English Synonyms and Antonyms

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send, 327
senile, old, 257
sensation, 328
sense, mind, 241 " sensation, 328 " wisdom, 372
senseless, absurd, 11
senselessness, idiocy, 207
sensibility, 328
sensible, conscious, 116 " physical, 272 " sagacious, 322
sensitive, fine, 172
sensitiveness, sensibility, 328
sensual, brutish, 87
sentence, v., condemn, 113
sententious, terse, 354
sentient being, animal, 45
sentiment, idea, 206
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

separate, abstract, 10
separately, apiece, 51
sequel, catastrophe, 97 " consequence, 116 " event, 158
sequence, time, 356
serene, calm, 91
sermon, speech, 339
service, profit, 288 " sacrament, 321 " utility, 363
serviceableness, utility, 363
set, v., plant, 274 " put, 296
set, n., class, 106 " flock, 173
set apart, allow, 34 " holy, 200
set aside, abolish, 6
set fire to, burn, 87
set forth, state, 341
set free, absolve, 9
set on fire, burn, 87
set out, plant, 274
settle, confirm, 114
settle with, requite, 133
set upon, attack, v., 63
sever, break, 86 " rend, 309
severally, apiece, 51
severe, 329 " difficult, 132 " morose, 245
severity, acrimony, 15
sex, gender, 181
shackle, v., bind, 81
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

shackle, n., fetter, 169
shadowy, dark, 122 " vain, 364
shady, dark, 122
shake, 330
sham, hypocrisy, 204
shame, v., abash, 3
shame, n., abomination, 7 " chagrin, 100
shamelessness, effrontery, 144
shape, make, 236
share, v., apportion, 54
share, n., part, 264 " portion, 279
sharp, astute, 62 " bitter, 81 " clever, 109 " fine, 172 " sagacious, 322 " steep, 342
sharpness, acrimony, 15 " acumen, 18
sharp-witted, sagacious, 322
shatter, break, 86
sheen, light, 231
sheer, pure, 296 " steep, 342
shelter, v., 331 " cherish, 104
shelter, n., defense, 123
shield, v., shelter, 331
shield, n., defense, 123
shift, v., change, v., 100 " convey, 119
shimmer, light, 231
shine, light, 231
shining, light, 231
shiver, break, 86 " shake, 330
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

shock, blow, 83 " collision, 109
shocking, awful, 70
shore, bank, 72
short, terse, 354 " transient, 361
should, ought, 260
shout, call, 91
show, array, 57 " ostentation, 259 " pretense, 283
shred, particle, 264
shrewd, astute, 62 " sagacious, 322
shrewdness, acumen, 18
shriek, call, 91
shudder, shake, 330
shun, abhor, 5
shyness, modesty, 244
sickness, disease, 134
sight, array, 57
sign, 332 " characteristic, 103 " emblem, 146 " trace, 359
signal, sign, 332
signify, allude, 36
silent, taciturn, 351
silver, money, 244
similar, alike, 30 " synonymous, 349
similarity, analogy, 43 " approximation, 55
similarly, also, 37
simile, allegory, 33 " analogy, 43
similitude, analogy, 43
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

simple, candid, 93 " pure, 296
simulation, pretense, 283
sin, 332
since, because, 77 " therefore, 355
sincere, candid, 93 " honest, 202
sine qua non, necessity, 250
sinful, criminal, 120
sing, 333
singe, burn, 87
singular, queer, 297 " rare, 300
singularity, characteristic, 103
sink, abase, 2 " immerse, 212
sinless, innocent, 220 " perfect, 268
situation, circumstance, 105
skeleton, sketch, 334
skeptic, 334
skepticism, doubt, n., 138
sketch, 334
skilful, 335 " clever, 109
skill, dexterity, 129 " power, 279 " wisdom, 372
skilled, skilful, 335
skirmish, battle, 74
skittish, restive, 314
slack, slow, 337
slackness, neglect, 251
slander, 336 " abuse, 12
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

slang, 336
slant, v., tip, 357
slaughter, kill, 226 " massacre, 237
slay, kill, 226
sleep, rest, 313
sleepless, vigilant, 369
slender, fine, 172 " minute, 242
slight, a., fine, 172 " venial, 367
slight, n., neglect, 251
sling, send, 327
slit, rend, 309
slope, v., tip, 357
slothful, idle, 208
slow, 337 " reluctant, 308
slowness, stupidity, 344
sluggish, idle, 208 " slow, 337
sluggishness, apathy, 50 " stupidity, 344
slumber, rest, 313
small, fine, 172 " minute, 242
smart, clever, 109
smartness, pertness, 271
smash, break, 86
smiling, happy, 190
smirch, blemish, 82
smite, beat, 75
smooth, calm, 91 " fine, 172
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

snappish, morose, 245
snatch, catch, 97
sneer, 337
snug, comfortable, 110
sobriety, abstinence, 10
sociable, friendly, 178
social, friendly, 178
socialism, 338
society, association, 60
soften, alleviate, 33 " chasten, 103
soil, v., defile, 124 " stain, 341
soil, n., blemish, 82
sojourn, abide, 5
soldiers, army, 56
soldiery, army, 56
solemn, awful, 70
solemnity, sacrament, 321
solemnize, celebrate, 99
solicit, ask, 59 " plead, 274
solicitude, alarm, 28 " anxiety, 49 " care, 94
solitude, retirement, 315
somber, dark, 122
song, poetry, 277
soothe, allay, 31
sordid, avaricious, 68
sorrow, v., mourn, 246
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

sorrow, n., grief, 187 " misfortune, 242 " repentance, 310
sorrowful, pitiful, 273
sort, air, 27
sottish, brutish, 87
soul, mind, 241
sound, a., healthy, 195
sound, n., 338
sour, bitter, 81 " morose, 245
source, beginning, 78 " cause, 98
sourness, acrimony, 15
sow, plant, 274
spacious, large, 229
spank, beat, 75
sparing, frugality, 180
sparkle, light, 231
speak, 339
speaking, speech, 339
speak to, address, v., 19
specie, money, 244
specify, state, 341
specimen, example, 160 " sample, 323
speck, blemish, 82
speculation, hypothesis, 205
speech, 339 " language, 228
speechless, taciturn, 351
speed, v., quicken, 297
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

speedy, nimble, 253
spicy, racy, 299
spirit, character, 102 " mind, 241
spirited, racy, 299
spite, enmity, 152 " hatred, 193
splendid, fine, 172
splenetic, morose, 245
split, break, 86
spoil, decay, 122 " defile, 124
sponge, cleanse, 107
spontaneous, 340
sport, entertainment, 153
spot, v., stain, 341
spot, n., blemish, 82
spotless, innocent, 220 " perfect, 268 " pure, 296
spousal, marriage, 236
spread abroad, announce, 46
sprightliness, pertness, 271
sprightly, active, 17 " airy, 27 " happy, 190 " nimble, 253
spring, v., rise, 319
spring, n., beginning, 78 " cause, 98
spruce, neat, 249
spry, active, 17 " nimble, 253
spy, 340
stable, permanent, 269
stain, v., 341 " defile, 124
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

stain, n., blemish, 82
stainless, innocent, 220 " perfect, 268 " pure, 296
stamp out, abolish, 6
stanch, faithful, 165
standard, example, 160 " ideal, 206 " model, 243
stand by, help, 195
stare, look, 234
start, beginning, 78
state, v., 341 " allege, 31 " announce, 46
state, n., people, 266
stately, awful, 70
statement, report, 311
statute, law, 229
stay, abide, 5 " hinder, 199 " obstruct, 257 " rest, 313
steadfast, permanent, 269
steal, abstract, 10
steep, 342 " high, 198
stern, severe, 329
sticking, adhesive, 22
sticky, adhesive, 22
stiff, severe, 329
stigma, blemish, 82
still, v., allay, 31
still, a., calm, 91
still, conj., but, 89 " notwithstanding, 254 " yet, 374
stillness, apathy, 50 " rest, 313
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

stinging, bitter, 81
stingy, avaricious, 68
stipend, pay, 266
stipulation, contract, 118
stir, influence, 217
stoicism, apathy, 50
stolid, brutish, 87
stoop, bend, 79
stop, v., abide, 5 " arrest, 57 " cease, 98 " end, v., 148 " hinder, 199 " obstruct, 257
stop, n., rest, 313
store up, amass, 38
storm, v., attack, v., 63
storm, n., 343
story, 343 " fiction, 170 " history, 200 " report, 311
straightforward, candid, 93 " clear, 107 " honest, 202
straightway, immediately, 211
strand, bank, 72
strange, alien, a., 29 " queer, 297 " rare, 300
stranger, alien, n., 29
stratagem, artifice, 58
stray, wander, 371
street, way, 372
strength, power, 279
strengthen, confirm, 114
strict, severe, 329
strife, battle, 74 " feud, 170
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

strike, beat, 75
stripe, blow, 83
strive, endeavor, v., 149
stroke, blow, 83 " misfortune, 242
strong, healthy, 195
stronghold, fortification, 176
struggle, endeavor, n., 150
stubborn, obstinate, 256 " perverse, 272 " restive, 314
student, scholar, 324
study, education, 143
stupefaction, stupidity, 344 " stupor, 344
stupid, absurd, 11 " brutish, 87
stupidity, 344 " idiocy, 207
stupor, 344 " stupidity, 344
style, air, 27 " diction, 130 " name, 247
subdivision, part, 264
subdue, chasten, 103 " conquer, 115
subject, v., conquer, 115
subject, n., topic, 359
subjection, allegiance, 32
subjective, 345 " inherent, 218
subjoin, add, 18
subjugate, conquer, 115
submerge, immerse, 212
submission, patience, 265
submissive, docile, 136
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

submit, bend, 79
submit to, endure, 150
subordinate, auxiliary, 67
subside, abate, 3
subsidy, 345
subsisting, alive, 30
substantial, real, 301
substantiate, confirm, 114
substitute, v., change, v., 100
substitute, n., delegate, 125
subterfuge, artifice, 58 " pretense, 283
subtile, astute, 62 " fine, 172
subtle, astute, 62 " fine, 172
subvention, subsidy, 345
subvert, 346 " abolish, 6
succeed, 346 " follow, 174
success, victory, 369
successful, fortunate, 177 " happy, 190
succession, time, 356
succinct, terse, 354
succor, help, 195
suck up, absorb, 9
suffer, allow, 35 " endure, 150
sufferance, patience, 265
suffering, pain, 261
suffice, satisfy, 324
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

sufficient, adequate, 21 " plentiful, 276
suggest, allude, 36

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