B. Fungicides
Alto 4Cosc, 40% (ciprokonazol) – “Sandoz”, Switzerland
Arcerid 60% (metalakcil+policarbicin), Russia
Afugan 30% (pirazofos), “Hoechst”, Germany
Byleton 25% (triadimeffon), “Baier”, Germany
Boricid 70% (sulfur+policarbicin), Russia
Derozal 50% (carbedazim), “Hoechst”, Germany
Karatan FN-57, 18,25% (dinocap) – “Rom va Haas”, SMA
KMAX 50% (2-carbometoxiaminochinazol), Uzbekistan
Copper sulfate 98% (copper sulfate), Uzbekistan
Green vitriol (iron sulfate) 53%, Uzbekistan
Calcium polisulfid
Sulfatimis + calcium hydroxide
Nitrafen 60% (citroalkilfenolat), Russia
Oxichom (oxadixil + copper oxychloride), 80%, Russia
Sulfur, 30%, Ukraine
Previkur 60%, “Baier”, Germany
Raxil 6% - “Baier” Germany
Ridopolichom 60% (metalaxil + policarbicin), Russia
Saprol 20% (triforin), “Shell”, England
Scor 25% (difenconazol), “Ciba”, Swizerland
Sportak 45% (prochloraz), “Shoring”, Germany
Tilt 25% (propiconazol) – “Ciba”, Switzerland
Topaz 10% (penconazol) – “Ciba”, Switzerland
Topcin-M 70% (tiofanatmetil) “Nishlen Soda”, Japan
Flamenko 10% - “Baier”, Germany
Folikur BT 22,5% - “Baier”, Germany
Copper oxychloride 90%, Russia
Copper oxychloride 50%, “Cuvrokvium Corporation”, SMA
Euparen 50% (dichlofluand), “Baier”, Germany
C. Chemicals for seed treatment
Agrocit 50% (benomal), “Chinoi”, Hungary
Apron 35, 38, 9% (metalaxil) – “Ciba”, Switzerland
Baytan 15% (triadimenol), “Baier”, Germany
Bronotac 12% (bronopol) – “Shering”, Germany
Vindidat 98% (potassium viniloxietilditiocarbamat), Russia
Vitavax 75% (carboxin) – “Uniriyal”, SMA
Derozal 50% (carbendazim), “Hoechst”, Germany
Nitrafen 60% (nitroalkilfanolat), Russia
Ortus, 5%, “HEXOH”, Japan
P-4, 65% - SLR “Agrokim”, Uzbekistan
Policarbicin 80% (complex of salts of etilenbisditiocarbamin + etilentiuramdisulfat, 1:8), Russia
Sumi-8 2% (dinikonazol) – “Sumimoto”, Japan
Formalin 40% (formaldehyd), Russia
Fundazol 50% (benomil), “Chinoin”, Hungary
D. Biological chemicals
Agri 50% (deltaendotokcin bisilusa turingisa) – “Ciba”, Switzerland
Baktospein (bisilusa turingisa), “Dufar”
Bitoksibacillin (exotokcin bisilusa turingisa), Russia
Virin-OS (granulez virus + poliedroz virus of autumn warm), Russia
Virin-XS (granulez virus + poliedroz virus of autumn warm), Russia, Moldova, Uzbekistan
Gomelin (bisilusa turingisa), Russia, Belorussia (White Russia)
Dendrobacillin (bisilusa turingisa, dendrolimus variety), Russia
Dipel (bisilusa turingisa, kurstaki variety), “Ambot”, SMA
Lepidocid (bisilusa turingisa, kurstaki variety), Russia
Trichodermin (trichoderma, trichodermin, veridin, glitokcil), Uzbekistan
Trichodermin-BL (--»--), Russia, Moldova
Turingin-1,0,3% (exotokcin bisilusa turingisa, turingensis variety), Russia
Turingin-2 10% (exotokcin bisilusa turingisa, turingensis variety), Russia
Turicid (bisilusa turingisa), “Sandoz”, Switzerland
E. Herbicides
Alirox 80% (ERTS) 72% + antidot AD-67), “Shagrochem”, Hungary
Acenit 50% (acetochlorus), “Nitrochemistry”, Hungary
Bazagran 48% (bentazon), BASF, Germany
Banvel 48% (dikamba), “Sandoz”, Switzerland
Basta 20% (ammonium gluphosinat) , “Hoechst”, Germany
Gazargard-50, 50% (prometrin), “Ciba”, Switzerland
Dalapon 85% (dalapon), Bashkirdistan
Dual 96% (metolachlorus), “Ciba”, Switzerland
Zellek 12,5% (galoksifonetoksietil), “Daw-Elanko”, SMA
Zellek super, 12,5% (galoksifonetoksietil), “Daw-Elanko”
Zenkor 70% (metribuzin), “Baier”, Germany
Kotoran 80% (fluometuron), “Ciba”, Switzerland
Kotofor 80% (diprometrin), “Ciba”, Switzerland
Nitran 30% (trifluralin), Bashkirdistan
Olitref 25% (trifluralin), Hungary
Ordam 6E 72% (molinat), “Zeneka”, England
Pantera, 40g/l – “Croipton (Uniroyal Chemical)”
Partner 22,5% - “Baier”, Germany
Pakhton 80% (diprometrin), Bashkirdistan
Penitran 33% (pendimetalin), Bashkirdistan
Prometrin 50%, “APT”, Italy; “Okason”, Italy; “Astra”, Horvatiya; Romeniya, Bashkirdistan
Propinat 85% (dilapon), Bashkirdistan
Puma-Super, 7,5% - “Baier”, Germany
Roundup 360 g/l – “Baier”, Germany, “Registartions Ltd”, England
Risan 50% (bentiocarb), Bashkirdistan
Rozalin 50% (5-chlor-2-metilbenzimidazol), Uzbekistan
Saturn 50% (bentiocarb), “Kumiai Chemical”, Japan
Sonalan 33% (etalfluralin), “Daw Elanko”, SMA
Stomp 33% (pendimetalin), “Cianamid”, SMA
Totril 22,5% (ioxynil), “Ron-Pulenk”, France
Treflon 24% (trifluralin), “Daw-Elenko”, SMA
Fluometuron 80% (fluometuron), “Chemo Complex”, Germany
Furore Super 7,5% - “Baier” Germany
Fuzilad 25% (fluazifonbutil), 12,5% - “Zeneka”, England
Eradican 6E 72% (ERTS 72% + antidot) – “Zeneka”, England
Yalan 72% (molinate) - Bashkirdistan
Yalan 60% (molinate) – Bashkirdistan
Yalan 10%, 10% (molinate) - Bashkirdistan
F. Defoliants and desiccants
Basta, 14% - «Hoechst», Germany
Gemetrel, 60%, Uzbekistan
Dropp, 50% - «Shering», Germany
Dropp-Turbo, 20% - «Shering», Germany
Sihat, 70,5%,Uzbekistan
Finish 450 g/l – «Baier », Germany
Hayot, 85%, Uzbekistan
Harvaid 25P, 250 g/l. «Uniroyal», SMA
Manganese chrorate, 60%, Uzbekistan
Calcium chlorate, chloride, 42%, Russia
Calcium chlorate, chloride, 62%, Russia
Annex 4
The Emergency Food Security and Seed imports project (EFSSIP) objective is to provide long-term support to accelerate agricultural recovery and growth so that Tajikistan’s agricultural and rural sectors can play their full role in providing the underpinnings for future income growth and poverty reduction.
The original Emergency Food Security and Seed imports project (EFSSIP) development objective is to increase domestic food production and reduce the loss of livestock to help at least 28,000 poorest households in a timely manner to reduce the negative impact of high and volatile food prices. More specifically, the project provided agricultural production inputs and critical livestock-related inputs to the poorest farmers and female–headed households, to support their immediate food security as well as to recover their production losses and livelihoods.
The above development objective would be amended to cover additional 55,500 poorest households and include the following objectives: (i) to improve the institutional environment for mitigating future food price shocks for the poorest households through creation of a network of Community Seed Banks, and (ii) to develop private agro-input supply system to enable food supply response and agriculture diversification.
The targeted population is mainly in rural areas, where most poor reside. The intended beneficiary groups will be – private farms, emerging farmer organizations, cooperatives, and other private, rural entrepreneurs that aim to improve their production capacities and efficiency to compete in a new market economy.
The economic and business activities in rural areas created and financed through the project Components may have direct or indirect impact on the environment. Therefore, environmental issues command increased attention, and raising environmental awareness among the staff of the business development agencies, participating financial institutions, and the implementing agencies is a key aspect of the capacity building activities designed under the Project.
During the Project preparation, an environmental review was undertaken, which both (i) reviewed the environmental aspects of Project implementation and (ii) provided guidance on a range of measures to raise environmental awareness in the project institutions during the Project implementation. One of the recommendations stated in the report was that Environmental training ranging from raising awareness to more detailed environmental management should be provided to the project participating agencies. The usage of different mineral fertilizers should be done depending on such factors as type and quality of the soil, type of the crop, system of crop rotation, weather and climate conditions, ways and terms of their application. To ensure this, special information dissemination and training activities will be developed under the project. Consequently, it was recommended to further strengthen the stakeholders’ capacity to ensure the environmental requirements will be fully integrated into their activities. In addition it is also proposed the trainings will be attended by the state ecological inspectors, which are responsible for enforcing the national regulations at the local level.
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