fotoelektrik – nur bilan ishlab chiqarilgan elektron yoki boshqa elektr ta'siriga tegishlidir.
photoelectric – pertaining to the electronic or other electric effects produced by light.
fotokimyo – nurning kimyoviy harakati bilan shug'ullanuvchi kimyo bo'limi.
photochemistry – the branch of chemistry that deals with the chemical action of light.
foton – ko'pincha elektromagnit nurlanishning kvanti, odatda o'zining antipartikuli bo'lgan va nolga teng bo'lgan massa va zaryadli va birining aylanishiga ega elementar zarrachasi hisoblanadi.ramz: g
photon – a quantum of electromagnetic radiation, usually considered as an elementary particle that is its own antiparticle and that has zero rest mass and charge and a spin of one. symbol: γ.