tovlanuvchi ko‘k rang– ba'zi tovus tolalari kabi, pushti yashil, ko'k.
peacock blue– alustrous greenish blue, as of certain peacock feathers
toza spirt–nisbatan sof etil spirti, eng ko'pi 1% suvni o'z ichiga oladi
absolute alcohol– reasonably pure ethyl alcohol that contains at most 1% of water
tozalash – nozik yoki sof holga keltirish; iflosliklarsiz
refining–to bring to a fine or a pure state; free from impurities
tozalash moddasi– aralashmani ifloslantiruvchi moddalarni iste'mol qiladigan yoki ishlatadigan kimyoviy
scavenger–a chemical that consumes or renders inactive the impurities in a mixture
transmutatsiya – asosiy metallarni ko'proq qiymatli metallarga, ayniqsa oltin yoki kumushga aylantirishni nazarda tutadi
transmutation–the supposed conversion of base metals into metals of greater value, especially into gold or silver