Friday 10th & Saturday 11th October Programme Friday, 10th October

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Friday 10th & Saturday 11th October


Friday, 10th October

Transition Scotland Network Gathering

9.30-12.30, Glass Class, St Andrews Botanic Gardens, Canongate

Gather with Transitioners old and new in the bright and airy setting of the Glass Class in the St Andrews Botanic Gardens. Whether your group is going strong, is just getting started, or is somewhat burnt out, we’d love to hear your story as we pool our experiences to create a snapshot of Transition in Scotland today, share our visions of how we see Scotland transitioning to a resilient future, and plan how we’re going to achieve it!
With only a few hours to play with, we thought it might be worthwhile if you come along with some thoughts in your mind. As such we’d like you to get a bit of A3 paper (if possible or 2x A4’s joined together) and within it write and compose your own groups potted history. Ideally a sketch of a journey you have been on from inception of your org and the key peaks and troughs you’ve been through.
We’ll use these on the morning opening session to give a flavour to others of who you are and what your own story is, and if possible we’ll bind them together somehow into a little book where each A4 page unfolds.
If you would like to join us for this event you would be very welcome – please select the appropriate option when booking your ticket for the Friday afternoon and/or Saturday. If you wish to attend ONLY the Friday morning session please email to book your place.
Detailed Programme

(An even more detailed programme will be sent out to everyone who signs up for the session)

9.00 Meet at bus station, City Road
We will meet anyone who is unsure of how to find the Botanics at the Bus Station to do the 10 minute walk to the Glass Class together. If you are arriving by car you can park by the Botanics. The Glass Class will be signposted from the main entrance.
9.30 Welcome, Introductions and Catch up

What have you been up to in your Transition group lately? A relaxed catch-up session to share experiences and thoughts on what has been happening in Transition in Scotland since last we met.

10.30 Where are we now and what does the future hold?

Discussions, brainstorms, and other enjoyable exercises for figuring out where we are and where we’re going.

There will of course be a break for refreshments and even more chatting when we feel like it.
12.30 Lunch

Served in the Glass Class.

REconomy Workshop: Re-Imagine Your Local Economy

13.30-17.30, St Andrews Town Hall, Queens Gardens

Like never before in Scotland, this is a time for ambition around how to develop sustainable and resilient communities. In this climate of opportunity and transformation you are invited to come and explore what it is to revision and change local economies in Post-Referendum Scotland.

This event will be built around the work already underway in Scotland. It is about sharing inspiring examples around local trading systems, supporting community resilience, social enterprise and forming relationships based on new enterprise and economic principles. There will be how-to sessions on the resourcing and developing REconomy projects and collaborative activities to build connections and turn ideas into practice based on what works.

Detailed Programme

13.30 Key Note Speakers
Sarah McAdam is the Transition Network Delivery Director and will talk about what we mean by REconomy from vision and ideas to enterprise and the potential of local economic evaluation as an enabler for communities to lead and inform substantial change.

Mark Simmonds, Co-op Culture, Community Enterprise Advisor and REconomy Enterprise Advisor. Mark will give a brief overview of the scope, diversity and opportunities for emerging Transition Enterprises in the UK and particularly in post-referendum Scotland. He will also touch on how this relates to Permaculture Enterprise and the emerging Regenerative Enterprise

Philip Revell is Project Co-coordinator at Sustaining Dunbar who have developed a Local Resilience Action Plan. Philip will talk about how the plan came about and what it envisions in terms of new livelihoods and enterprise. He will touch on some of the challenges and opportunities currently facing social and community enterprises and on Sustaining Dunbar's efforts to work with their Local Authority.

14.10 Round table discussions: Inspiring Stories
Farming with Ambition, Heather Anderson
Whitmuir Farm is one of the largest community supported agriculture projects in the UK, running a farm butchery, shop, restaurant, home delivery service and food truck. Heather and her team are aiming to put the farm into community ownership in 2015 and develop the whole 130 acres as a living learning space connecting people with where their food comes from. Heather will share the story of the farm and her ambitious future plans.

Opportunities for community-led businesses in the Community Empowerment Bill, Angus Hardie
Angus Hardie, Director of the Scottish Community Alliance will explore the changing face of public policy aimed at strengthening communities in Scotland. In particular he will discuss the opportunities for community-led businesses emerging from the Community Empowerment Bill.

Making the most of opportunities for emerging enterprises, Mark Simmonds
Mark Simmonds, Co-op Culture, Community Enterprise Advisor and REconomy Enterprise Advisor. During this workshop Mark will expand discussion and exchange on making the most of opportunities for emerging Transition Enterprises in Scotland.

How can a resilience action plan help communities?, Philip Revell
Philip Revell is Project Co-coordinator at Sustaining Dunbar. Following on from his introduction to the Local Resilience Action Plan earlier in the afternoon, Philip will look at the advantages and practicalities of undertaking an Action Plan and explain one example of how the vision is being realised.

15.20 Networking Break
Teas and coffees will be provided. Feel free to nip upstairs and have a look at the Sustainability Fair there!

15.50 Key Note Speech
Rob Hopkins is co-Founder of Transition Network and champion for how REconomy can support resilience within communities. A taster to his session later in the evening, he will talk about the vision for communities driven by local livelihoods, regional networks and global responsibility.

16.00 Round table discussions: How to sessions
Doing business differently, Niall McShannon
Clydesdale Community Initiatives run commercial landscaping, horticulture and woodwork operations providing placements to adults with learning difficulties, people with mental health issues and young people not coping with the school environment. Managing Director Niall McShannon will lead a round table discussion exploring the opportunities and challenges of doing business differently.

Make a vision a reality: A community owned business park, Philip Revell
An outcome of the Local Resilience Action Plan was identifying key barriers for new enterprises who were finding it difficult to find flexible work space, financial and other support. Philip Revell is Project Co-coordinator at Sustaining Dunbar who are currently in the early stages of setting up a community owned business park to meet the practical needs of new and existing local businesses and offer a dynamic space for networking.

The nuts and bolts of Transition Enterprise, Mark Simmonds
Mark Simmonds, Co-op Culture, Community Enterprise Advisor and REconomy Enterprise Advisor will lead a discussion around, and overview of, the nuts and bolts of the enterprise start-up journey from the back of the beermat to trading enterprise. An overview of the journey and who can help, drawing on the experience of those attending. If you're part of an enterprise or thinking about starting one, this is for you.

Setting up and running a community LETS scheme, Maria Cooper
Maria Cooper is one of the initiators of the St Andrews Local Exchange and Trading System, Saint Exchange. She will share and discuss the benefits and challenges of a LETS scheme, the important questions to take into account when setting up and how to maintain the momentum in the long term.

17.10 Closing Remarks

Celebrating Transition with Rob Hopkins and Music is Love

18.30-late, Byre Theatre, Abbey Street, KY16 8LA


As part of the Transition Network Roadshow we are delighted to invite every staff, student and community member to join the Roadshow participants for an evening of celebration in the newly-reopened Byre Theatre!

We welcome Rob Hopkins, co-founder of the Transition movement, to join us for a talk at 7pm on the problems and opportunities facing local communities taking action on oil dependency, climate change, and other sustainability issues, particularly in Post-Referendum Scotland. This will be followed by an evening of musical entertainment and celebration led by student group Music is Love.

This event is free for all, and the bar will be open for drinks and snacks.

Saturday, 11th October

Transition Roadshow St Andrews

9.00-17.30, Arts Building, the Scores, KY16 9AX

Transition Network and Transition University of St Andrews have arranged a day of workshops and exchanges on positive community action, suitable for established Transition Initiatives, new groups, and others working on or interested in similar environmental and social issues. Lunch and morning and afternoon refreshments will be provided.

There will also be an alternative programme for children between 10am and 3pm. Limited spaces available so please book in advance via
9.00 Registration, teas, coffees and optional warm up (Arts Lecture Theatre)

Registration is open for an hour. This is your chance to chat with the Transition Network facilitators on an off-hand basis, catch up with Transitioners from further afield and take part in some top of the range warm up to make sure you are fit for the day ahead. Come early to get the first choice of workshops for the day!

10.00 Welcome and Introduction (Arts Lecture Theatre)

Welcome from Transition University of St Andrews and Transition Network.

10.30 Workshops (choose one of the following)
Introduction to Transition (Arts Seminar Room 1)

Get an experiential taste of Transition. For those of you who have not engaged so much with Transition in the past. You will gain a clear understanding of what Transition is and a beginning to answer the question, ‘Is it right for me?’. We will also look at next steps, how to get started, where to find people, where to go to get help etc. Led by Transition Network.

Supporting a Healthy Transition Initiative (Arts Lecture Theatre)

Learn tools and methods for doing your own Transition health check! We will look at and celebrate what is going well and what is not going so well in your groups, build peer to peer support and learning, and demonstrate how to get supported to take your next steps. Led by Transition Network’s Naresh Giangrande.

Resourcing Transition Initiatives: Beyond CCF (Arts Seminar Room 2)

How do you continue to resource Transition work when large grants come to an end? Working with Jo Taylor, who has tackled this challenge, participants will start to develop plans to diversify income streams for their Transition work.

12.15 Lunch (Town Hall, Queens Gardens)

Soup, salad and sandwiches served at the Town Hall. Nip upstairs and have a look at the Sustainability Fair there. If you can’t find your way one of our volunteers will help you.

13.15 Workshops (choose one of the following)
REconomy and Community Resilience (Arts Seminar Room 1)

Mark Simmonds (Co-op Culture, Community Enterprise Advisor and REconomy Enterprise Advisor) and Sarah McAdam (Transition Network Delivery Director) will discuss how enterprise, REconomy and systemic change are connected and form a powerful means for developing community resilience. This will be a chance to reflect on the outcomes from the REconomy workshop the previous day in the context of progressing Transition activities in Scotland.

WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? (Arts Seminar Room 2)

How do we measure success and make monitoring fun? Join Rehema White, researcher in the department of Sustainable Development at the University of St Andrews, for a hands-on and interactive session, equipping you with the tools you need for your initiative or group back home.

Walkshop on Community Food Projects (Meet outside Town Hall)

Come along for a walk (in the hopefully glorious weather!) around the community growing sights of St Andrews. We will have time to visit at least one newly established community garden and one community orchard. This will be a session where you can exchange your own experiences, tackle practical problems and be inspired by the solutions of others. Led by Alistair Macleod from Transition University of St Andrews and Eva Schonveld from Fife Diet.

15.00 Coffee and Tea

Served in the Arts Lecture Theatre Foyer.

15.15 Think tank (Arts Lecture Theatre)

This is a chance to form a “Transition voice” in the debates surrounding the future of Scotland. We will reconvene in the large group to have a big think tank/brain storm on the role of Transition in a future more devolved Scotland, with particular emphasis on energy. In the independence debate there was a lot of focus on how much oil Scotland has, but what alternatives are there to oil exploitation, how do we go about them and how will they affect the rest of Scottish society? The discussions will be introduced and framed by leading academics in the field.

16.45 Wrap-up and goodbyes

17.30 Optional dinner at local restaurant

The Transition Team would like to invite everyone to join them for dinner at a local restaurant with options to suit a variety of tastes, diets and budgets. Please register your intent to attend dinner when you register for the Roadshow so we can make a booking. Please note that all attendees will be expected to fund their own meal.

Practical Information

Handy Phone Numbers
Georgina Stutchfield 07967 005594

Contact for participants, if you’re lost, late or generally a bit confused.

Maria Cooper 07795 871061

Contact for speakers and volunteers.

Ali Macleod 07811 004514

Contact if you need help with any logistics, getting into rooms, moving projectors etc.

Good Places to Eat Local Food
Forgans, 110 Market Street

Soups, salads, and bigger main meals. Get a card from us and you’ll get 20% off.

Cottage Kitchen, 5 Logies Lane

A friendly soup and a role/quiche-type place.

Grill House, St Mary’s Place

Mostly chillies, burgers, and grilled food.


To make this weekend as memorable as possible we invite anyone willing to take photos, short films etc. of the workshops and discussions (with participants’ permission). Please send anything you are willing to share with Transition University of St Andrews and Transition Network to

Feel free to blog, twitter, facebook about and share the events during the weekend.

#TNRoadshowStA – Main tag @TransitionUStA

#Roadshow @REconomyProject

#REconomy @transitiontowns



#St Andrews




Leuchars station is situated roughly 6 miles outside of St Andrews and is the closest train station. It is on the main London King's Cross via Edinburgh or Aberdeen line.

Facilities include 24 hours parking, a café and a taxi rank. This is often the fastest mode of transport.

Take a bus from Leuchars into town.


From Leuchars you will need to catch the Stagecoach in Fife X99A, X99B, X99C or X99D services which leave every 15 minutes from the train station or the Moffat & Williamson Service 92. A single ticket costs £2.75, a return £5.00. 

Stage Coach Buses also run services from Edinburgh (X58, X59, X60) and Glasgow (X24, X26, X27).



From Edinburgh (S)

  1. Cross the Forth Road Bridge (A90) after Edinburgh.

  2. Shortly after the bridge A90 becomes M90.

  3. Proceed north along M90 to Junction 2a (Dunfermline) onto A92.

  4. Follow the A92 (through Glenrothes) until just before Cupar.

  5. Join the A91 and follow to St Andrews.

From Stirling (SW)

  1. Leave Stirling on A91.

  2. Join M90 at Junction 7.

  3. Exit M90 at Junction 8.

  4. Follow A91 to St Andrews.

From Dundee and Aberdeen (N)

  • Cross the Tay Road Bridge on the A92 (South).

  • After approximately 1 mile, at roundabout turn left onto A914.

  • A914 becomes A919 at St Michaels.

  • Follow A919 to Leuchars.

  • At Guardbridge join A91 and follow to St Andrews.

Parking in St Andrews

There is parking at the Botanic Gardens for those attending the Transition Scotland gathering.

There is limited parking on the street outside the Town Hall and Arts Building. University parking is available on the Saturday.

Best long-term parking is Argyle Street car park or the car park just off Pilmour Links as you get into town from Guardbridge.

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