Bog'liq How to write essays a step-by-step guide for all levels, with sample essays ( PDFDrive )
Opening paragraph There is no doubt that the western as a film genre is central to the way America sees itself and how Americans think of themselves. The settlement of the American West during the second half of the nineteenth century was a defining period in American history, around which many myths were created that have continued to shape American thinking right up to the present day. What it is to be an American citizen and the values embodied in that ideal have been shaped by the legends of the old west. The image of the intrepid pioneer heading off down the Oregon Trail to discover and tame the uncharted territory of the ‘wild west’ is deeply embedded in the American consciousness, however transformed American society has become in the century or so since the major migrations westwards took place. Western films represent some of these myths dearest to the heart of many American citizens.