Selected Bibliography and Works Referred to in the Syllabus
Ackroyd, P. R. Israel Under Babylon and Persia. Oxford: Univ. Press, 1970.
Albright, W. F. Bulletin of the American Society of Oriental Research, 109-110 (Feb., Apr., 1948).
_____. From Stone Age to Christianity. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1957.
_____. Yahweh and the Gods of Canaan. Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Co., 1967.
_____. Archaeology and the Religion of Israel. Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Co., 1969.
_____. "The Role of the Canaanites in the History of Civilization" in The Bible and the Ancient Near East. Garden City, NY: Dooubleday, 1961.
Anstey, A. Chronology of the Old Testament. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1973.
Avigad, N. Discovering Jerusalem. Israel: Shikmona Pub. Co., 1980.
Avi-Yonah, M. The Holy Land: From the Persia to the Arab Conquests (536 B.C. to A.D. 640); a Historical Geography, Grand Rapids: Baker, 1966.
Beall, Todd S. Josephus’ Description of the Essenes Illustrated by the Dead Sea Scrolls, Society for New Testament Studies, Monograph Series 58, Cambridge, University Press, 1988.
Beck, John C. The Fall of Tyre According to Ezekiel’s Prophecy, Th.M. Thesis, DTS.
Beckwith, R. The Old Testament Canon of the New Testament Church (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1985).
Bittel, Kurt. Hattusha, The Capital of the Hittites. NY: Oxford Univ. Press, 1970.
Blaiklock, E. M. Archaeology of theNew Testament. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1970.
_____. and R. K. Harrison. The New International Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1983.
Bright, John. A History of Israel. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1959.
_____. "Has Archaeology Found Evidence for the Flood." Biblical Archaeologist Reader I, 32-40. Garden City, NY: Anchor Books, 1961.
Brinkman, J. A. "Merodach-Baladan II" in Studies Presented to Leo Oppenheim, Chicago: Oriental Institute of University of Chicago, 1964.
Campbell, E. F. and D. N. Freedman. The Biblical Archaeologist Reader II. Garden City, NY: Anchor Books, 1970.
_____. The Biblical Archaeologist Reader III. Garden City, NY: Anchor Books, 1970.
_____. The Biblical Archaeologist Reader IV. Sheffield: Almond Press, 1973.
Cassuto, U. A Commentary on the Book of Genesis. 2 vols. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1978.
Childe, V. G. New Light on the Most Ancient East. New York: Knopf, 1929. Fourth ed. New York: F. A. Praeger, 1953.
Contenau, Everyday Life in Babylon and Assyria. New York: W. W. Norton, 1966.
Coogan, M. D. "Life in the Diaspora," BA 37 (1974) 7-12.
Cook, J. M. The Persian Empire, NY: Schocken Books, 1983.
Crockett, W. D. A Harmony of Samuel Kings and Chronicles. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1959.
Cross, F. M. Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic: Essays in the History of the Religion of Israel. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1973.
_____. Ancient Library of Qumran. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1961.
Curtis, Adrian. Ugarit, Ras Shamra. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1985.
Custance, A. The Three Sons of Noah. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1975.
Daiches, Samuel. The Jews in Babylonia in the Times of Ezra and Nehemiah according to Babylonian Inscriptions, London: Jews' College, 1910.
De Jonge, W. and A. S. Van Der Woude, "11Q Melchizedek and the New Testament," NTS 12 (1966): 301-26.
De Sélincourt, A. The World of Herodotus. Boston: Little Brown and Co., 1962.
DeVaux, R. The Bible and the Ancient Near East. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1971.
Dever, W. G. "What Remains of the House that Albright Built?" Biblical Archaeologist, 56 (1993) 32-33.
DeVries, C. E. "The Bearing of Current Egyptian Studies on the Old Testament" in New Perspectives on Old Testament Study. Waco, TX: Word Publisher, 1970.
Dothan, T. and S. Gitin, "Ekron of thePhilistines," BAR 16 (1990) 21-36.
Driver, S.R. The Book of Genesis. London: Methuen & Co., 1905.
Dupont-Sommer, A. The Essene Writings from Qumran, G. Vermes, trans. (Glouchester, MA: Peter Smith, 1973).
Edwards, I. E. S., Ed. The Cambridge Ancient History. Vol. 3. Cambridge: University Press, 1970.
Eisenman, R. and Michael Wise. The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered. Rockport, MA: Element, 1992.
Eissfeldt, O. Introduction to the Old Testament. Tr. P. Ackroyd. New York: Harper & Row, 1965.
Fensham, F. C. The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah in NICOT, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1982.
Finegan, Jack. Light from the Ancient Past. Princeton: University Press, 1946.
_____. In the Beginning. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1962.
Finkelstein, I. and D. Ussishkin, "Back to Megiddo," BAR 20 (1993) 26-43.
Finkelstein, J. J. Commentary, April, 1959, XXVII No. 4
J. A. Fitzmyer, The Dead Sea ScrollsMajor Publications and Tools for Study, Missoula, MT: Scholars Press, 1975,77.
Freedman, D. N. and Jonas Greenfield. New Directions in Biblical Archaeology. Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Co., 1969.
Gadd, C. J. "Ur" in Archaeology and Old Testament Study. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1967.
Gardiner, A. Egypt of the Pharaohs. Oxford: University Press, 1961.
Gardiner, A. H. and Thomas Eric Peet. The Inscriptions of Sinai. London: Egypt Exploration Soceity, 1952-55.
Gaster, T. The Dead Sea Scriptures. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1964.
Gelb, I. J. The Study of Writing. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1952.
Glueck, Nelson. Rivers in the Desert. New York: Farrar, Strauss, Cudahy, 1959.
_____. The River Jordan. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968.
Gordon, Cyrus. "Biblical Customs and the Nuzu Tablets." Biblical Archaeologist 3:1 (1940) 1-12.
Gurney, O. R. The Hittites. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1954.
Hall, H. R. "The Eclipse of Egypt," in The Cambridge Ancient History 3:251-269 (1929).
Hallo, W. W. The Ancient Near East: A History, 1971, p. 145.
Harris, Zellig. A Grammar of the Phoenician Language. New Haven: American Oriental Society, 1936.
Harrison, R. K. "Edom; Edomites," The New International Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology, eds., Blaiklock and Harrison, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1983.
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Hindson, E. E. The Philistines and the Old Testament, Grand Rapids: Baker, 1971.
Hopkins, David C. "From the Editor," Biblical Archaeologist 56 (1993) Inside cover.
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Josephus. Against Apion. In Loeb. T. E. Page, ed. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1965.
Kaufmann, Yehezkel (in Cross’s Canaanite Myth)
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_____. Digging Up Jericho. London: Ernest Benn, Ltd., 1957.
_____. Royal Cities of the Old Testament. London: Barris and Jenkins, 1971.
Kitchen, K The Ancient Orient and the Old Testament. Chicago: Intervarsity Press, 1966.
_____. The Bible in its World; the Bible and Archaeology Today. Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, 1977.
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Mazar, Amihai. Archaeology of the Land of the Bible 10,000-586 BCE. New York: Doubleday, 1990.
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Mallowan, M. E. L. "Nimrud" in Archaeology and Old Testament Study. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1967.
Matthiae, Paolo. Ebla, an Empire Rediscovered, Tr. C. Holme. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1981.
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Milik, J. T. ed., Discoveries in the Judean Desert. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1955.
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Noth, M. The Old Testament World, Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1962.
Oates, Joan. Babylon, London: Thames & Hudson, 1979, rev. ed., 1986.
Olmstead, A. T. History of Palestine and Syria to the Macedonian Conquest. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1965.
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Oppenheim, Leo. Ancient Mesopotamia. Chicago: University Press, 1964.
Pettinato, G. The Archives of Ebla, Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1981.
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Pierce, R. A. "Shiloh and Jer. VII 12,14, & 15," VT 23:1 (1973): 105-108.
Pinches, T. G. "Chaldea" in International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, 1:589, 1929 edition.
Porten, Archives of Elephantine. Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Press, 1968.
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_____. Ancient Near East. Vol 1. Princeton: University Press, 1958.
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Redford, D. B. Akhenaten, the Heretic King. Princeton: University Press, 1984.
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Smick, Elmer B. Archaeology of the Jordan Valley. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1973.
Snaith, N. H. The Jews from Cyrus to Herod, Nashville: Abingdon, 1956.
Speiser, E. A. Genesis in The Anchor Bible. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1964.
Thompson, D. L. "A Problem of Unfulfilled Prophecy in Ezekiel," WTJ 16 (1981): 93-106.
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