E x e r c i s e 3. Translate the following sentences into English using the active vocabulary of the lesson. 1. Mening ona shahrim men uchun dunyodagi eng chiroyli shaharlardan biridir. 2. Shaharning yangi qismi eski qismiga qaraganda kattaroqdir. 3. Somoniylar maqbarasi Ulug‘bek madrasasiga qaraganda qadimiyroqdir. 4. Buxoro dunyodagi qadimiy shaharlardan biridir. 5. Bu shahardagi eng yaxshi kasalxonadir. 6. U a’lochi studentdir. 7. Kitobning bu qismi unisiga qaraganda qiziqarliroqdir. 8. Men ona shahrimni juda yaxshi ko‘raman.
THEME 10. POLITICAL PARTIES AND MOVEMENTS OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN At present time four political parties are listed and functioning in our republic:
The People’s Democratic Party; The «Fidokorlar» National Democratic Party;
The «Adolat» (Justice) Social Democratic Party; The «Milliy tiklanish» (National rebirth) Party and the «Xalq birligi» (Unity of people) movement. The People’s Democratic Party was founded on the 1st of November in 1991. Nowadays it has deputies fraction of its Oliy Majlis consisting of 69 people. It is an institutor of the newspapers «O’zbekiston ovozi», «Golos Uzbekistana» and the magazine «Muloqot». As the aim and tasks were similar, the «Vatan taraqqiyoti» Party and the «Fidokorlar» Party were combined. As a result of this, the «Fidokorlar» National Democratic Party was instituted on the 14th of April in 2000. The
«Fidokorlar» National Democratic Party’s members are the young people and it is engaged with the problems of the youth. The «Adolat» (Justice) Social Democratic Party was instituted in February in 1995. Deputies fraction of the Party’s Oliy Majlis consisting of people is functioning. The «Adolat» Social Democratic Party
has its own newspaper by name «Adolat». The «Milliy tiklanish» (National rebirth) Party was founded on the 3rd of July in 1995. The Party serves to consolidate the National State system of Uzbekistan, develop the culture of people, to unite the creators. It has own newspaper by name «Milliy tiklanish». The «Xalq birligi» (Unity of people) movement serves to unite the people of Uzbekistan in one united family.