bog‘lovchi, biriktiruvchi – birlashish yoki ulanish uchun xizmat qilish; ulanish; nusxa ko'chirish
synthesis – the forming or building of a more complex substance or compound from elements or simpler compounds
sintez – elementlardan yoki oddiy tarkibdan murakkab modda yoki birikmani shakllantirish yoki qurish
tantalum –a gray, hard, rare, metallic element occurring in columbite and tantaliteand usually associated with niobium: used, because of its resistance to corrosion by most acids, for chemical, dental, and surgical instruments and apparatus. Symbol: ta; atomic weight: 180.948; atomic number:73; specific gravity: 16.6.
tantal – kolumbit va tantalitlarda paydo bo'lgan va odatda niobiy bilan bog'langan kulrang, qattiq, noyob metall element: kimyoviy, stomatologik va jarrohlik apparatlari va apparatlari uchun ko'pgina kislotalarning korroziyaga qarshi chidamliligi tufayli ishlatiladi. Belgilar: ta; atomi og'irligi: 180.948; atom raqami: 73; o'ziga xos tortishish: 16.6.
technetium – an element of the manganese family, not found in nature, but obtained in the fission of uranium or by the bombardment of molybdenum. Symbol: tc; atomic weight: 99; atomic number: 43;specific gravity: 11.5
texnitsiy – tabiatda topilmagan, ammo uranning tarqalishida yoki molibdenni bombardimon qilishda olingan marganets oilasining elementi. Ramz: tc; atom og'irligi: 99; atom raqami: 43, o'ziga xos tortishish: 11.5
technology – the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.
texnologiya – texnika vositalarini yaratish va ulardan foydalanish hamda ularning hayoti, jamiyat va atrof-muhit bilan o'zaro bog'liqligi, sanoat san'ati, muhandislik, amaliy fanlar va sof fan kabi mavzularga oid bilim sohasi.
tellurium –a rare, lustrous, brittle, crystalline, silver-white element resembling sulfur in its properties, and usually occurring in nature combined with gold, silver, or other metals of high atomic weight: used in the manufacture of alloys and as a coloring agent in glass and ceramics. Symbol: te; atomic weight: 127.60; atomic number: 52; specific gravity: 6.24.
tellur -odatda oltingugurtga o'xshash, odatda oltin, kumush va boshqa atomlarning og'irligi bilan ajralib turadigan noyob, porloq, mo'rt, kristalli, kumush-oq element bo'lib, qotishmalar ishlab chiqarishda va bo'yoq moddasi sifatida ishlatiladi. Shisha va keramika. Ramz: te; atom og'irligi: 127.60; atom raqami: 52; o'ziga xos tortishish: 6.24.
temperature – a measure of the warmth or coldness of an object or substance with reference to some standard value. The temperature of two systems is the same when the systems are in thermal equilibrium.
temperature – ba'zi bir standart qiymatga qarab ob'ekt yoki moddaning issiqligi yoki sovuqligi o'lchovidir. Ikkita tizimning harorati tizimlar issiqlik muvozanatiga ega bo'lganida bir xil bo'ladi
terbium – a rare-earth, metallic element present in certain minerals and yielding colorless salts. Symbol: tb; atomic number: 65; atomic weight:158.924; specific gravity: 8.25.
terbiy –ba'zi bir minerallarda mavjud bo'lgan va rangsiz tuzlar hosil qiluvchi nodir yer, metall element. Ramz: tb; atom raqami: 65; atomi og'irligi: 158.924; o'ziga xos tortishish: 8.25.