Flash is an authoring tool that designers and devolopers use to create presentations, applications and other content that enables. ( Flash bu dizaynerlar va dasturchilar prezetantsiya dastur va boshqa foydalanuvchilar foyfalanadigan contentlar yaratish aftor insturmentlari)
Flash projects can include simple animations, video content, comptex presetations, applications and everyting in nbetween. (Flash proektlari oddiy animatsiyalarni, video kantentlarni, murakkab prizentatsiyalarni, ilovalarni va shu kabilarni o’z ichiga olgan ilovalar deb ataladi) In general individual picces of cantent made with flash are called applications, even though they might only be a basic animation. You can make media-rich flash applications by including pictuers, sound, video, and spacail effects.( flash ilovalarni mediaga boy qilish mumkin, masalan rasmlar, tovush videolar va maxsus effectlar orqali)
Flash is extremely well suited to creating content for delivery over the internet because its files are very small (flash internet orqali yetkazib berish contetnli tayyorlash uchun mos chunki uning fayli juda kichik).
Flash achieves this through its extensive use of vector graphics.(Flash vector grafikalarida keng foydalaniladi). Vector graphics require significantly less, memory and storage space than bitmap graphics because they are represented by mathematical formulas instead of large data sets. (vector grafikalari xotiradan juda kam joy egallaydi bitmab grafikalaridan ko’ra chunki vector grafikalari matematik formulalar orqali tasvirlaydi kata malumotlar tarmoqlarida.)
Bitmap graphics are larger because each induvidal pixel in the image requires a separate piece of data to represent it.( bitmap grafikalar kattaroq chunki rasmdagi har bir pixel tesvirlanishida alohida malumot talab qiladi.)
To build an application in flash you create graphics with the flash drawing tools and import additional media elements into your flash document. ( flashda ilova yaratish uchun grafikalarni flash chizish insturmentlaridan foydalangan holda yaratasiz va flash dacumentingizga qo’shimcha meda elementlarni import qilish mumkin.) When you work with flash application you work in a flash document file.( siz flash ilovalarini ishlasangiz siz flash document file bilan ishlaysiz)
Flash dacuments have the file extension .fla ( flash dacumenti fla qisqartmaga ega)
Flash is a tool which is designers and developers can use flash projects can include video contents presentitions and different kind of animation. Working true in flash projects we can extremely use from vector graphics because vector graphics requires less memory on the storage. Flash documents file extension is .fla(dot fla)
I strongly support the positive side mean internet has a sicnificant role in our life nowadays and for me also because you can find and kind of information anywhere which is helpful for your work, for study and for example me I got more information for my research work. Several decades ago people couldon’t find their neebls, I mean books and useful files for learning new thing or doing some researchs. They had to find books even. From aouther countries library and now we don’t have to do like this we sit home and search from the internet.
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