For international English students, this problem may arise in the Present Perfect tense because it is a time that does not exist at all in some languages, such as German and Czech
For international English students, this problem may arise in the Present Perfect tense because it is a time that does not exist at all in some languages, such as German and Czech. In Sentences that use the English Present Perfect tense can use a in other languages different times. Because there is no time in Czech grammar like Present Perfect we
Usually use the past or present tense to translate an English sentence that includes Present Perfect to the Czech language. In most cases we have to express such a sentence in English with more than one Czech sentences or even sentences to preserve all the meanings in English represented only by the Present Perfect tense. This is why the Present Perfect verb exists .Present Perfect tenses are usually at the beginning level, but appear for the first time in courses young students are often at the pre-intermediate level because they include one or more levels . However, eight courses Present Perfect does not offer all the functions of the time. They are basically courses designed for teenage students.
The selected twelve textbooks teach the function of the Indefinite Past as the first. Although it is not the most common, it allows for personalization and is therefore visible favorite Three of the course books have the most past function as common as the first.. In the analysis of the nineteen selected textbooks, the data I have collected show that in general, the Present Perfect was adopted by the best approach to the first appearance of the age courses designed for adult students. They also practice the Present Perfect tense effectively enough and often personalized exercises and movements.and Present Perfect is almost average for courses not taught in the first stage twenty. Again, Seniors don’t spend much time presenting things that already exist have been taught before, but they are more likely to review them and apply them in practice, which allows students to move more quickly towards an unknown grammar.
All have three grammatical structures taught before the Present Perfect tense
Nineteen selected courses are present simple, present continuous, and past simple time. However, only eight courses focus on using Present Continous tenses for the future regulation All seven textbooks also have the Past Continuous tense taught earlierPresent Perfect, but they are basically textbooks with at least one level
Present Perfect Level, Matrix is the only exception.
As for the future, the be going to structure is not just presented within
Clockwise and new hotline. However, this differs only in the will / absence of being taught eight courses, mostly in courses that teach Present Prefect at higher levels. There are also six courses (clockwise, inside, life line, new
Headway, Twist and Language in Use) does not focus on articles or plurals courses do not teach visuals other than the New Headway course (this / this / this / they) or. Even though I thought all the courses would use them in the textbooks, they don’t draw attention students need to know exactly when and how to use them, and students need to follow the rules for themselves. It is the same with the structure there is / there are (not taught in Twist et al
Both the clockwise direction and the verb to be (not taught in Twist) are used in textbooks, but untrained
To find out what grammar elements are taught in individual courses so far
I not only did Present Perfect look at the level it was introduced for the first time, but it also looks at the present if previous levels are available. The textbooks are additionally arranged in alphabetical order. There are thirty grammatical elements arranged in numbers from top to bottom Textbooks, in which the authors focus on them before the first appearance of the present day Perfect time.
Grammatical elements taught before the Present Perfect are denoted by an "x". There are seventeen grammatical elements taught before the average Present Perfect tense.
Present Perfect is an average of fourteen elements for courses taught in the first stageThe success of this phase depends in many ways on the teacher, but should offer a good textbook reliable help for the teacher. Ideally the structure should be recognized by the students. When the first stage there are several sentences that contain a new grammatical structure that is generally lost, usually given.
However, in all of these examples, students now focus on the grammatical structure itself. To understand this, there are three main things they need to know about it use themselves properly. They are the form, function, and meaning of the structure. The function of a structure is to determine in what context we use it. There are usually more features a form of structure and they need to be taught one at a time, not one at a time one. You also need to know the meaning of the structure. It is also possible to show this timelines that do not contain a new one are checked using visual or simplified sentences grammar, but the same meaning. If the context is set correctly, the function and its the meaning can be clear after the first stage. However, I think they should be investigated in this regard the scene too.
There are various numbers in grammar books and English grammar sources
Present Perfect Possible uses or functions of tense. But I think mostTextbooks for international students studying English try to be as accurate as possible
The function of the verb Present Perfect is for students for the first time, so I’ll go into more detail The Present Perfect is the most accurate classification of tense functions I found in Geoffrey N. Lich's meaning and verb in English. Leech says there are four categories of features Present Perfect, one of which has a subcategory.
Present Perfect is the present tense, but it often means a strong connection between the present tense and the past.
The results confirm what has been said before, the full form of the Present Prefect was used mainly in written text types and when speaking in the form of a consonant, it is very often used discussions, interviews, conversations, and other types of conversations
I don’t remember or I’m not sure. The most important thing is to understand correctly . However, this is possible not generalized, but my dissertation may serve as a starting point for some students. Some teachers do not use any textbooks
Their courses, however, may want to get some ideas and suggestions on how to introduce Present Very suitable for their students. On the other hand, there are teachers who use the textbook, however feel that the process of teaching this grammar is unsatisfactory. He can choose another textbook for this. And finally, after reading this
it is not sufficiently presented and put into practice, except for the order of its teaching
Other grammar presentations in the textbook.
In my thesis, I focus primarily on the Present Perfect tense described in grammar books.
Then I work on a new grammar element teaching routine suggested by experts
teaching English. The criteria for analyzing the selected textbooks are given below and the last section devoted to the analysis and comparison of selected textbooks to their first appearance. They belong to the Present Perfect tense.