In the novel “Karakalpak kizi” by Tolepbergen Kayipbergenov a number of traditions, customs and celebrations are depicted.
For instance:
“Aydaǵanıń eki eshki, ısqırǵaniń jer jaradı” degendey, kúyew-kúyew degenge qanday adamlar eken desem, boldırǵan adamlar ǵoy. Ornınan turıp jeńgege iybe etiwdi bilmeydi.
Otırǵanlar sam-saz. Qutımbay bir qarap edi. Aysha ne de bolsa óziniń ústemligin arttırıp alǵannan keyin baydıń kewlin baǵıp shayqatıldı.
“At ólse de qáde ólmes, arıq qoydan tóslik al,” degen. kúyew baladan qádemizdi sorap keldik, qaynaǵa!
This is an extract from the conversation of the sister-in-law of the girl called Biybi who is getting married and her fiancé. In this extract sister-in-law’s asking for qáde from the fiancé is described. Qáde is a gift made at a wedding which can be money or something valuable. It is especially given to sister-in-laws or neighbors by fiancé.
Tórde kitapqa úńilip otırǵan ǵarrı muxabası sarı úlken kitabın qaptalına qoyıp, oń jaǵına sál awıq, qırlı murnınıń ústinen kóz áynegin qolına ala sala, kúyew ushın juwap berdi:
Qoydı bir soymaq bar, eki soymaq joq. Sol aytqanday qádeni eki alıw joq. Endi bizlerde haqıńız qalmaǵan shıǵar, qudaǵay kelin!
Aysha olardan basılıp kete qoymadı.
Aspanda ǵawiq degen qus boladi, ǵawqıldasa dawısı jer jaradı, uslap alıp jula qoysań, pátamamı bir qısım pár boladı…
Ǵarǵa ǵańqildap ǵaz bolmas, kempir sıńsıp qız bolmas degen, - dep murt sózge aralastı. – Elińizde qáde soraǵanday táwirlew birew joqpa?... Qızsız el bolmaydı. Solarǵa soratpaysızba aqırı?
Ǵaz ǵańqıldar hár jerde,
Shań burqıldar tar jerde,
Biykeshler sizdi mensinbey,
Jeńgesi keldi bul jerge…
Murt sózden utılıp ne qıların bilmey ekinshi qaptalına jambasladı.
An example of aytıs is given above. Aytıs is a folklore genre. In the oral tradition of the Turkic peoples, aytıs is a unique competition of folk poets, a way of poetry and a test of their talent. It is also found in folklore works with an epic content. Aytıs is not only a creative competition between folk poets, but is also known in folk ceremonies and traditions as a show of mutual sensitivity, ingenuity, and responsiveness between boys and girls or two groups. Here aytıs is going between Biybi’s sister-in-law and fiancé. Fiancé’s responsiveness is not as good as sister-in-law’s, so he loses and has to give qáde.
Pátiya beriw is another tradition of Karakalpak people. Pátiya is praying for goodness, peace and health for oneself or others, by gently rubbing the face from top to bottom with the palms of both hands. It is usually performed by experienced, old people. In the extract below Jumagul who is about to get married goes to an old lady’s house to ask for pátiya. The old lady is called Anar. The author described her as a strong, clever old woman who is highly respected by young and old people. Whoever asks for advice, she helps as much as she can, and not only wishes goodness to that person but also prays for the whole village.
Baxıtıńdi alla ashsın, qızım. Biraq qay waqtada Qaraqalpaqtıń qızı bol: Xalıq, hár zamanǵa bir zaman deydi, bul zamanagóy bol degen gáp. Qızım, ornı kelgen jerde kútá tartınshaq ta bolma. Awır kúnlerge márt bolıw dárkar. El ushın jan ayamasań el sıylaydı. Márt bolaman dep erińe qarsı turıp júrme. Piyrim Biybipatpanıń násiyatın orınla. Biybipatpa enemiz erine esh waqıtta qarsı sóylemegen.
Jumagúl este saqlayman degendey kempirdiń kúni menengi sózin maqullap, basın bir shayqadı da:
Yaqshı, sheshe, - dedi.
Biykesh! – degen dawıs esitilmegende, kempirdiń sózi ada bolmas edi.
Jigitke úyleniw, qızǵa turmısqa shıǵıw miyasar. Bunıń aqıbeti jaqsı bolsa, ada bolmas baxıt. Baxıtıń bolsın, balam!
Analıq kempir aq pátiyasın berip, kórpesin basına jamılıp qádimgi qálpinde jatıp qaldı.
In this passage, Anar prays for Jumagul. She advised her on how to behave in his new family, how to show respect to family members, wishing her good luck and happiness.
The author covers all the traditions of the Karakalpak people in this novel. Even the hairstyles and clothes of Karakalpak girls are taken into account. For example, in the past, tulımshaq were split on both sides to indicate that the girls were not married. Only after she got married, all her hair is joined and braided together:
Jelpip esip, shóplerdiń basların iygen jumsaq tań samalı onıń esilgen qos tulımın artına qayıradı. “Qapılǵır, kelinshek bolmay atırıp shashıma qosılajaq pa” degendey, qolı menen ornına ákelip qoyadı.
Biybayım, - dedi arıǵıraqtan kelgen súwen jaqlı qız oǵan. – Kelinshektiń murındıq enesi sen boldıń ba?
Onıń qasındaǵılar “Túsinbey tursań ba?” degendey iyinleri menen qaǵıp jiberisti. Biybayim juwap ornına Jumagúldiń jegdesin sál kóterip, qolındaǵı tórtkúl aq shıtınıń shetin onıń dákenesine ilgeshek penen ótkerip mańlayina japtı. Jumagúl kelinshek boldi!
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