leather [lefla:r] n. Leather is a material made from animal skin that is used to make clothing.
-» He got a new leather jacket for his birthday. ponder [pander] v. To ponder something is to think about it carefully.
-+ She sat in the park and pondered her problem. reserve [riza:™] v. To reserve something means to keep it for a certain person or time.
-» He reserved a table at the busy restaurant. script [skript] n. A script is the words of a film or play.
-* He read the script of the play three times. search [sa:/ij] v. To search for something or someone means to look for them carefully.
-> I searched the newspaper for a new job. slam [slaem] v. To slam is to close something hard.
-* She slammed the book shut after she finished reading it.