musbat elektr zaryadiga oid –ijobiy elektr energiyasi mavjud; elektrolizda salbiy qutbga o'tishga harakat qilmoqda.
electropositive –containing positive electricity; tending to migrate to the negative pole in electrolysis.
mutlaq temperatura shkalasi –mutlaq noldan o'lchangan va termodinamik tarzda aniqlangan harorat o'lchovi; ayniqsa, Kelvin shkalasi.
absolute temperature scale –a scale of temperature measured from absolute zero and defined thermodynamically; especially the Kelvin scale.
muzla(ti)sh –(harorat) yaqinlashganda, muzlash nuqtasida yoki pastda.
freezing –(of temperatures) approaching, at, or below the freezing point.
muzlash nuqtasi – bir suyuqlik muzlatadigan harorat
freezing point –the temperature at which a liquid freezes
naftalin– odatda ko'mir qatlamidan olingan oq, kristalli, suvda eriymaydigan uglevodorod c1 0 h 8: bo'yoqlarni tayyorlashda ishlatiladigan, kuya qaynatgich va boshqalar.
naphtha – a colorless, volatile petroleum distillate, usually an intermediate product between gasoline and benzine, used as a solvent, fuel, etc.