vacuum crystallizer – an enclosed space from which matter, especially air, has been partially removed so that the matter or gas remaining in the space exerts less pressure than the atmosphere (opposed to plenum).
vakuum kristallashtiruvchisi – moddada, ayniqsa, havo havosidan qisman olib tashlangan yopiq joy, ya'ni fazada qolgan modda yoki gaz atmosferaga qaraganda kamroq bosim o'tkazadi (plenumga qarama-qarshidir).
vacuum distillation – a process of distillation employing a vacuum that by lowering the pressure on a liquid allows volatilization at a lower temperature than normal
vakuum distillyatsiyasi – bir suyuqlik bosimini kamaytirish orqali vakuumni ishlatadigan distillash jarayoni odatdagidan pastroq haroratda volatilizatsiyani ta'minlaydi.
valence – the quality that determines the number of atoms or groups with which any single atom or group will unite chemically.
valentlik – atom yoki guruhlar sonini belgilaydigan sifat, kimyoviy jihatdan har qanday yagona atom yoki guruh birlashtiriladi