taqsimot koeffitsiyenti– bir moddaning kontsentratsiyasini ikki heterogen fazada bir-biri bilan muvozanatdagi nisbati koeffitsientini taqsimlash koeffitsienti
partition coefficient– the ratio of the concentrations of a substance in two heterogenous phases in equilibrium with each other
tarkib, aralashma–ikki yoki undan ortiq moddadan tashkil topgan umumiy material
composition– an aggregate material formed from two or more substances
tarkibiy qism–tarkibiy element, material va boshqalar; tarkibiy qism.
constituent– a constituent element, material, etc.; component.
tashuvchi – bir element yoki atom guruhini bir tarkibdan ikkinchisiga o'tkazishni keltirib chiqaradigan katalitik vosita.
carrier – a catalytic agent that brings about a transfer of an element or group of atoms from one compound to another.