2020 Annual Report
Ubiquitous Connectivity
We are entering a fully connected, intelligent world. In
this world, connectivity is the foundation of everything,
and the right to be connected is vital. Connectivity
is the driver of productivity in digital society,
where ubiquitous gigabit networks provide massive
connectivity, ultra-high bandwidth, and ultra-low
latency for homes, data centers, campuses, and cities.
For mobile and home users around the world,
teams up with carriers to provide gigabit 5G networks
as well as gigabit fixed networks and Wi-Fi networks
for homes.
In the enterprise and government markets, Huawei
works with partners to deliver all-scenario intelligent
connectivity solutions that provide ultra-broadband,
deterministic experiences, and hyper-automation.
Huawei continues innovating to provide cutting-edge
gigabit connectivity technologies that work in any
scenario and over any medium. These technologies
include 5G core (one core and cloud-native
architecture), simplified 5G, best-in-class Wi-Fi 6
technologies, intelligent and lossless data center
networks, 400G/800G optical transmission, optical
cross-connect (OXC), and intelligent optical network
terminals (ONTs).
Huawei applies AI to individual network elements,
local network orchestration, and universal network
management. The company uses cloud services to
achieve hyper-automated network O&M management,
and builds intelligent connections that offer
deterministic experiences to better meet the needs of
industrial scenarios.
Huawei provides global
customers with a range of
intelligent connectivity solutions, including intelligent
5G connections, distributed access networks, premium
private lines, and intelligent cloud-network solutions.
Pervasive Intelligence
The world is entering an intelligent age where
networks will not just connect things but will also
connect intelligences. Computing power is the core
enabler of the digital economy. Diversified computing
is widely recognized to benefit all, through economic
gains like efficiency improvement and cost reductions
as well as social gains like sustainability and energy
conservation. Huawei is committed to providing the
ultimate computing power through ongoing innovation
in technological architecture and engineering. As part
of this effort, the company will continue opening up
hardware, making its software open-source, and
pursuing shared growth with partners.
Data is a core asset in the intelligent world, and data
volumes will explode as more and more things and
devices become smart. Many industries will need
massive intelligent storage to handle this explosion of
data. Huawei’s converged, intelligent, and open data
infrastructure helps break down silos between storage,
databases, and big data systems. Huawei’s data
management engine enables customers to integrate
and optimize every step of the data lifecycle, from
storage and computing to management and utilization.
This helps maximize the value per bit and reduce cost
per bit to unlock the full potential of data.
The cloud is reshaping the way people acquire digital
capabilities. The cloud is as important for intelligent
transformation as electricity was for the electrification
revolution of the 20th century. The cloud is critical
digital infrastructure that underpins the intelligent
world. Huawei is innovating
at every level of the cloud
technology stack, and delivers public cloud services
and hybrid cloud solutions that stand out for their
excellent value, availability, and data security. Huawei
itself focuses on platform services and capabilities.
Through AI enablement, data enablement, and
application enablement, Huawei speeds up innovation
in industries and simplifies application development.
With ecosystem partners, Huawei aims to drive digital
transformation and intelligent upgrade in all industries.
Personalized Experience
The physical and digital worlds are converging, and
the process is speeding up. Mass production is giving
way to mass customization, leading to greater business
innovation, collaboration across ecosystems, and a
richer user experience.
Using new technologies like AI and cloud,
businesses can better understand their customers’
needs and innovate with greater agility to craft a
more personalized experience.
Coordination and
collaboration across industries will drive innovation at
Huawei Investment & Holding Co., Ltd.
In our user-centric intelligent world, usage scenarios
and experiences are evolving. The boundaries between
products and services continue to break down, with
many converging scenarios, including home, travel,
office, entertainment, and fitness & health. Soon
all content and services will travel with users for
a completely seamless, holistic experience. Smart
collaboration between software and devices will give
users an intelligent experience anytime, anywhere. At
the same time, developments in natural interaction and
machine learning will take the service quality of smart
devices to a whole new level. Smart devices will be able
to better identify,
understand, and respond to users’
needs across different scenarios throughout their day,
paving the way for a truly personalized experience.
Huawei will continue working closely with partners
in its software, service, and hardware ecosystems to
systematically integrate existing technologies and
innovate to better serve consumers. The company is
committed to its Seamless AI Life strategy that focuses
on five scenarios: smart office, fitness & health,
smart home, easy travel, and entertainment. Through
HarmonyOS, Huawei Mobile Services (HMS), the
smart assistant Celia, and HiLink, Huawei continues
empowering its ecosystem partners to provide
consumers with a superior intelligent experience across
all scenarios.
Digital Platform
Many industries are embracing intelligent upgrade now
that digital transformation has reached new levels.
From video data and industrial data to personal data
consumption data, all data is coming from more
sources and in more forms and is becoming more
fragmented. Powerful digital platforms are needed to
integrate this data.
New technologies in connectivity, cloud, AI, computing,
and industry applications are converging to support
comprehensive intelligent connections between
people, things, and information at multiple levels.
These technologies will help industries expand their
traditional boundaries, and enable governments
and enterprises to expedite intelligent upgrade.
Enterprises will have to adapt their business
strategies, organization, processes, marketing, services,
manufacturing, and R&D to cope with changes. To
do so, enterprises need to synergize cloud, networks,
edge, and devices to build an open,
digital platform with multi-dimensional perception,
all-domain collaboration, accurate judgment, and
continuous evolution. With cloud as the foundation
and AI at its core, this digital platform helps users
accumulate industry know-how, rapidly innovate their
core business processes, and quickly iterate to respond
to new competition and changes in their business
A digital platform is one of the core engines
that drives success in digital transformation. New
information technologies can make organizations
more efficient through intelligent management of their
physical assets like buildings, factories, production
lines, and utilities. At the same time,
digital technologies in connectivity, cloud, AI, and
computing can change the way organizations operate
and create new business models. This is the process
of digital transformation and intelligent upgrade.
An organization’s IT systems and the corresponding
operational methods combine to form a digital
Together with its ecosystem partners, Huawei provides
innovative technologies, products, and solutions that
help its customers build open, secure, flexible, and
easy-to-use digital platforms. With its digital platform,
Huawei assists customers in crafting their own
intelligent solutions, and enables industries to navigate
digital transformation and intelligent upgrade.
Huawei’s digital platform is injecting new momentum
into the digital economy.