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Nuclear fragmentation: Sampling the instabilities of binary systems

Baran V, Colonna M, Di Toro M, Greco V.

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, Volume 86 (20), Pages 4492-4495 (MAY 2001)

*1 Asymmetric nuclear matter and its instabilities,Avancini SS, Menezes DP, Brito L, et al., BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 35 (3B): 832-834 (SEP 2005)[Enter] *2 Electromigration in copper damascene interconnects: reservoir effects and failure analysis,Shao W, Vairagar A, Tung CH, et al., SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY 198 (1-3): 257-261 (AUG 2005)[Enter] *3 Isospin fluctuations in spinodal decomposition,Colonna M, Matera F, PHYSICAL REVIEW C 71 (6): Art. No. 064605 (JUN 2005)[Enter] *4 Isotopic trends in nuclear multifragmentation, Veselsky M, PHYSICS OF PARTICLES AND NUCLEI 36 (2): 213-232 (MAR-APR 2005)[Enter] *5 Nuclear liquid-gas phase transition and supernovae evolution,Margueron J, Navarro J, Blottiau P, PHYSICAL REVIEW C 70 (2): Art. No. 028801 (AUG 2004)[Enter] *6 Instabilities in asymmetric nuclear matter,Avancini SS, Brito L, Menezes DP, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW C 70 (1): Art. No. 015203 (JUL 2004)[Enter] *7 Isoscaling in peripheral nuclear collisions around the Fermi energy and a signal of chemical separation from its excitation energy dependence,Veselsky M, Souliotis GA, Yennello SJ, PHYSICAL REVIEW C 69 (3): Art. No. 031602 (MAR 2004)[Enter] *8 Coupled collective motion in nuclear reactions,Chomaz P, Simenel C, NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 731: 188-201 (FEB 2004)[Enter] *9 Isotope yields from central Sn-112,Sn-124+Sn-112,Sn-124 collisions: Dynamical emission?,Liu TX, van Goethem MJ, Liu XD, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW C 69 (1): Art. No. 014603 (JAN 2004)[Enter] *10 Exploring proton rich systems and Coulomb induced instabilities,Lee SJ, Mekjian AZ, PHYSICS LETTERS B 580 (3-4): 137-143 (FEB 2004)[Enter] *11 Nuclear spinodal fragmentation, Chomaz P, Colonna M, Randrup J, PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS 389 (5-6): 263-440 (JAN 2004)[Enter] *12 Liquid-gas phase transition and instabilities in two-component systems with asymmetric interaction, Lee SJ, Mekjian AZ, PHYSICAL REVIEW C 68 (1): Art. No. 014608 (JUL 2003)[Enter] *13 Chemical and mechanical spinodals a unique liquid-gas instability,Chomaz P, Margueron J, NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 722: 315C-320C (JUL 2003)[Enter] *14 A unique spinodal region in asymmetric nuclear matter, Margueron J, Chomaz P, PHYSICAL REVIEW C 67 (4): Art. No. 041602 (APR 2003)[Enter] *15 Collective modes of asymmetric nuclear matter in quantum hadrodynamics, Greco V, Colonna M, Di Toro M, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW C 67 (1): Art. No. 015203 (JAN 2003)[Enter] *16 Constraint molecular dynamics and results on isotopic distributions produced in heavy ion collision - The Sn+Ni systems,Papa M, Bonasera A, Cardella G, et al., ACTA PHYSICA HUNGARICA NEW SERIES-HEAVY ION PHYSICS 16 (1-4): 223-232 (2002)[Enter] *17 Mechanical and chemical instabilities in nuclear matter,Liu B, Lu CD, Guo H, et al., HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION 26 (10): 1056-1064 (OCT 2002)[Enter] *18 The isospin distribution of fragments in reactions Ru-96+Ru-96, Ru-96+Zr-96, Zr-96+Ru-96, and Zr-96+Zr-96 at beam energy 400 AMeV,Li QF, Li ZX, MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A 17 (7): 375-385 (MAR 2002)[Enter] *19 Mechanical and chemical spinodal instabilities in finite quantum systems, Colonna M, Chomaz P, Ayik S, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 88 (12): Art. No. 122701 (MAR 2002)[Enter] *20 Probing mechanical and chemical instabilities in neutron-rich matter,Li BA, Sustich AT, Tilley M, et al., NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 699 (3-4): 493-510 (MAR 2002)[Enter] *21 Isospin dependence of mechanical and chemical instabilities in neutron-rich matter, Li BA, Sustich AT, Tilley M, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW C 64 (5): Art. No. 051303 (NOV 2001)[Enter]



Coulomb energy differences in T=1 mirror rotational bands in 50Fe and 50Cr

S.M.Lenzi, N.Marginean, D.R.Napoli, C.A.Ur, A.P.Zuker, Angelis, A.Algora, M.Axiotis, D.Bazzacco, N.Belcari, M.A.Bentley, P.G.Bizzeti, A.Bizzeti-Sona, F.Brandolini, P. von Brentano, D.Bucurescu, J.A.Cameron, C.Chandler, M.De Poli, A.Dewald, H.Eberth, E.Farnea, A.Gadea, J.Garces-Narro, W.Gelletly, H.Grawe, R.Isocrate, D.T.Joss, C.A.Kalfas, T.Klug, T.Lampman, S.Lunardi, T.Martinez, G.Martinez-Pinedo, R.Menegazzo, J.Nyberg, Zs.Podolyak, A.Poves, R.V.Ribas, C.Rossi Alvarez, B.Rubio, J.Sancez-Solano, P.Spolaore, T.Steinhardt, O.Thelen, D.Tonev, A.Vitturi, W. von Oertzen, M.Weiszfolg

Physical Review Letters 87(2001)122501

*1 - N.Pietralla, Physical Review C65(2002)024317 *2 - D.Tonev, Physical Review C65(2002)034314 *3 - M.A.Bentley, Revista Mexicana de Fisica 48, Suppl. 2(2002)123 *4 - M.A.Bentley, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 52(2002)C597 *5 - S.Thummerer, Journal of Physics G29(2003)509 *6 - X.H.Zhong, High Energ. Phys. Nucl. 27(2003)598 *7 - S.J.Williams, Physical Review C68(2003)011304 *8 - J.Ekman, Physical Review Letters 92(2004)132502 *9 - W.Korten, European Physical Journal A20(2004)5 *10 - J.Ekman, Physical Review C70(2004)014306 *11 - L.L.Andersson, Physical Review C71(2005)011303 *12 - P.Reiter, Acta Physica Polonica B36(2005)1259 *13 - D.Rudolph, Nuclear Physics A752(2005)241C




FOCUS Collaboration (J.M. Link, ..,D.Pantea, .., et al.)


*1) SEARCH FOR T VIOLATION IN CHARM MESON DECAYS. By FOCUS Collaboration (J.M. Link et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-05-222-E, Jun 2005. 17pp. Published in Phys.Lett.B622:239-248,2005 e-Print Archive: hep-ex/0506012 *2) CHARM HADRONIC DECAYS. By FOCUS Collaboration (K. Cho for the collaboration). 2005. 6pp. Prepared for 6th International Conference on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons (BEACH 2004), Chicago, Illinois, 27 Jun - 3 Jul 2004. Published in Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl.142:138-143,2005 Also in *Chicago 2004, Hyperons, charm and beauty hadrons* 138-143 *3) CONFERENCE SUMMARY: 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HYPERONS, CHARM, AND BEAUTY HADRONS (BEACH04). By Joel N. Butler (Fermilab),. FERMILAB-PUB-04-342-E, Dec 2004. 29pp. Prepared for 6th International Conference on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons (BEACH 2004), Chicago, Illinois, 27 Jun - 3 Jul 2004. Published in Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl.142:467-495,2005 Also in *Chicago 2004, Hyperons, charm and beauty hadrons* 467-495 *4) RESULTS OF EXPERIMENT FOCUS ON DIRECT CP VIOLATION WITH CHARM D MESONS, D0 MIXING AND LIFETIME DIFFERENCE. By Focus Collaboration (G. Boca for the collaboration). 2004. 5pp. Prepared for Hadron 03: 10th International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy, Aschaffenburg, Germany, 31 Aug - 6 Sep 2003. Published in AIP Conf.Proc.717:576-580,2004 Also in *Aschaffenburg 2003, Hadron spectroscopy* 576-580 *5) STUDY OF HADRONIC FIVE BODY DECAYS OF CHARMED MESONS INVOLVING K0(S). By FOCUS Collaboration (J.M. Link et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-03-341-E, Oct 2003. 10pp. Published in Phys.Lett.B586:191-197,2004 e-Print Archive: hep-ex/0310051 *6) RECENT RESULTS IN CHARM MESON DECAYS. By FOCUS Collaboration (J.M. Link for the collaboration). 2002. Prepared for 5th KEK Topical Conference: Frontiers in Flavor Physics (KEKTC5), Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, 20-22 Nov 2001. Published in Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl.111:206-212,2002 Also in *Tsukuba 2001, Frontiers in flavor physics* 206-212 *7) THE TARGET SILICON DETECTOR FOR THE FOCUS SPECTROMETER. By FOCUS Collaboration (J.M. Link et al.). FERMILAB-PUB-02-069-E, Apr 2002. 18pp. Published in Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A516:364-376,2004 e-Print Archive: hep-ex/0204023



Investigating the phase diagram of finite extensive and nonextensive systems

Raduta AH, Raduta AR

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 87 (20): Art. No. 202701 NOV 12 2001

+1 Critical behavior in light nuclear systems: Experimental aspects,Ma YG, Natowitz JB, Wada R, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW C 71 (5): Art. No. 054606 MAY 2005 +2 Ambiguities in statistical calculations of nuclear fragmentation, Samaddar SK, De JN, Bonasera A, PHYSICAL REVIEW C 71 (1): Art. No. 011601 JAN 2005 +3 Finite size scalings and the nuclear liquid-gas phase transition, Helgesson J, Ghetti R, Moretto LG, et al., NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 734: 549-552 APR 5 2004 +4 Role of Coulomb interaction in fragmentation, Ison MJ, Dorso CO, PHYSICAL REVIEW C 69 (2): Art. No. 027001 FEB 2004 +5 Relationships between caloric curves and the critical point of nucleonic matter, Natowitz JB, Hagel K, Ma Y, et al., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS E-NUCLEAR PHYSICS 13 (1): 269-275 FEB 2004 +6 Comment on "Investigating the phase diagram of finite extensive and nonextensive systems", Botvina AS, Mishustin IN, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 90 (17): Art. No. 179201 MAY 2 2003 +7 Critical behavior in a microcanonical multifragmentation model, Raduta AH, Raduta AR, Chomaz P, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW C 65 (3): Art. No. 034606 MAR 2002



Radiative Proton Capture on 6He

E.Sauvan, F.M.Marques, H.W.Wilschut, N.A.Orr, J.C.Angelique, C.Borcea, W.N.Catford, N.M.Clarke, P.Descouvemont, J.Diaz, S.Grevy, A.Kugler, V.Kravchuk, M.Labiche, C.Le Brun, E.Lienard, H.Lohner, W.Mittig, R.W.Ostendorf, S.Pietri, P.Roussel-Chomaz, M.G.Saint Laurent, H.Savajols, V.Wagner, N.Yahlali

Phys.Rev.Lett. 87, 042501

1* Giot, L Roussel-Chomaz, P Demonchy, CE Mittig, W Savajols, H Alamanos, N Auger, F Gillibert, A Jouanne, C Lapoux, V Nalpas, L Pollacco, EC Sida, JL Skaza, F Cortina-Gil, MD Fernandez-Vasquez, J Mackintosh, RS Pakou, A Pita, S Rodin, A Stepantsov, S Ter Akopian, GM Rusek, K Thompson, IJ Wolski, R TI Investigation of He-6 cluster structures SO PHYSICAL REVIEW C PD JUN PY 2005 VL 71 2* Orr, N TI Clustering and correlations in neutron haloes SO PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT PY 2002 IS 146 BP 201 3* Tilley, DR Cheves, CM Godwin, JL Hale, GM Hofmann, HM Kelley, JH Sheu, CG Weller, HR TI Energy levels of light nuclei A=5, 6, 7 SO NUCLEAR PHYSICS A PD SEP 23 PY 2002 VL 708 4* Marques, FM TI Probing few-body correlations in light, neutron-rich nuclei SO FEW-BODY SYSTEMS PY 2002 VL 31 IS 2-4 BP 145 EP 150 5* Gupta, RK Kumar, S Balasubramaniam, M Munzenberg, G Scheid, W The cluster-core model for the halo structure of light nuclei at the drip lines SO JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS PD APR PY 2002 VL 28 6* Lohner, H CA TAPS Collaboration TI Coherence effects in nuclear bremsstrahlung SO ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B MAR PY 2002 VL 33



Random interactions in the geometric collective model and the E(5) potential

Jing-ye Zhang, N.V. Zamfir, R.F. Casten, and M.A. Caprio

PHYSICAL REVIEW C64 (1): Art. No. 017302 JUL 2001

* Zhao YM, et al. PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS 400 (1): 1-66 OCT 2004 * Pietralla N, Gorbachenko OM PHYSICAL REVIEW C 70 (1): Art. No. 011304 JUL 2004 * Zhao YM, Arima A PHYSICAL REVIEW C 66 (6): Art. No. 064323 DEC 2002 * Zhao YM, et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW C 66 (4): Art. No. 041301 OCT 2002 * Caprio MA PHYSICAL REVIEW C 65 (3): Art. No. 031304 MAR 2002 * Caprio MA, et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW C 65 (3): Art. No. 034304 MAR 2002



Investigating the phase diagram of finite extensive and nonextensive systems

Al. H. Raduta and Ad. R. Raduta

Physical Review Letters, 87, 202701

1. Xing YZ, Jian-Ye L, Guo WJ, et al. The isospin effects on the momentum dissipation induced by the Coulomb interaction in the process of heavy-ion collissions ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 54 (4): 1538-1542 APR 2005 Times Cited: 0 2. Naudts J Boltzmann entropy and the microcanonical ensemble EUROPHYSICS LETTERS 69 (5): 719-724 MAR 2005 Times Cited: 0 3. Chen JS, Li JR, Jin M Novel effects of electromagnetic interaction on the correlation of nucleons in nuclear matter PHYSICS LETTERS B 608 (1-2): 39-46 FEB 17 2005 Times Cited: 0 4. Liu JY, Guo WJ, Xing YZ, et al. Isospin effect of Coulomb interaction on momentum dissipation in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 21 (10): 1914-1917 OCT 2004 Times Cited: 0 5. Liu JY, Guo WJ, Xing YZ, et al. Isospin effect of Coulomb interaction on the dissipation and f ragmentation in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions PHYSICAL REVIEW C 70 (3): Art. No. 034610 SEP 2004 Times Cited: 0



Collective dipole Bremsstrahlung in fusion reactions

Baran V, Brink DM, Colonna M, Di Toro M

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, Volume 87 (18): Art. No. 182501 (OCT 2001)

*1 Coherent and incoherent giant dipole resonance gamma-ray emission induced by heavy ion collisions: Study of the Ca-40+Ca-48 system by means of the constrained molecular dynamics model,Papa M, Bonanno A, Amorini F, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW C 68 (3): Art. No. 034606 (SEP 2003)[Enter] *2 Low energy reactions with unstable nuclei, Brink D, PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT (146): 299-308 (2002)[Enter] *3 Limiting excitation energy for GDR gamma decay, Tudisco S, Cardella G, Amorini F, et al., EUROPHYSICS LETTERS 58 (6): 811-817 (JUN 2002) *4 Pre-equilibrium gamma-ray emission induced in the Ca-40+Ca-48 system at 10 MeV/nucleon and isospin equilibration processes, Papa M, Tian WD, Giuliani G, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW C 72 (6): Art. No. 064608 (DEC 2005)



Coulomb energy differences in T=1 mirror rotational bands in Fe-50 and Cr-50

Lenzi, SM; Marginean, N; Napoli, DR; Ur, CA; Zuker, AP; de Angelis, G; Algora, A; Axiotis, M; Bazzacco, D; Belcari, N; Bentley, MA; Bizzetti, PG; Bizzeti-Sona, A; Brandolini, F; von Brentano, P; Bucurescu, D; Cameron, JA; Chandler, C; De Poli, M; Dewald, A; Eberth, H; Farnea, E; Gadea, A; Garces-Narro, J; Gelletly, W; Grawe, H; Isocrate, R; Joss, DT; Kalfas, CA; Klug, T; Lampman, T; Lunardi, S; Martinez, T; Martinez-Pinedo, G; Menegazzo, R; Nyberg, J; Podolyak, Z; Poves, A; Ribas, RV; Alvarez, CR; Rubio, B; Sanchez-Solano, J; Spolaore, P; Steinhardt, T; Thelen, O; Tonev, D; Vitturi, A; von Oertzen, W; Weiszflog, M

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 87 (12): Art. No. 122501 SEP 17 2001




Event-by-event fluctuations of the kaon-to-pion ratio in central Pb plus Pb collisions at 158 GeV per nucleon

Afanasiev, SV; ........; Ivanov M;.............(NA49 Collaboration)

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 86 (10): 1965-1969 MAR 5 2001




Evidence for spinodal decomposition in nuclear multifragmentation

Borderie, B; Tabacaru, G; Chomaz, P; Colonna, M; Guarnera, A; Parlog, M; Rivet, MF; Auger, G; Bacri, CO; Bellaize, N; Bougault, R; Bouriquet, B; Brou, R; Buchet, P; Chbihi, A; Colin, J; Demeyer, A; Galichet, E; Gerlic, E; Guinet, D; Hudan, S; Lautesse, P; Lavaud, F; Laville, JL; Lecolley, JF; Leduc, C; Legrain, R; Le Neindre, N; Lopez, O; Louvel, M; Maskay, AM; Normand, J; Pawlowski, P; Rosato, E; Saint-Laurent, F; Steckmeyer, JC; Tamain, B; Tassan-Got, L; Vient, E; Wieleczko, JP

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 86 (15): 3252-3255 APR 9 2001




Measurement of J/phi Production in Continuum e+ e- Annihilations near sqr(s) = 10.6 GeV

M.Dima et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett., 87, 162002, 2001




Measurement of the B->J/phi K*892 Decay Amplitudes

M.Dima et al

Phys. Rev. Lett., 87, 241801, 2001




Measurement of the B0 and B+ Meson Lifetimes with Fully Reconstructed Hadronic Final States

M.Dima et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett., 87, 201803, 2001




Measurements of the Branching Fractions of Exclusive Charmless B Meson Decays with eta´ or omega ­ Mesons

M.Dima et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett., 87, 221802, 2001




Observation of CP Violation in the B0 Meson System

M.Dima et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett., 87, 091801, 2001




Random versus realistic interactions for low-lying nuclear spectra

Horoi, M; Brown, BA; Zelevinsky, V

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 87 (6): Art. No. 062501 AUG 6 2001




Search for the Decay B0 ->gamma gamma

M.Dima et al.

Phys. Rev. Lett., 87, 241803, 2001




Noncommutative Phi(4) theory at two loops

Micu, A; Sheikh-Jabbari, MM

Journal of High Energy Physics, (1): Art. No. 025 Jan 2001




Prospects for Exotic Physics at the LHC.

C. Alexa

Journal of High Energy Physics, prhep165, 2001





ATLAS TileCal Collaboration (P. Amaral .., D. Pantea .., et al.).


A MEASUREMENT OF THE PHOTONUCLEAR INTERACTIONS OF 180-GEV MUONS IN IRON. C. Alexa et al.. 2003. Published in Eur.Phys.J.C28:297-304,2003



Wess-Zumino Model in the Causal Approach

D. R. Grigore

European Phys. Journ C 21, 723

A. Aste, D. Trautmann, Canadian Journ. Phys. 81 (2003) 1433



A precise measurement of 180 GeV muon energy losses in iron

Amaral P,.........., Constantinescu S,.........(ATLAS TileCal Collaboration)





Quark-hadron duality, factorization and strong phases in B0-> pi+pi- decay

I. Caprini, L. Micu and C. Bourrely

European Physical Journal C21, 145 (2001)




Search for R-parity violating decays of supersymmetric particles e(+)e(-) collisions at root s=189 GeV

Acciarri, M, ..., Cotorobai F, ...(group L3 Collaboration)





Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy-Russe: New autosomal recessive neuropathy in Balkan gypsies

Thomas, PK; Kalaydjieva, L; Youl, B; Rogers, T; Angelicheva, D; King, RHM; Guergueltcheva, V; Colomer, J; Lupu, C; Corches, A; Popa, G; Merlini, L; Shmarov, A; Muddle, JR; Nourallah, M; Tournev, I

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