7. MAX_VARIANT - the maximum number of variants of the structure INS
addcomp.exe. Then sleduet vÿpolnit addcomp.exe i in the dialog ukazat TCP
port ispolnitelya zadaniy, TCP-port planirovshchika zadaniy i parameters
otsutstviya s nim svyazi vo vremya seansa obrabotki dannyx, obrabotka dannyx
perechislenÿ parameters, soderjashchiesya in
it: 1. PORT -
TCP-port obrabotchika zaprosov;
2. READ_TIMEOUT - predelnoe vremya ojidaniya (v millisekundax) dannyx
ot klienta neyroservera;
zaregistrirovan servis operatsionnoy sistemy Mutator i sozdan
restore the connection with the computer and perform perezapusk service
classifications, primers, rules of preparation and models;
operating system;
computer. Dlya etogo neobxodimo na osnovnom kompyutere vÿpolnit
sluchae nedostupnyy computer ne budet ispolzovatsya in tekushchem session
addcomp.exe. After this neobxodimo perezapustit service NeuroServer. Esli at
the moment of the start of the session processing data is complete
osushchestvlyaetsya cherez izmenenie file nastroek. Everything has three files
procedures for clustering of primeers;
queries, modeling parameters and razmeshcheniya base models. Nije
skopirovat na nego v odnu papku fayly specimen.dll, mutatorservice.exe i
skazat, chto v sluchae "zavisaniya" dopolnitelnogo
kompyutera ili
popadayushchix in one cluster;
registratsii servisa operatsionnoy sistemy. It will be installed
will be priostanovlena. Dlya vozobnovleniya obrabotki neobxodimo libo
3. DIR_SAMLES - folder in which stores information about the system
v populyatsii evolutionary algorithm;
4. VENDOR - handler of XML-documents zaregistrirovannyy v
nastroechnÿy file mutator.ini. After this neobxodimo zaregistrirovat
NeuroServer, simply restart the NeuroServer service. In the second
program regcomp.exe ukazav v dialogge setevoe imya kompyutera (ili ego IP
adres) i TCP-port ispolnitelya zadaniy vÿbrannyy pri vÿpolnenii
dannyx processing.
Upravlenie nastroykami programmnogo kompleksa mojno
maximum amount of iteration
the computer will not be available, so it will not be used. Neobxodimo
computers. Dlya podklyucheniya dopolnitelnogo kompyutera neobxodimo
settings: neuroserver.ini, settings.ini and
mutator.ini. The file neuroserver.ini contains settings associated with the processor
6. MIN_SAMPLE_CLUSTER - minimum number of primeers
Machine Translated by Google
4. Priority - systemic priority processing of requests (0 -
skolzyashchego kontrolya. In the classic variant on each shage
12.PRIORITY - system priority process processing requests (0 -
obucheniya INS;
4. TRAINING_MIN_H - the minimum value of shaga izmeneniya vesov
File settings.ini soderjit nastroyki planirovshchika zadaniy i
testirovaniya sluchayno vÿbirayutsya neskolko testovyx primerov. Esli 0, to na kajdoy
testiruetsya odin primer, kak v
5. TRAINING_START_H - startovoe znachenie shaga izmeneniya vesov
The file mutator.ini contains the settings of the executor of the task. Nije
9. TEST_COUNT - the amount of shagov testa skolzyashchego method
nem i kotorye mogut menyatsya polzovatelem:
10.MAX_SYNAPSE - maximum number of synapses in INS;
2. DB_DATABASE_NAME - folder razmeshcheniya file planirovshchika
1. LocalPort - TCP-port handler;
3. TRAINING_MAX_ITER - maximum number iteration procedure
control. V neuroservice realizovan modifitsirovannyy metod
ispolnyaetsya planirovshchik zadaniy;
testiruetsya odin primer. In realizovannom variant na kajdom shage
normal; 1 -vysokiy; 2 - low).
in the INS training procedure;
normal; 1 -vysokiy; 2 - low);
synapses in the INU training procedure.
classic variant;
INS learning algorithms. Nije perechislenÿ parameters, soderjashchiesya v
1. TCP_LOCAL_PORT - TCP-port planner task;
perechisleny parameters, soderjashchiesya in it:
11.START_SYNAPSE - the number of synapses in the initial variant
8. VALID_PERC - percentage of primerov from the total number of primerov, used on one
shage testovoliya skolzyashchego
2. RemotePort - TCP-port planner task; 3. RemoteHost -
network identifier, on which
Machine Translated by Google
Vzaimodeystvie prikladnyx programm s neyroserverom
rekomenduetsya ustanovit na computer stolko je ispolniteley zadaniy. Dlya etogo
neobxodimo neskolko raz vÿpolnit addcomp.exe vsyakiy raz
neuroservice. In kachestve parameters peredayutsya name of the user (User),
password (Password), setevoy identifikator kompyutera, na kotorom
(ReadTimeOut). V tekushchey realizatsii neyroservera razgranichenie prav
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