing aspect; a galley. See afranj and ifranjí
Faraqa, Farq, Furqan Faraqa (Farq, Furqán) to separate, part, divide, sever, sunder (something); to make a distinction (between), distinguish, differentiate, discriminate (between). See Furqan
Faraqlit Fáraqlít Pers. The Comforter, Paraclete
Farasha, Farashah, Farashun Farásha (n. Faráshun), Pers. Farásháh moth; butterfly; flighty, fickle person. Farásháh (now Islámiyih, Eslamiyeh) is a town SW of Yazd, Iran
Faraz Faráz Pers. above, up, upon, on, upwards, aloft, on the top; above and below, up and down; back, behind; after, hereafter
Farazistan Farázistán The heavenly world, title of a volume by Muḥammad Ismá’íl Khán
Farda Fardá Pers. tomorrow. A reply sometimes given to creditors since it never arrives.
Farhad Farhád Pers. elation, happiness
Farhand Farhand Pers. an excavation formed by a torrent; an artificial canal newly dug; a ditch; a stream above ground flowing from one spot to another; a subterraneous canal which works its way from one well to another; anything falling to pieces from age.
Farhang Farhang Pers. good-breeding; greatness; excellence; gravity; wisdom, science; jurisprudence, a dictionary, lexicon, vocabulary, glossary; a vine-branch bent under ground, so that the other extremity shoots up at a distance from the other trunk; a subterraneous canal
Farhangi Farhangí Pers. A preceptor, tutor, teacher, instructor; a man learned in the law.
Farid Faríd alone, lone, lonely, solitary; singular, unique, matchless, peerless, unrivaled, incomparable
Farid Fáriḍ old, advanced in years
Farida, Fara’id Fará’id, pl. Fará’íd precious pearl, precious gem, solitaire; (e.g.) quire (of paper). Mírzá Fa
l’s Kitábu’l-Fará’íd (Book of peerless gems)
Faridu’d-Din ‘Attar Farídu’d-Dín ‘Aṭṭár Great Persian mystic poet “the druggist”
Fariq, Fawariq Fáriq, pl. Fawáriq distinguishing, differential, distinctive, discriminative, separative; (pl.) a separating or distinctive factor; distinctive characteristic, criterion; difference, distinction, dissimilarity, disparity
Faris, Fawaris Fáris, pl. Fawáris Pers. mounted upon any solid-hoofed animal; a horseman, a cavalier; a lion; the Persians; Persia.
Farma Farmá one who issues orders. From the infinitive Farmúdan (to bid, to order), but never used alone, i.e. Farmán-Farmá, the one who establishes order; the Governor.
Farma Farma Pers. violet
Farmahin, Farahan Farmahín, Farahán Farmahín is in Farahán County and is 40 km north of Arák, Iran
Farman, Firman, Faraman Farmán, Pers. also Firmán, pl. Farámán royal decree, command, order or edict. Ar. plural also Faramát or Farámín
Farman-Farma Farmán-Farmá the one who establishes or issues the order; the commander or governor. Title of Prince Ḥusayn ‘Alí Mírzá, grandson of Fatḥ-‘Alí-Sháh
Farmaniyyih Farmáníyyih (“Farmanieh”) once a garden named after Prince Ḥusayn ‘Alí Mírzá, now a district in NE of Teheran
Farnush Farnúsh
Farrash, Farrashun Farrásh, pl. Farráshún literally a carpet-spreader; attendant and footman.
Farrash-Bashi Farrásh-Báshí Head farrásh
Farrukh Farrukh Pers. Beautiful-faced; happy, fortunate
Fars Fárs A southern province of Írán, from which the name Persia derives.
Fars Fárs Pers. Persia, Parthia. Párs is the the proper and original name of this country, Arabs, who have not the letter p in their language, replaced it by an F: Fárs
Farsakh, Farasikh Farsakh, pl. Farásikh Pers. A parasang, a league, about 18,000 feet in length; an hour; a long time; an interval; a chink, cleft; quiet, repose; perpetual; much.
Farsang Farsang Pers. A parsang, league, about 5.5 km—the distance a laden mule can travel in an hour. Derived from the Persian parsang (stone, sang, placed by the road).
Farsh, Furush Farsh, pl. Furúsh furnishing; furniture, household effects; mat, rug, carpet; anything spread on the ground as bedding; foundation (architecture)
Farsh, Furush Farsh, pl. Furúsh furnishing; furniture, household effects; mat, rug, carpet; anything spread on the ground as bedding; foundation (architechture)
Farsi Fársí modern Persian
Fars-Namih Fárs-Námih
Faruhar Farúhar
Faryab (or Firyab) Fáryáb or Fíryáb “lands irrigated by diversion of river water”. Village 140 km NE of Bandar Abbas, Iran
Farzanih-Mu’ayyad Farzánih-Mu’ayyad
Fasa Fasá name of a district and village west of Isfahan, Iran
Fashar, Fishar Fashar, Fishár Pers. a scattering; diffusion; compression, constriction, squeezing; the piercing of one thing with another
Fasih, Fusaha’, Fisah, Fusuh Faṣíḥ, pl. Fuṣaḥá’, Fiṣáḥ, Fuṣuḥ pure, good Arabic (language), literary; skilful in using the correct literary language; clear, plain, distinct, intelligible (language, speech); fluent, eloquent
Fasiq, Fasiqun, Fussaq, Fasaqa Fásiq, pl. Fásiqún, Fussáq, Fasaqa godless, sinful, dissolute, wanton, licentious, profligate, vicious, iniquitous, nefarious; trespasser, offender, sinner; fornicator, adulterer; a person not meeting the legal requirements of righteousness (Islamic Law)
Fasl, Fusul Faṣl, pl. Fuṣúl parting, disjunction, detachment, severance, sunderance, cutting off; separation; division, partition; discharge, dismissal.—plural: section, part; chapter; act (of a play); movement (of a symphony, etc.); article (in a newspaper); class, grade (school); season.
Fasl al-Khitab, Faslu’l-Khitab Faṣl al-Khiṭáb, Pers. Faṣlu’l-Khiṭáb “sound or unmistakable judgement” (Fassl-ul-Khitab). The Conclusive Proof or The Decisive Decree by Mírzá Faḍl
Fassala, Fussila Faṣṣala, Fuṣṣila to detail, to enumerate; to expound, to elucidate, to explain; to make understandable, to clarify; to be made distinct
Fata Fatá’ youth, adolescence
Fata’l-Malih Fata’l-Malíḥ
Fata’l-Qazvini Fata’l-Qazvíní
Fataha, Fath, Futuh, Futuhat Fataḥa, Fatḥ, pl. Futuḥ, Futuḥát to open (something); to turn on (a faucet); to switch on, turn on (an apparatus); to dig (a canal); to build (a road); to open, preface, introduce, begin (something); to conquer, capture (something); to reveal, disclose (to someone or something); to grant victory or success (to someone over or in something; of God). Plural: conquest; victory, triumph; alms; donations, contributions
Fatama, Fatm Faṭama, Faṭm to wean (an infant or a young animal)
Fath-’Ali Shah Fatḥ-‘Alí Sháh A Qájár king, father of Muḥammad Sháh.
Fath-’Ali Fatḥ-‘Alí
Fath-al-Futuh Fatḥ-al-Futúḥ Victory of Victories
Fath-i-A’zam Fatḥ-i-A‘ẓam “Fatheazam”
Fathu’llah Fatḥu’lláh “Victory of God”
Fathu’llah-i-Hakkak Fatḥu’lláh-i-Ḥakkák
Fathu’llah-i-Hakkak-i-Qumi Fatḥu’lláh-i-Ḥakkák-i-Qumí
Fathu’llah-i-Qumi Fatḥu’lláh-i-Qumí
Fatih Fátiḥ opener; beginner; conqueror, victor; light (colour)
Fatiha, Fawatih Fátiḥa, pl. Fawátiḥ start, opening, beginning, commencement, inception, incipience; introduction, preface, preamble, proem. Al-Fátiḥa (or Al-Sab‘a Al Matḥání (the seven oft-repeated) since the verses of Al-Fátiḥa must be read in every prayer) is the first surah (with 7 verses) of the Qur’án. See Qur’án 15:87.
Fatim, Futum Faṭím, pl. Fuṭum weaned
Fatima, Fatimih or Fatimah Fáṭima (Fáṭimah), Pers, Fáṭimih (“One who weans”) Fem. of ‘Fátim’. Fáṭima was the daughter of the Prophet Muḥammad and wife of the Imám ‘Alí. Fáṭimih-Bagum was the mother of the Báb. Fáṭimih Khánum (referred to as Mahd-i-‘Ulyá) (second wife of Bahá’u’lláh—daughter Ṣamadíyyih, son Muḥammad, son Ḍíyá’u’lláh, and son Badí’u’lláh)
Fatimi Fáṭimí Fatimid (adj. and n.). Not Fáṭimid
Fatimiy-i-Ma’sumih Fáṭimiy-i-Ma‘ṣúmih DB 224 incorrect
Fatiq Fatíq unstitched, ripped, ripped open, slit, rent, torn; sharp
Fatir Fáṭir Originator or Creator (God)
Fatra, Fatarat Fatra, Fatarát lassitude, languor, listlessness, slackness, weakness, feebleness, debility; tepidity, indifference, coolness (of a feeling); (pl.) interval of time, intermission, pause; period, spell, while
Fattah Faṭṭáḥ The Opener or The Opening. Derived from Fataḥa. al-Faṭṭáḥ is one of the names of God.
Fatwa, Fatva (Pers.), Fatawa Fatwá, pl. Fatáwá A judgement or sentence made by a Muslim muftí (and court)
Fayd (Faid, Faiz), Fayz, Fuyud Fayḍ, Pers. Fayẓ, pl. Fuyúḍ flood, inundation, deluge; emanation; superabundance, plenty, copiousness, abundance; (pl.) stream
Faydi (Faidi, Faizi), Fayzi Fayḍí, Pers. Fayẓí e.g. Afnán Fayḍí
Fayd-i-Aqdas Fayḍ-i-Aqdas (“most holy outpouring”) Signifies revelation in the realm of absolute divine unity itself.
Fayd-i-Muqaddas Fayḍ-i-Muqaddas (“holy outpouring”) and “most holy outpouring” (fayḍ-i-aqdas), as symbols of differential stages of divine revelation (as discussed in The Kitáb-i-Íqán), may also be inferred from the title of The Kitáb-i-Aqdas. Fayḍ-i-Muqaddas signifies revelation and manifestation of the divine in the realm of creation. See Faiḍ.
Faydu’llah (Fazu’llah) Fayḍu’lláh Abundance from God
Fayha Fayḥá’ now known as Damascus (Summons of the Lord of Hosts, para. 252)
Fi Khalali and Fi Khilali Fí Khalali and Fí Khiláli during; in the course of, within, in a given period of
Fi Fí (prep.) in; at; on; near, by; within, during; among, in the company of, with; about, on; concerning, regarding, with reference to, with regard or respect to, as to dealing with, treating of, consisting in (in book titles); for the sake of, on behalf of, because of, for; according to; in proportion to.
Fi’l Fi‘l, pl. Af‘ál, Afá‘íl activity, doing, work, action, performance; function;—(pl. af‘ál, fi‘ál) deed, act, action; effect, impact;—(pl. af‘ál) verb (gram.);—(pl. afá‘íl) great deeds, exploits, feats; machinations
Fi’s-Suluk Fi’s-Sulúk I and II “On the Virtuous Journey” (by the Báb) [elided form of: fí as-Sulúk]
Fida’ Fidá’ redemption, ransoming; ransom; price (one has to pay for something), sacrifice (one makes for something).
Fidal Fi
ál [Ar.] grace. Name given to Tuesday in Badí‘ calendar
Fiddih, (Fidda, Fizza) Fiḍḍih (Pers. fem.) Maid of the wife of the Báb. Ar. Fiḍḍa (silver). In Pers. may be written as Fiẓẓa.
Fikr Fikr meditation or reflection
Fil, Fiyala, Fuyul, Afyal Fíl, pl. Fiyala, Fuyúl, Afyál (ivory) elephant; bishop (chess)
Fin Fín Fín Garden in Káshán, Írán
Findik Findík Turkish “hazelnut”
Fiqh Fiqh understanding, comprehension; knowledge. Islamic jurisprudence
Firaydan (Faridan, Feredan) Firaydán (alt. pronunciation Farídán) Pers. county in Iṣfahán Province. The capital of the county is Dárán (or Dárún).
Firaydani (Faridani, Feredani) Firaydání person from Firaydán
Firaydun Firaydún an ancient Persian king.
Firayjat Firayját a place where Bahá’u’lláh stayed. It is 5 km north of the Riḍván Garden, Baghdad.
Firdaws, al-; Faradis al-Firdaws fem., pl. Farádís paradise
Firdawsi Firdawsí paradisiacal, heavenly
Firdaws-i-A’la Firdaws-i-A‘lá “Supreme Paradise”
Firishta, Firishtih, Firishtagan Firishta, Fem. Firishtih, pl. Firishtagán Pers. an angel; a messenger, apostle. See Ar. Mal’ak/Malak
Firman Firmán Pers. See Farmán
Firuz Fírúz victorious, triumphant, prosperous, successful; victory; prosperity; the third of the five supplemental days added to the Persian year; name of several Persian kings. See Ẓáfir
Firuzabad Fírúzábád city 85 km south of Shiraz
Firuz-Kuh, Firuzkuh Fírúz-Kúh or Fírúzkúh village 125 km east of Teheran
Fishar-i-Qabr Fishár-i-Qabr Pers. constriction in the grave. Promised after death tortures leading to a fear of being squeezed in the grave.
Fitna, Fitan Fitna, Pers. Fitnah, pl. Fitan temptation, trial; charm, attractiveness; enchantment, captivation, fascination, enticement, temptation; infatuation; intrigue; sedition, riot, discord, dissension, civil strife. Occurs when a Manifestation appears. See also Imtiḥán.
Fitr Fiṭr Breaking fast, alms giving at ‘Íd al-Fiṭr Muslim festival marking the end of Ramaḍán
Fitra Fitr, pl. Aftár small span (the space between the end of the thumb and the end of the index finger when extended); corner
Fitrat Fitrat [Ar.] There are several meanings: original Reality, creating and gap. Also the interval between two prophets, or the time between the martyrdom of the Báb and the rise of Bahá’u’lláh.
Fizan, Fezzan, Fizzan Fízán (turk), Fizzán (Ar.) (Fezzan) south-western region of Libya
Fu’ad, Af’ida Fu’ád, pl. Af’ida heart (Fuad)
Fu’adiyyih Fu’ádíyyih Daughter of Bahá’u’lláh and Munírih Khánum
Fulad, Fuladi Fúlád, adj. Fúládí and Fuládí steel, of steel, made of steel; steely, steel-like, steel-hard
Fulan, Fulana Fulán, fem. Fulána (substituting for an unnamed or unspecified person or thing) so and so
Fulk Fulk (m. and f.) ship, (also coll.) ships; Ark (as in Noah’s)
Funduq, Funduqa (Findik) Funduq, Funduqa Pers. hazelnut of filbert-nut; a nut good against the sting of a scorpion; a ball for cannon, musketry, or cross-bow. Ar. Bunduq, Turk. Findík
Funun Funún (Arts and technology) Plural of ‘fan’.
Furat Furát Pers. very fine, sweet water or waters; the river Euphrates; the sea
Furqan Furqán proof, evidence, discriminator. An important attribute of al-Qur’án (see 2:185) is that of distinction (Furqán), for the word Qur’án describes how al-Qur’án is recited, whereas the word Furqán describes the criterion that distinguishes between truth (Ḥaqq) and falsehood (Báṭil) (see 25:1). Name of súra 25.
Furugh Furúgh (Pers.) splendour, light, brightness, flame
Furughi Furúghí (Forooghy)
Furughiyyih Furúghíyyih
Furuh Furuh and Furúh a troop or squadron; a sect; strayed sheep
Furuhi Furúhí
Furutan Furútan (“The humble”)
Fususu’l-Hikam Fuṣúṣu’l-Ḥikam (The Bezels of Wisdom by Ibnu’l-‘Arabí)
Futuhat-i-Makkiyyih Futúḥát-i-Makkíyyih by Shaykh Ibnu’l-‘Arabí. See Fataḥa and Makkí
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