mesto prinsipa preemstvennosti v razvitii fiziki - role and place of the principle to receivership in development of the physical science- role and place of the principle to receivership in development of the physical science.
Eski va yangi nazariyalarning taqqoslanishi – sopostavleniya starыx i novыx teoriy - collation old and new theory-indicates realization of the principle of the correspondence to.
Ilmiy nazariyalar yig‘indisi – sovokupnost nauchnыx teoriy - collection to scientific theories-amount theory intended for are explained separate phenomenas or event in nature.
O‘qitishda izchillikni amalga oshirish – realizatsiya prinsipa preemstvennosti v obuchenii - realization to receivership in education- determination intercoupling the scholastic material between step of the education.