Enzo Ferrari is an Italian designer, entrepreneur and racing car driver. Ferrari is a car manufacturer and the founder of the car racing team of the same name.
Enzo Ferrari - italiyalik dizayner, tadbirkor va poyga avtomobili haydovchisi. Ferrari avtomobil ishlab chiqaruvchisi va xuddi shu nomdagi avtomobil poygasi jamoasining asoschisi.
Enzo Ferrari steered the first Ferrari 125 S on March 12, 1947. He drives through the streets of Maranello, Italy
Entso Ferrari ilk Ferrari 125 S modelining ruliga 1947 yilning 12 martida o‘tirgan. U mashinada Italiyaning Maranello shahri ko‘chalarini kezadi
Ferrari Scuderia is the founder of the Ferrari Grand Prix racing team. The Ferrari brand took part in Formula 1 in 1950, so the company's next success will come as no surprise.
Ferrari Scuderia Ferrari Grand Prix poyga jamoasining asoschisi hisoblanadi. Ferrari brendi "Formula-1"da 1950 yilda ishtirok etadi, shu sababli kompaniyaning keyingi yutuqlari hech kim uchun syurpriz bo‘lmay qoladi.
The 12-cylinder 125 S model took part in the 1947 race in Piachentz. This year, he won the Roman Grand Prix at an average speed of 136 km at 88 km / h.
Father Ferrari 12 silindrli 125 S modeli Piachentsadagi poygalarda 1947 yilda ishtirok etadi. Shu yili u 136 km masofada o‘rtacha tezliknni soatiga 88 km.ga yetkazib, Rim gran-prisini yutadi.
Ferrari Thomassima is a very unique model. Only three such cars were produced: Thomassima I, which perished in the floods, and Thomassima III, housed in the Ferrari Museum in Modena, Italy. The photo shows Thomassima II being used as private property in Northern California. It was commissioned in 1966 as a tribute to the Ferrari 330 P4.
Ferrari Thomassima — juda noyob model. Bor yo‘g‘i uchta shunday avtomobil ishlab chiqarilgan: Thomassima I suv toshqini vaqtida nobud bo‘lgan, Thomassima III Italiyaning Modena shahridagi Ferrari muzeyidan joy olgan. Suratda esa Shimoliy Kaliforniyada xususiy mulk sifatida foydalanilayotgan Thomassima II tasvirlangan. U 1966 yilda Ferrari 330 P4ga ehtirom sifatida ekspluatatsiyaga kiritilgan.
This photo shows Tony Brooks driving a Ferrari Dino 246-50 at the Monaco Grand Prix in 1959 on the streets of Monte Carlo. Dino's 2.4-liter, 195-horsepower Dino 246 models are designed in the form of top-covered GT coupes.
Bu fotosuratda Toni Bruks Monako Gran prisida Ferrari Dino 246 rulida 1959 yilda Monte Karlo ko‘chalarida sayr qilmoqda. Dino’ning 2,4 litr hajmli, 195 ot kuchi quvvatli Dino 246 kabi modellari yuqorisi yopilgan GT avtomobil-kupelari ko‘rinishida ishlab chiqilgan.
The Laferrari Aperta is a limited edition model dedicated to its 70th anniversary. Thanks to the V12 engine, electric transmission and KERS technology, the car’s power is 949 horsepower.
Laferrari Aperta — 70 yillik yubileyga atalgan cheklangan miqdordagi model hisoblanadi. V12 dvigateli, elektr uzatma va KERS texnologiyasi sharofati bilan avtomobil quvvati 949 ot kuchiga teng.
1965 Ferrari Tipo 410 Superamerica. The two-seater car in the coupe can reach a top speed of 290 km / h, reaching 100 km / h in 4 seconds. Like all Ferrari cars, it was produced in limited quantities: only 100 such cars were sold. The body, created by Pininfarina, has a 12-cylinder Ferrari engine.
1965 yilg Ferrari Tipo 410 Superamerica. Kupe kuzovidagi ikki o‘rinli avtomobil maksimal tezligini soatiga 290 km.ga yetkaza oladi, 100 km/soat tezlikka 4 soniyada erishadi. Barcha bunday Ferrari’lar singari u ham cheklangan hajmda ishlab chiqarilgan: bor-yo‘g‘i 100 ta shunday avtomobil sotilgan. Pininfarina tomonidan yaratilgan kuzovda 12 silindrli Ferrari dvigateli joy olgan..
The 1963 Ferrari 250 GTO racing car sold for $ 70 million. The car was bought by collector David McNeill, owner of WeatherTech, a manufacturer of carpets for cars. The amount offered for the machine is a record amount.
1963 yilda ishlab chiqarilgan Ferrari 250 GTO poyga avtomobili 70 mln dollarga sotildi. Avtomobilni mashinalar uchun gilamchalar ishlab chiqaruvchi WeatherTech kompaniyasi egasi, kolleksioner Devid Maknil xarid qilgan. Mashina uchun taklif qilingan summa rekord summa hisoblanadi.
The previous record was held by a Ferrari sports car, which was built in 1963 and sold in 2013 for $ 52 million
Avvalgi rekord ham Ferrari sportkariga tegishli bo‘lib, 1963 yilda ishlab chiqarilgan mashina 2013 yilda 52 mln dollarga sotilgandi.
The car, which sold for $ 70 million, has a history of winning the 1964 Tour de France. Despite participating in a record number of races, the car, unlike other cars, has never crashed and is in excellent condition. Ferrari produced 36 units of this car in 1962-1964.
70 mln dollarga sotilgan mashina o‘z tarixiga ega bo‘lib, u 1964 yildagi Tour de France poygasida g‘olib chiqqan. Mashina rekord sondagi poygalarda ishtirok etganiga qaramay, boshqa mashinalardan farqli biror marta avariyaga uchramagan va a'lo ko‘rinishda saqlanib qolgan. Ferrari ushbu mashinadan 1962-1964 yillarda 36 dona chiqargan.
Such sports cars are collected by American model Ralph Lauren, Canadian investor Lawrence Stroll and one of Walmart’s successors, Robson Walton. As a result, experts predict that the cost of the car sold could rise to $ 100 million in the coming years.
Bunday sportkarlarni amerikalik modeler Ralf Loren, kanadalik sarmoyachi Lourens Stroll va Walmart vorislaridan biri Robson Uolton kolleksiya qiladi. Shu sababli mutaxassislar prognozlariga ko‘ra, sotilgan mashinaning narxi yaqin yillarda 100 mln dollargacha ko‘tarilishi mumkin.
Hello everyone. I chose topic the history Ferrari. I’m going to talk about the Ferrari car today. The Ferrari was created in nineteen fourty seven years by Enzo Ferrari. He first drove a Ferrari 125S on March 12, nineteen fourty seven years. This car is considered to have first competed in Formula 1 in nineteen fivety years on behalf of Ferrari.
This Ferrari is the father of all Ferrari. His model Ferrari 125 S he first raced in nineteen fourty seven years and won. This Ferrari Thommasion is a very unique model. Only 3 of these models have been developed. Thomassion1 was destroyed during the flood. Thomassion3 is currently housed in the Ferrari Museum. In the photo Thomassion2 is now privately owned.
This photo shows Tony Brooks driving a Ferrari Dino at the Monaco Grand Prix in Monte Carlo in nineteen fivety nine
This is my favorite Ferrari Tipo four hundred ten . This car has been produced in 100s. The top speed is two hundred ninety km / h. I really like the look of this car. I think this car is very beautiful.
This Ferrari 250 is a world-record-selling car. Its value is estimated at 70 million hectares. Most Interesting Previous Record Both Ferrari sold the company that manufactures the sports car for $ 52 million.
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