massaningsaqlanishqonuni –har qanday yopiq tizimda tashqi kuchlarga tobe bo'lmagan tamoyil, uning o'zgarishidan qat'i nazar, massa doimiyligini ta'minlaydi; moddani yaratish yoki yo'q qilish printsipi.
law of Conservation of Mass –the principle that in any closed system subjected to no external forces, the mass is constant irrespective of its changes in form; the principle that matter cannot be created or destroyed.
masshtab, tarozi – o'lchov uchun bitirgan joylar bilan jihozlangan
scale–an instrument with graduated spaces, as for measuring.
materiya – har qanday jismoniy ob'ekt o'z ichiga oladigan yoki yaratilgan moddalar yoki moddalar
matter –the substance or substances of which any physical object consists or is composed