Bog'liq @Books Encyclopedia Grammar for IELTS by Aish Fiona Tomlinson Jo
Grammar for IELTS
Unit 18 Exam Practice: Speaking Part 2 Read the follow ing prom pt fo r an IELTS Speaking exam Part 2. Give yourself one m inute to
prepare and make notes. Then speak fo r two m inutes on the topic.
Describe a film that you particularly liked. You should say: - What it is called - What it is about -
Why you like it and explain what types of people would like the film. O
Now listen to Track 31 on the CD fo r the m odel answer.
31 Make some notes on how you could improve your answ er based on the m odel answer.
Film and entertainm ent 7 7
19 Wildlife R elative clau se s
The ze b ra s w hich are next to the lake are a
new addition to o u r safari park.
The zebras, w hich are next to the lake, are a
new addition to o u r safari park.