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FOCUS Collaboration (J.M. Link, ..,D.Pantea, .., et al.)


*1) WEAK NONLEPTONIC DECAYS OF CHARM BARYONS EMITTING SCALAR MESONS. By Arvind Sharma, R.C. Verma (Punjabi U.),. Apr 2005. Published in Phys.Rev.D71:074024,2005 *2) MEASUREMENT OF MASSES AND BRANCHING RATIOS OF XI+(C) AND XI0(C) BARYONS. By BELLE Collaboration (T. Lesiak et al.). KEK-PREPRINT-2004-54, BELLE-PREPRINT-2004-2, Oct 2004. 16pp. Published in Phys.Lett.B605:237-246,2005, Erratum-ibid.B617:198-200,2005 e-Print Archive: hep-ex/0409065 *3) STATUS AND PROSPECTS OF CHARM PHYSICS: A FEW CONSIDERATIONS. By Sandra Malvezzi (INFN, Milan),. Apr 2004. 12pp. Invited talk at 16th Conference on High Energy Physics (IFAE 2004), Turin, Italy, 14-16 Apr 2004. Published in *Turin 2004, High energy physics* 335-346 e-Print Archive: hep-ex/0407039 *4) REVIEW OF RECENT RESULTS IN CHARM PHYSICS. By Jurgen Engelfried (San Luis Potosi U.),. UASLP-IF-03-008, Dec 2003. 3pp. Invited talk at 9th International Conference on B Physics at Hadron Machines (Beauty 2003), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 14-18 Oct 2003. Published in AIP Conf.Proc.722:79-81,2004 Also in *Pittsburgh 2003, B physics at hadron machines* 79-81 e-Print Archive: hep-ex/0312038



B(E2) values from low-energy Coulomb excitation at an ISOL facility: the N=80, 82 Te isotopes

C.J. Barton, M.A. Caprio, D. Shapira, N.V. Zamfir, D.S. Brenner, R.L. Gill, T.A. Lewis, J.R. Cooper, R.F. Casten, C.W. Beausang, R. Krücken, and J.R. Novak

PHYSICS LETTERS B 551 (3-4): 269-276 JAN 9 2003

* Radford DC, et al. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 746: 83C-89C DEC 27 2004



AdS(2)/CFT1, canonical transformations and superconformal mechanics

Bellucci, S; Galajinsky, A; Ivanov, E; Krivonos, S

PHYSICS LETTERS B, 555 (1-2): 99-106 FEB 27 2003




Goldstone superfield actions for partially broken AdS(5) supersymmetry

Bellucci, S; Ivanov, E; Krivonos, S

PHYSICS LETTERS B, 558 (3-4): 182-190 APR 17 2003




J/psi production via chi(c) decays in 920 GeV pA interactions

Abt I,.........., Legrand I,.........(HERA-B Collaboration)

PHYSICS LETTERS B, 561 (1-2): 61-72 MAY 22 2003




Odd coset quantum mechanics

Ivanov, E; Mezincescu, L; Pashnev, A; Townsend, PK

PHYSICS LETTERS B, 566 (1-2): 175-182 JUL 24 2003




Results of the coupled channel analysis of pi(+)pi(-)pi(0), K+K-pi(0) and (KKS0)-K-+/-pi(-/+) final states from (p)over-bar-p annihilation at rest in hydrogen targets at different densities

Bargiotti, M; .........Petrascu C;...........

PHYSICS LETTERS B, 561 (3-4): 233-240 MAY 29 2003




Giant dielectric permittivity and electromechanical strain in thin film materials produced by pulsed-laser deposition

Vrejoiu, I; Pedarnig, JD; Bauerle, D; Dinescu, M

APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 83 (11): 2130-2132 SEP 15 2003




Interbasin Motion Approach to Dynamics of Conformationally Constrained Peptides

F. Despa, A. Fernández, R. S. Berry, Y. Levy and J. Jortner

J. Chem. Phys. 118 5673 (2003)




Exact solution for spin-orbiton excitations on a ferromagnetically ordered finite chain

S. Cojocaru and A. Ceulemans

Physical Review B 67, 224413 (2003)




Interfacial domain formation during magnetization reversal in exchange-biased CoO/Co bilayers

Radu, F; Etzkorn, M; Siebrecht, R; Schmitte, T; Westerholt, K; Zabel, H

PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 67 (13): Art. No. 134409 APR 1 2003




Simulation of atmospheric muon and neutrino fluxes with CORSIKA

J.Wentz, I.M.Brancus, A.Bercuci, D.Heck, J.Oehlschlaeger, H.Rebel, B.Vulpescu

PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 67 (7): Art. No. 073020 APR 2003

1* R.Engel, Nucl.Phys.B, 2005, astro-ph/0504358 2* S.Robbins, CERN_thesis-2005-005, Sep.2004 3* T.Gaisser, BA-05-04, feb.2005, astro-ph/0502380 4* Y.Ashie et al, SuperKamiokande, sub.PhysRev.D, 2005, hep-ex/05010645 5* T.Stanev proc. NO2004, Neutrino Oscill.Work. Otranto, Italy, Sep.2004, astro-ph/0412395 6* J.J.Beatty, Phys.Rev.D70: 092005, 2004 7* P.Olbrechts, CERN_thesis-2004-005,Jun.2004 8* A.Heljboer, ANTARES-06-08-2004, June 2004 9* M.Honda, Phys.Rev.D70:043008, 2004, astr-ph/0404457 10* M.Unger, DESY-Thesis-2004-008, Feb.2004 11* G.D.Barr, Phys.Rev.D70:023006, 2004, astr-ph/0403630 12* J.Conrad, Uppsala Thesis, Sep.2003 13* P.Hansen, Phys.Rev.D70:103001, 2003, hep-ph/0307199 14* V.Plyaskin, ITEP Moscoe 15* W,Mar.2003, hep-ph/0303146




Ciprian Acatrinei, Corneliu Sochichiu


*1 TACHYON DYNAMICS IN OPEN STRING THEORY. By Ashoke Sen, Int.J.Mod.Phys.A20:5513-5656,2005 *2 NONCOMMUTATIVE SOLITONS AND D-BRANES. By Masashi Hamanaka, hep-th/0303256 *3 THE DECAY OF UNSTABLE NONCOMMUTATIVE SOLITONS. By Thomas Chen, Jurg Frohlich, Johannes Walcher Commun.Math.Phys.237:243-269,2003 *4 COSMOLOGICAL CONSTANT: THE WEIGHT OF THE VACUUM. By T. Padmanabhan, Phys.Rept.380:235-320,2003 *5 COSMOLOGY WITH TACHYON FIELD AS DARK ENERGY. By J.S. Bagla, Harvinder Kaur Jassal, T. Padmanabhan, Phys.Rev.D67:063504,2003 *6 DECAY OF UNSTABLE D-BRANES WITH ELECTRIC FIELD. By Partha Mukhopadhyay, Ashoke Sen,JHEP 0211:047,2002 *7 TIME EVOLUTION IN OPEN STRING THEORY. By Ashoke Sen, JHEP 0210:003,2002 *8 CAN THE CLUSTERED DARK MATTER AND THE SMOOTH DARK ENERGY ARISE FROM THE SAME SCALAR FIELD? By T. Padmanabhan, T. Roy Choudhury, Phys.Rev.D66:081301,2002 *9 ACCELERATED EXPANSION OF THE UNIVERSE DRIVEN BY TACHYONIC MATTER. By T. Padmanabhan, Phys.Rev.D66:021301,2002 *10 FIELD THEORY OF TACHYON MATTER. By Ashoke Sen, Mod.Phys.Lett.A17:1797-1804,2002 *11 INFLATION FROM A TACHYON FLUID? By Malcolm Fairbairn, Michel H.G. Tytgat, Phys.Lett.B546:1-7,2002 *12 ROLLING TACHYON. By Ashoke Sen, JHEP 0204:048,2002 *13 SEIBERG-WITTEN TRANSFORMS OF NONCOMMUTATIVE SOLITONS. By Koji Hashimoto, Hirosi Ooguri, Phys.Rev.D64:106005,2001



On the precision of the theoretical predictions for pion pion scattering

I. Caprini, G. Colangelo, J. Gasser and H. Leutwyler

Physical Review D68: 074006 (2003)

*1 PI PI SCATTERING, PION FORM-FACTORS AND CHIRAL PERTURBATION THEORY, Gilberto Colangelo, AIP Conf.Proc.756:60-69 (2005) *2 CONSISTENCY CHECKS OF PION-PION SCATTERING DATA AND CHIRAL DISPERSIVE CALCULATIONS, J.R. Pelaez, F.J. Yndurain, AIP Conf.Proc.756:48-59 (2005) *3 Determination of the a0 - a2 pion scattering length from K+ -> pi+ pi0 pi0 decay, Nicola Cabibbo, Physical Review Letters 93:121801 (2004) *4 pi pi scattering in three flavours ChPT, J. Bijnens, P. Dhonte, P. Talavera, Journal of High Energy Physics 0401:050 (2004) *5 The viscozity of meson matter, Antonio Dobado, Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada, Physical Review D69:116004 (2004) *6 LIGHT QUARK DYNAMICS, Jurg Gasser, Lecture Notes in Physics 629:1-35 (2004) *7 On the precision of chiral dispersive calculations of pi pi scattering, J.R. Pelaez, F.J. Yndurain, Physical Review D68:074005 (2003)



Analytic structure in the coupling constant plane in perturbative QCD

I. Caprini and J. Fischer

Physical Review D68: 114010 (2003)

*1 The massive analytic invariant charge in QCD, A.V.Nesterenko, J.Papavassiliou, Physical Review D71:016009 (2005)




Ciprian Acatrinei


*1 ON MATRIX MODELS FOR ANOMALOUS DIMENSIONS OF SUPER YANG-MILLS THEORY. By Stefano Bellucci, Corneliu Sochichiu, Nucl.Phys.B726:233-251,2005



AdS/CFT equivalence transformation (vol D 66, art no 086001, 2002)

Bellucci, S; Ivanov, E; Krivonos, S

PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 67 (4): Art. No. 049901 FEB 15 2003




The information from muon arrival time distributions of high-energy EAS as measured with the KASCADE detector

T.Antoni, W.D.Apel, A.F.Badea, K.Bekk, A.Bercuci, H.Bluemer, H.Bozdog, I.M.Brancus, C.Buettner, A.A.Chilingarian, K.Daumiller, P.Doll, J.Engler, F.Fessler, H.J.Gils, R.Glasstetter, R.Haeusler, A.Haungs, D.Heck, J.R.Hoerandel, A.Iwan, K.H.Kampert, H.O.Klages, G.Maier, H-J.Mathes, H.J.Mayer, H.H.Mielke, M.Mueller, R.Obenland, J.Oehlschlaeger, S.Ostapchenko, M.Petcu, H.Rebel, M.Risse, M.Roth, G.Schatz, H.Schieler, J.Scholz, T.Thouw, H.Ulrich, J.H.Weber, A.Weindl, J.Wentz, J. Wochele, J.Zabierowski

ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS, 18 (4): 319-331 JAN 2003

1* L.Cazon, Astropart.Phys.23, 393, 2005, astro-ph/0412338 2* L.Cazon, Astropart.Phys.21, 71, 2004, astro-ph/0311223



Measurements of attenuation and absorption lengths with the KASCADE experiment

T.Antoni, W.D.Apel, A.F.Badea, K.Bekk, A.Bercuci, H.Bluemer, H.Bozdog, I.M.Brancus, C.Buettner, A.A.Chilingarian, K.Daumiller, P.Doll, J.Engler, F.Fessler, H.J.Gils, R.Glasstetter, R.Haeusler, A.Haungs, D.Heck, J.R.Hoerandel, A.Iwan, K.H.Kampert, H.O.Klages, G.Maier, H-J.Mathes, H.J.Mayer, H.H.Mielke, M.Mueller, R.Obenland, J.Oehlschlaeger, S.Ostapchenko, M.Petcu, H.Rebel, M.Risse, M.Roth, G.Schatz, H.Schieler, J.Scholz, T.Thouw, H.Ulrich, J.H.Weber, A.Weindl, J.Wentz, J. Wochele, J.Zabierowski

Astropart.Phys.19 703-714

1* Le Fevre, June 2003, astr-ph/0306252



Comment on "Determining energy spectra for separate mass groups from EAS: the quest is still on"

Antoni, T; Apel, WD; Badea, F; Bekk, K; Bercuci, A; Blumer, H; Bollmann, E; Bozdog, H; Brancus, IM; Buttner, C; Chilingarian, A; Daumiller, K; Doll, P; Engler, J; Gils, HJ; Glasstetter, R; Haeusler, R; Haungs, A; Heck, D; Holst, T; Horandel, JR; Iwan, A; Kampert, KH; Kempa, J; Klages, HO; Knaap, J; Maier, G; Mathes, HJ; Mayer, HJ; Milke, J; Muller, M; Obenland, R; Oehlschlager, J; Ostapchenko, S; Petcu, M; Rebel, H; Risse, M; Roth, M; Schieler, H; Scholz, J; Thouw, T; Ulrich, H; Vulpescu, B; Weber, JH; Wentz, J; Wochele, J; Zabierowski, J; Zagromski, S

ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS, 19 (3): 373-375 JUN 2003




Comment on “Determining energy spectra for separate mass groups from EAS: the quest is still on”

T.Antoni, W.D.Apel, A.F.Badea, K.Bekk, A.Bercuci, H.Bluemer, H.Bozdog, I.M.Brancus, C.Buettner, A.A.Chilingarian, K.Daumiller, P.Doll, J.Engler, F.Fessler, H.J.Gils, R.Glasstetter, R.Haeusler, A.Haungs, D.Heck, J.R.Hoerandel, A.Iwan, K.H.Kampert, H.O.Klages, G.Maier, H-J.Mathes, H.J.Mayer, H.H.Mielke, M.Mueller, R.Obenland, J.Oehlschlaeger, S.Ostapchenko, M.Petcu, H.Rebel, M.Risse, M.Roth, G.Schatz, H.Schieler, J.Scholz, T.Thouw, H.Ulrich, J.H.Weber, A.Weindl, J.Wentz, J. Wochele, J.Zabierowski (The KASCADE Collaboration)

Astropart.Phys.19, p.373-375, 2003




Preparation of enriched cosmic ray mass groups with KASCADE

Antoni, T; Apel, WD; Badea, AF; Bekk, K; Bercuci, A; Blumer, H; Bozdog, H; Brancus, IM; Buttner, C; Chilingarian, A; Daumiller, K; Doll, P; Engler, J; Fessler, F; Gils, HJ; Glasstetter, R; Haeusler, R; Haungs, A; Heck, D; Horandel, JR; Iwan, A; Kampert, KH; Klages, HO; Maier, G; Mathes, HJ; Mayer, HJ; Milke, J; Muller, M; Obenland, R; Oehlschlager, J; Ostapchenko, S; Petcu, M; Rebel, H; Risse, M; Roth, M; Schatz, G; Schieler, H; Scholz, J; Thouw, T; Ulrich, H; Vardanyan, A; Weber, JH; Weindl, A; Wentz, J; Wochele, J; Zabierowski, J

ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS, 19 (6): 715-728 SEP 2003




Deformation energy minima at finite mass asymmetry

D. N. Poenaru and W. Greiner

Europhysics Letters, Volume 64, Pages 164-170 (2003)




Size-dependent magnon modes of a Heisenberg ferromagnet

S. Cojocaru and A. Ceulemans

Europhysics Letters 61, 838 (2003)




“Adulterations in First Century B. C.: the Case of Greek Silver Drachmae Analysed by X-Ray Methods”

Bogdan Constantinescu, Alexandru Săşianu, Roxana Bugoi

Spectrochimica Acta, part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, special ICXOM volume no. 58/4, (2003), pp. 755-761

1) Adriaens, A. 'Non-destructive analysis and testing of museum objects: An overview of 5 years of research' (2005) Spectrochimica Acta - Part B Atomic Spectroscopy, 60 (12), Pages 1503-1516. 2) Alfassi, Z.B. 'Vector analysis of multi-measurements identification' (2005) Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 266 (2), Pages 245-250. 3)Potts, P.J., Ellis, A.T., Kregsamer, P., Marshall, J., Streli, C., West, M., Wobrauschek, P. 'Atomic spectrometry update. X-ray fluorescence spectrometry' (2004) Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 19 (10), Pages 1397-1419.



Stable vortex dipoles in nonrotating Bose-Einstein condensates

Crasovan LC, Vekslerchik V, Perez-Garcia VM, Torres JP, Mihalache D, Torner L

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 68 (6): Art. No. 063609 DEC 2003

*1. Malomed BA, Mihalache D, Wise F, et al. Spatiotemporal optical solitons JOURNAL OF OPTICS B-QUANTUM AND SEMICLASSICAL OPTICS 7 (5): R53-R72 MAY 2005 Times Cited: 11 *2. Mottonen M, Virtanen SMM, Isoshima T, et al. Stationary vortex clusters in nonrotating Bose-Einstein condensates PHYSICAL REVIEW A 71 (3): Art. No. 033626 Part B MAR 2005 Times Cited: 0 *3. Zhou Q, Zhai H Vortex dipole in a trapped atomic Bose-Einstein condensate PHYSICAL REVIEW A 70 (4): Art. No. 043619 OCT 2004 Times Cited: 0 *4. Mihalache D, Mazilu D, Crasovan LC, et al. Soliton clusters in three-dimensional media with competing cubic and quintic nonlinearities JOURNAL OF OPTICS B-QUANTUM AND SEMICLASSICAL OPTICS 6 (5): S333-S340 Sp. Iss. SI MAY 2004 Times Cited: 9



Bures distance as a measure of entanglement for two-mode squeezed thermal states

Marian, P; Marian, TA; Scutaru, H

PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 68 (6): Art. No. 062309 DEC 2003




Emergence of antiferromagnetic ordering in Mn clusters

Bobadova-Parvanova, P; Jackson, KA; Srinivas, S; Horoi, M

PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 67 (6): Art. No. 061202 JUN 2003




Jump phenomenon induced by potential strength variation and the influence of exotic resonant states

C.Grama, N.Grama and I.Zamfirescu

Phys Rev. A 68 (2003) 032723




Hepatic CYP2E1 is induced by doses of nicotine similar to those from environmental tobacco smoke exposure

Micu, A; Miksys, S; Sellers, EM; Tyndale, RF

DRUG METABOLISM REVIEWS, 35: 154 Suppl. 1 2003




Adulterations in First Century B. C.: the Case of Greek Silver Drachmae Analysed by X-Ray Methods

Bogdan Constantinescu, Alexandru Săşianu, Roxana Bugoi

Spectrochimica Acta, part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, special ICXOM volume no. 58/4, (2003), pp. 755-761





L.Ramello,V.Boldea et al, NA50 Collaboration.

Nucl. Phys. A 715, pages 243-251 (2003)

*1 DYNAMICS OF RESONANCES IN STRONGLY INTERACTING SYSTEMS. By J. Knoll, F. Riek (Darmstadt, GSI), Yu.B. Ivanov (Darmstadt, GSI & Kurchatov Inst., Moscow), D.N. Voskresensky (Darmstadt, GSI & Moscow Phys. Eng. Inst.),. Dec 2005. 16pp. To appear in the proceedings of 3rd Interdisciplinary Workshop on Progress in Nonequilibrium Green's Functions, Kiel, Germany, 22-26 Aug 2005. *2 J/ PSI SUPPRESSION AT S**(1/2) = 200-GEV IN THE COMOVERS INTERACTION MODEL. By A. Capella (Orsay, LPT), E.G. Ferreiro (Santiago de Compostela U.),. May 2005. 15pp. Published in Eur.Phys.J.C42:419-424,2005 *3 COLLECTIVE FLOW SIGNALS THE QUARK GLUON PLASMA. E.L. Bratkovskaya et al.. 2005. 25pp. Prepared for 9th Hadron Physics and 7th Relativistic Aspects of Nuclear Physics (HADRON-RANP 2004): A Joint Meeting on QCD and QGP, Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 28 Mar - 3 Apr 2004. Published in AIP Conf.Proc.739:305-329,2005, Acta Phys.Hung.A24:189-201,2005 Also in *Rio de Janeiro 2004, Hadron physics and relativistic aspects of nuclear physics* 305-329 *4 A NEW MEASUREMENT OF J/PSI SUPPRESSION IN PB-PB COLLISIONS AT 158-GEV PER NUCLEON. By NA50 Collaboration (B. Alessandro et al.). CERN-PH-EP-2004-052, Dec 2004. 19pp. Published in Eur.Phys.J.C39:335-345,2005 *5 COLLECTIVE FLOW SIGNALS THE QUARK GLUON PLASMA. By Horst Stoecker (Frankfurt U. & Frankfurt U., FIAS),. Jun 2004. 19pp. To appear in the proceedings of Workshop on New Discoveries at RHIC: The Current Case for the Strongly Interactive QGP, Brookhaven, Upton, New York, 14-15 May 2004. Published in Nucl.Phys.A750:121-147,2005 *6 RESULTS ON PSI-PRIME PRODUCTION IN NUCLEUS-NUCLEUS COLLISIONS AT CERN-SPS. By NA50 Collaboration (M. Sitta et al.). May 2004. 4pp. Contributed to 39th Rencontres de Moriond on QCD and High-Energy Hadronic Interactions, La Thuile, Italy, 28 Mar - 4 Apr 2004. Published in J.Phys.G30:S1175-S1178,2004 *7 CHARMONIUM CHEMISTRY IN A+A COLLISIONS AT RELATIVISTIC ENERGIES. By E.L. Bratkovskaya (Frankfurt U.), A.P. Kostyuk (Frankfurt U. & BITP, Kiev), W. Cassing (Giessen U.), Horst Stoecker (Frankfurt U.),. Feb 2004. 13pp. Published in Phys.Rev.C69:054903,2004 *8 CHARM MEASUREMENTS AT SPS AND RHIC. By Y. Akiba (KEK, Tsukuba),. 2004. Prepared for 7th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM 2003), Atlantic Beach, North Carolina, 12-17 Mar 2003. Published in J.Phys.G30:S283-S293,2004 *9 J / PSI PRODUCTION IN A GLUON PLASMA PRODUCED IN AU-AU COLLISIONS AT THE RELATIVISTIC HEAVY ION COLLIDER. By Bin Zhang, Donald L. Johnson (Arkansas State U.),. Dec 2003. 21pp. Published in Nucl.Phys.A741:305-322,2004 *10 DYNAMICS OF STRANGE, CHARM AND HIGH MOMENTUM HADRONS IN RELATIVISTIC NUCLEUS NUCLEUS COLLISIONS. By W. Cassing, K. Gallmeister (Giessen U.), E.L. Bratkovskaya, C. Greiner, Horst Stoecker (Frankfurt U.),. Dec 2003. 10pp. Invited talk at International School on Nuclear Physics: 25th Course: Heavy Ion Reactions from Nuclear to Quark Matter, Erice, Sicily, Italy, 16-24 Sep 2003. Published in Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys.53:211-223,2004 *11 HADRONIC PRODUCTION OF THERMAL PHOTONS. By Simon Turbide (McGill U.), Ralf Rapp (Nordita), Charles Gale (McGill U.),. NORDITA-2003-51-NP, Aug 2003. 19pp. Published in Phys.Rev.C69:014903,2004 *12 CHARMONIUM PRODUCTION IN GAMMA-A, P-A AND A-A. By L. Gerland (Tel Aviv U.),. Jul 2003. 7pp. Talk given at 7th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM 2003), Atlantic Beach, North Carolina, 12-17 Mar 2003. Published in J.Phys.G30:S487-S492,2004 *13 COLOR SCREENING AND THE SUPPRESSION OF THE CHARMONIUM STATE YIELD IN NUCLEAR REACTIONS. By L. Gerland, L. Frankfurt (Tel Aviv U.), M. Strikman (Penn State U.), Horst Stoecker (Frankfurt U.),. Jul 2003. 10pp. Published in Phys.Rev.C69:014904,2004 *14SIMPLE MODELS OF THE CONTRIBUTION OF INTERMEDIATE STATE GLUONS TO J / PSI SUPPRESSION AT THE CERN SPS. By M. Jurcovicova (Comenius U.), A. Nogova (Bratislava, Inst. Phys.), J. Pisut, N. Pisutova, K. Tokar (Comenius U.),. Jul 2003. 18pp. Published in Acta Phys.Hung.A21:1-16,2004 *15 IN MEDIUM EFFECTS ON CHARMONIUM PRODUCTION IN HEAVY ION COLLISIONS. By Loic Grandchamp (SUNY, Stony Brook & Lyon, IPN), Ralf Rapp (Nordita), Gerald E. Brown (SUNY, Stony Brook),. Jun 2003. 4pp. Published in Phys.Rev.Lett.92:212301,2004 *16 CHARM COALESCENCE AT RHIC. By A.P. Kostyuk, M.I. Gorenstein (Frankfurt U. & BITP, Kiev), Horst Stoecker, W. Greiner (Frankfurt U.),. May 2003. 4pp. Published in Phys.Rev.C68:041902,2003 *17 THEORETICAL OVERVIEW ON (HIDDEN) CHARM IN HIGH-ENERGY HEAVY ION COLLISIONS. By Ralf Rapp (Nordita), Loic Grandchamp (SUNY, Stony Brook & Lyon, IPN),. May 2003. 10pp. Invited talk at 7th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM 2003), Atlantic Beach, North Carolina, 12-17 Mar 2003. Published in J.Phys.G30:S305-S314,2004 *18 THEORY AT QUARK MATTER '02. By Robert D. Pisarski (Brookhaven),. Dec 2002. 10pp. Published in Nucl.Phys.A715:412-421,2003

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