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HADIS (arab. – “xabar”, “yangilik”), hadislar –

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HADIS (arab. – “xabar”, “yangilik”), hadislar Muhammad s.a.v. ning aytgan so’zlari, qilgan ko’rsatmalari to’g’risidagi rivoyatlar. Ikki qismdan iborat bo’ladi: matn va isnod. Hadis ikki turga bo’linadi: 1. Hadisi qudsiy; 2. Hadisi Nabaviy. Hadislar e’tiborga olinishi jihatidan yana uch qismga bo’linadi: 1. Sahih. 2. Hasan. 3. Zaif.
HAZRATI IMOM MAJMUASI, Hastimom – Toshkentdagi me’moriy yodgorlik. Majmua qurilishiga imom Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Ismoil al-Qaffol ash-SHoshiy (904-976) ning qabri asos bo’lgan. Qabr va uning atrofida vujudga kelgan qabriston hamda me’moriy yodgorliklar majmuasi (Kaykovus bog’i bilan birga) Hazrati imom nomi bilan ataladi. XVI asrning 30 –yillarida 2 ta maqbara qurilgan; kattasi Toshkentning shayboniylar sulolasidan bo’lgan xoni Suyunchxo’jaxon maqbarasi deb taxmin etiladi. XVI asrning 50- yillarida bu binolar Baroqxon madrasasi me’moriy yodgorligt tarkibiga qo’shilgan. O’sha davrda Qaffol Shoshiy maqbarasi bunyod etilgan.
HIJRIY YIL HISOBI – xalifa Umar ibn Xattob tomonidan joriy ilingan musulmonlar yil hisobi. Muhammad s.a.v. va safdoshlarining Makkadan Madinaga ko’chishi bilan bog’liq. Qamariy (hijriy-qamariy yil) va shamsiy (hijriy-shamsiy yil)ga bo’linadi. Qamariya bo’yicha Hijriy yil hisobi 622-yilning 16-iyulidan boshlanib, sinodik oy (29,530588 kun)ga asoslangan. O’n ikki oydan iborat bir qamariy yil 354, 3671 kundan iborat bo’ladi. Qamariy yilda 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 va 11 oylar 30 kundan, qolganlari 29 kundan butun qilib olingan. Oylar tartibi bilan muharram, safar, rabbiul avval, rabbiul oxir, jumodil oxir, rajab, shabon, ramazon, shavvol, zulqada, zulhijja deb ataladi. Qamariy yil tropik yildan (hozirgi grigoriy taqvimidan) 10-12 kun qisqa.


JUSTICE (Arab - , truth) is a concept that expresses the mutual relationship between these values ​​and their specific distribution among individors; a community order that is consistent with the notion of the essence of human beings and their inalienable rights.

BIRDS - formed and beautified in the process of historical development of peoples. The traditions that meet the demand of the times are not separated, inherited from the generations, and become part of the nation's life. Every nation, nation, or people develops and protects their traditions.

FANATICISM (Arabic - from the word of trust) - blindly applying a particular idea or principle without taking into account the objective circumstances can be found in any sphere of social life. In the following period, religious fanaticism became more active. Attempts to undermine belief in all religions, without discussion and discussion, are increasingly attempted to preserve and restore the beliefs.

SUCCESS (Sociability) is a combination of peace, harmony, the most important issues among different societies, social cohesion, social cohesion, social solidarity, social cohesion, social cohesion conditions created for strengthening.

ANNOUNCEMENT - (Arabic "Baynalmilal") - the equality of all nations and nationalities, cooperation, respect for other nations, not to abstain from them, respect for traditions and so on.

MARKET ECONOMY is primarily a means of communication, negotiation, negotiation, bargaining, finding a common value, number, and conclusion. The main condition and demand of the market economy is to produce as much as possible and as high quality competitive products as possible.

UZBEK TRANSPORTATION IN MARKET ECONOMY is based on the study of the experience of Europe, Turkey, South Korea and other countries, the model of Uzbekistan, taking into account the capabilities, capacities, the spirit and national values ​​of Uzbekistan. The five principles developed by IA Karimov explain the essence of this model: the state's chief reformer; priority of economy in politics; introduction of the rule of law; strong social policy; gradual transition to a market economy and so on.

CREATIVE CAPTION is the idea that is a real basis for bringing society into development, encouraging diverse groups and groups to work together for a noble cause.

THE GREAT REPRESSION OF YOUR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Shovinizm - the supreme reactionary form of bourgeois nationalism). Chauvinism's policy is to uproot hatred and enmity against other nations and nations. Chauvinism promotes the separation of a nation that has been called to dominate other nations and races that are not perfect.

THE GREAT IPAK YULDU - the ancient trade, trade, diplomatic and cultural - scientific relations between East and West between the years 122-138 and the 20th century BC. This route started from China and left in Central Asia. First, it traveled to the Caucasus via the northern part of the Caspian Sea, to the south, and to the south of the Caspian Sea to Asia Pacific. Central Asia is one of the largest shopping centers in the Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, Tashkent and Ferghana valley located at the intersection of the Silk Road, which played a major role in the economic and cultural rise of Movoraunnakhr.

HOMELAND (Arabic "Vatan") is a place where people live and where their descendants and ancestors were born and grew, their territory, their social environment, and the country. Homeland involves an interdependent external dogma and internal feelings and concepts. From the external point of view, the Homeland is the land, the land, the homeland, or the descendant of a man or a descendant.

PATRIOTISM is a manifestation of the social, moral and ethical qualities of people. Because they love the land that is inherited from their ancestors, work hard to preserve traditions, values ​​and work for the prosperity of the people, protect the Homeland from enemies, release them from any dependence, and even die for their freedom and independence and others.

DESTRUCTIVE is an idea representing a set of ideas that contradict the independence, freedom and creativity of people, nations and societies, which serve to establish the dominance of evil and evil, some criminals.

FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE - SOCIAL-PHILOSOPHICAL CONCEPT; to live and work according to the belief that everyone has the conscience without violating the social norms existing in that society. This is one of the aspects of religion.

GLOBALIZATION is the intensification of the interaction and linkage between the economies, cultures, morals, and people of different countries. There are too many definitions for globalization. French researcher B. Describes the three dimensionality of the globalization process:

1. Globalization is a continuing historical process.
2. Globalization - the process of homogenization of the world (homogeneous) and universalization.
3. Globalization is the process of "washing" national borders.

SIN (fors - crime, originally derived from the Arabic word "junoh") is an action or act that violates Sharia law and religious beliefs.

DEMOCRACY (Greek, "demo" - people, "kratos" - power) is the form of a political system, meaning the people's power and the people who are the source of power. Democracy is an opportunity for the harmonious development of human beings and the principle of the subordination of minorities to the majority of the state constitution has been officially proclaimed and equal rights of citizens have been recognized. Democracy is a historic process that is developed and developed in a way that conforms to the socio-economic conditions of each age.

DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTES - is the driving force behind the establishment of a democratic society, which includes the following: (See I.A.Karimov, The Great Future, pages 170-188): 1) Political parties and social movements. 2) A legal authority. 3) The Institute of Property.

DIN - derived from Arabic and its linguistic meaning is "belief, belief." The literal meaning is in the Latin term "religion". Religion is manifested by certain doctrines, emotions, prayers, and religious activities. It is a special way of imagining the creation of the universe, its way of perception, from the creation of the universe to the divine illumination of the past. Religion is the moral and moral power of the main educative power in the education of the perfect man.

RELIGIOUS FOUNDAMENTALISM (LATIN FOUNDAMENTALISM) means that all religions accept their divine writings as "the basis" of their beliefs, and return to the original fundamental ideas that have come to these religions, to establish a state based on principles and principles, to introduce religious principles in any way to try.

YOUR RELIGIOUS SPIRIT is the ideology of a fanatic who denies any belief or belief that only his own religion and belief are true. According to chauvinists, it is legitimate to use any means, including weapons, to reach their goals. The rise of religious chauvinism leads to the emergence of national and cultural aggression in other nations and religions. This is a factor that harms social stability.

RELIGIOUS EXTREMMITY (extremism - literally) is one of the external factors that threaten our security, and it is a religious fanatic who believes in all religious organizations that it is true that it is true that it is true that it is true, and that it rejects the accuracy of any other worldview (supporters of harsh measures and actions), highly fanatical or the activities of believers.

PIETY and CONSCIENCE -a close-knit concept. Declaration and conscience are in harmony with the human senses. Piety and conscience are the primary responsibility for daily activities, behavior, and behavior of a person in front of him, and in the family, in the community, in society and in the country. A conscientious, pious person is frustrated by unjust, unfair practices, opposes them; If he is content with the good things he does, he will be dissatisfied with his bad temper and will suffer a painful conscience.

RELIGIOUS MARRIAGES - Religious activities and behaviors of citizens based on religious doctrine, their laws and beliefs. Religious rituals are based on religious doctrine of every religion. Islam has an oIENnhikah, ma'rûf ma'rûf, circumcision, fasting and Ramadan, sacrifice and sacrifice, prayer, hajj and other ceremonies. In Uzbekistan, religious rituals are freely provided, but should not violate the law, the public order, and the rights of individuals and citizens.

RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION is a voluntary, equal, and self-governing body set up to support or satisfy religious needs and to act on religious or religious ceremonies.

JAZZCHIK (Arabic "jadid" - new) is an innovation, a new modern school, a printing house, a national development tool, a common name for the followers of the tracks.The Ismail Gaspuri (Ismoil Gasprinsky) from Gaspra in the Crimea peninsula began in Bukhara and Samarkand in the 80's of the 19th century. coming. He met with the Emir of Bukhara and opened the Jadid schools in Bukhara, Samarkand, Tashkent, Kokand and Namangan in 1895. The Jadid movement continued until the first half of the 20th century, that is, the repression.

PURPOSE ORGANIZATION OBJECTIVES - a democratic societies, which set out a social system of social (psychological) psychology of citizens, set out to pursue their social and economic interests, consistently and systematically explain the will of the people, develop programs and legislature (Oliy Majlis) to fight for, and so on.

NETWORKS IN SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT - Helps to see errors and omissions correctly, eradicate it in time, create justice, and get rid of ideas. "Balance of ideas maintains the balance of society." There are plenty of opinions in Uzbekistan. It is carried out with the participation of 5 parties and social movements.

BELIEVE is an Arabic word and its linguistic meaning means trust. In the Sharia, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that he believed in all the reports he had brought from Allah and that he was approved by the tongue. That is, belief in the news about Allah, the Paradise, Hell, and the Hour, through the Holy Quran and Hadith Sharifs. As a spiritual and moral virtue, faith is only a human-specific spiritual phenomenon.

Bible books are books that are considered sacred and divine in a particular religion. According to religious doctrine, God has given pages to some of the prophets, and others to books. 100 pages and 4 books - 100 pages to Adam (as), 50 pages to Shis (AS), 30 pages to Idris (as) and 10 pages to Ibrahim (as). The Qur'an revealed to the Prophet Musa (as) the Psalms for Dawud (pbuh) and the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and Muhammad (pbuh). Other books and pages other than the Qur'an are considered to be downloaded at one time. The Qur'an was transmitted through Sura al-Ghabrah for 23 years.

HUMANITY - ("human" - arabic "parvar" - fars-tojik "- o'zbekcha - care humanism, humanism) - struggle for human dignity, freedom and abilities, man's happiness, equality, fairness the desire for life, the creation of conditions for the emergence of all the principles of humanity. Humanism is an indispensable element of the national spirit of the Uzbek people.

EXPERIENCE is the freedom that every person, society, state, nation needs. The term "independence" refers to being independent of others, living with selfishness, self-governing, freedom. The term "independence" is relative to the word "independence". The term "independence" refers to "freedom", not to be subordinated to others, to live with or to exercise self-rule. Independent people of Uzbekistan gained independence.

PRELIMINARY PRESIDENCY is a moral criterion that determines the degree of commitment and responsibility of every person to his / her work in the community, his / her responsibility to his / her and his / her family. The value of the national independence ideology for every citizen living in our country lies in the universal principles.

ISLAM DEVELOPMENT BANK (IBB) is an international bank. In 1974, a decision was made to establish the IDB at the council of foreign ministers of the Muslim countries, which began in 1975. His camp is in Jeddah. ITB is managed by the Board of Directors and the Board of Directors. The bank president is elected for a term of 5 years. The aim is to help the economic and social development of Muslim countries. Because of the ban on the use of money in Islam, interest is not credited to or credited to the bank.

ISLAM FOUNDAMENTALISM is a religious-conservative flow of ideas that literally translates to the Koran and the hadiths, promoting the beliefs of returning to Islam first. The representatives of Islamic fundamentalism believe that Islam's fundamental principles define the path of development of the society and encourage them to follow them. In recent times, fanatics have been called "fundamentalists".

THE HISTORIANS OF THE SPIRITUAL HERITAGE OF ISLAM - The Tomb of Tumaris and Shiroq, against the Macedonian (Alexander the Great), about our national heroes who fought against Kultegin, Bilga Kagan, Tanymuquq, Kachusrav and Doro in the sacred Avesto The episode of Spitamen, which contained 86 documents found in Panjikent (1932), was found in more than 83 ancient Khorezmian records and other documents found in the Soil Fortress in Khorezm.

ECONOMY AND THE ROLE OF THE CUSTOMY - without spirituality, without the economist, there is no spirituality. A highly educated nation can only form highly organized economies and production. Every production has its own spiritual culture, which is reflected in labor skills, experience, professional knowledge, high labor discipline, good relationships with colleagues, saving equipment, saving raw materials and producing high quality products. In its turn, the economy also affects the spirituality.

ISLAM (Arabic language, obedience, submission to God's will) is one of the three world religions (in addition to the Buddhism and the Greeks). Believers in Islam are called "Muslim" ("Islam," "obedient," "loyal," and "muslim"). Different names of "Muslim", "muslimum", as well as other religions (for example, in Persia - in muslims, in Uzbeks - in Muslim, in Kirghiz and in Kazakhs, in Uruguay and in Russia - basmatism) are called different names. But among these, the Muslim phrase now widely used. In the world, 1.2 billion people believe in Islam.

ECONOMIC CULTURE - is understood as economic knowledge, economic consciousness, economic activity, socio-economic relationships. The economic culture of a person is a component of the economic culture of society. In order to develop the economic culture of the individual, he must thoroughly grasp the economic values ​​and economic knowledge, and then he can freely conduct economic activities.

THE NATIONAL MODEL SYSTEM OF DRIVERS PREPARATION - On August 29, 1997 the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted the Resolution "On the National Program of Personnel Training". The National Program for Personnel Training in the Program (item 3) establishes the following components:

1. Personality is the main subject and object of the system of personnel training, consumers of educational services and their implementer.
2. State and society - Guarantees of training and acceptance of enforceable cadres for regulating and controlling the activities of the system of education and training.
3. Continuous education is the basis of training competent competitive personnel, covers all types of education, state education standards, personnel training system and its environment.
4. In the system of personnel training - the science develops advanced pedagogical and information technologies, which prepares and uses highly qualified specialists.
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