o‘rnini almashtirish– o'rnini egallash; almashtirish; takroran
Displacement– to take the place of; replace; supplant
o‘rnini bosuvchi– asl atomning molekulasida mavjud bo'lgan boshqa atom yoki guruhning o'rnini egallaydigan atom yoki atom guruhi
Substituent– an atom or atomic group that takes the place of another atom or group present in the molecule of the original compound
o‘ta to‘yintirish– to'yinganlikdan tashqari (eritma) kontsentratsiyasini oshirish, g'ayritabiiy darajada to'yintirish
Supersaturating– to increase the concentration of (a solution) beyond saturation;saturate abnormally.
o‘ta yuqori bosim– muhim nuqtada toza element yoki birikmaning bosimi.