English Synonyms and Antonyms

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truthfulness? 3. Into what two classes may the words in this group of synonyms be divided, and what words
will be found in each class?
On a certain confidence in the ---- of mankind is founded so much of the knowledge on which we constantly
depend, that, without it, the whole system of human things would go into confusion.
If all the world and love were young, And ---- in every shepherd's tongue, These pretty pleasures might me
move To live with thee and be thy love.
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

* * * * *
VIRTUE (page 370).
1. What is the prominent idea in virtue? 2. How does goodness differ from virtue? 3. Of what relations are
honesty and probity used? 4. How is honesty used in a sense higher than the commercial? 5. What, in the full
sense, is integrity? 6. What is honor? 7. What is purity? duty? 8. What do rectitude and righteousness denote?
9. To what does uprightness especially refer? 10. What is virtuousness?
---- is the fruit of exertion; it supposes conquest of temptation.
In seeing that a thing is right, we see at the same time that it is our ---- to do it.
It is true that ---- is the best policy; but if this be the motive of honest dealing, there is no real ----.
Where is that chastity of ---- that felt a stain like a wound?
abandon, 1 " renounce, 309 " surrender, 349
abandoned, addicted, 19
abase, 2
abash, 3
abate, 3 " abolish, 6 " alleviate, 33
abbreviation, 4 " abridgment, 7
abdicate, abandon, 1
aberration, insanity, 221
abet, 4 " help, 195
abetter, accessory, 13
abettor, accessory, 13
abhor, 5
abhorrence, abomination, 7 " antipathy, 48 " hatred, 193
abide, 5 " endure, 150
abiding, permanent, 269
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

ability, power, 279
abject, pitiful, 273
abjure, abandon, 1 " renounce, 309
able, adequate, 21 " clever, 109 " sagacious, 322
abode, home, 201
abolish, 6 " cancel, 92
abominable, criminal, 120
abominate, abhor, 5
abomination, 7
aboriginal, primeval, 287
abortive, vain, 364
abounding, plentiful, 276
aboveboard, candid, 93
abridge, restrain, 315
abridgment, 7 " abbreviation, 4
abrogate, abolish, 6 " cancel, 92
abrupt, bluff, 83 " steep, 342
absent, abstracted, 11
absent-minded, abstracted, 11
absolute, 8 " infinite, 216 " perfect, 268 " pure, 296
absolution, pardon, 262
absolve, 9 " pardon, 262
absorb, 9
absorbed, abstracted, 11
abstain, cease, 98
abstemiousness, abstinence, 10
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

abstinence, 10
abstract, v., 10
abstract, n., abridgment, 7
abstracted, 11
abstruse, complex, 112 " mysterious, 247 " obscure, 255
absurd, 11 " incongruous, 214
abundant, large, 229 " plentiful, 276
abuse, 12 " abomination, 7
abutting, adjacent, 22
accede, agree, 25
accelerate, quicken, 297
accept, agree, 25 " assume, 61 " confess, 114
acceptable, delightful, 126
accepted, authentic, 67
access, entrance, 154
accessible, friendly, 178
accession, entrance, 154
accessory, a., auxiliary, 67
accessory, n., 13 " appendage, 53
accident, 14 " hazard, 194
acclaim, praise, 280
acclamation, praise, 280
accompaniment, appendage, 53 " circumstance, 105
accompany, follow, 174
accomplice, accessory, 13 " associate, 60
accomplish, attain, 64 " do, 135 " transact, 360
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

accomplished, polite, 277 " skilful, 335
accomplishment, act, 16 " end, n., 148
accord, v., agree, 25
accord, n., harmony, 191
accordance, harmony, 191
accordingly, therefore, 355
accost, address, v., 19
account, v., calculate, 90
account, n., history, 200 " reason, n., 302 " record, 304 " report, 311 " story, 343
accountability, duty, 142
accouterments, arms, 55 " caparison, 93
accredited, authentic, 67
accumulate, amass, 38
accurate, perfect, 268
accuse, arraign, 56
accustomed, addicted, 19 " usual, 362
acerb, bitter, 81
acerbity, acrimony, 15
acetous, bitter, 81
ache, pain, 261
achieve, attain, 64 " do, 135 " get, 183 " succeed, 346
achievement, act, 16 " career, 95 " end, n., 148 " victory, 369 " work, 374
acid, bitter, 81
acidulated, bitter, 81
acidulous, bitter, 81
acknowledge, avow, 69 " confess, 114
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

acknowledgment, apology, 51
acquaintance, 15 " knowledge, 227
acquiesce, agree, 25
acquire, attain, 64 " get, 183 " purchase, 295
acquit, absolve, 9 " pardon, 262
acquittal, pardon, 262
acrid, bitter, 81
acrimonious, bitter, 81 " morose, 245
acrimony, 15 " enmity, 152
act, v., transact, 360
act, n., 16 " exercise, 162 " motion, 245 " transaction, 360
action, act, 16 " battle, 74 " behavior, 79 " exercise, 162 " motion, 245 " operation, 258 " transaction, 360 "
work, 374
active, 17 " alert, 28 " alive, 30 " industrious, 215 " nimble, 253
activity, exercise, 162
actor, agent, 24 " cause, 98
actual, real, 301
actualize, do, 135
actuate, influence, 217
acumen, 18
acute, astute, 62 " sagacious, 322
acuteness, acumen, 18
adage, proverb, 293
adapted, adequate, 21
add, 18
addendum, appendage, 53
addicted, 19
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

addition, appendage, 53
address, v., 19
address, n., 20 " speech, 339
adduce, allege, 31
adept, skilful, 335
adequate, 21 " plentiful, 276
adherence, attachment, 63
adherent, 21
adhesion, attachment, 63
adhesive, 22
adieu, farewell, 168
adit, entrance, 154
adjacent, 22
adjoin, add, 18
adjoining, adjacent, 22
adjunct, appendage, 53
adjuration, oath, 254
administer, execute, 161
admiration, amazement, 39
admire, 23
admission, entrance, 154
admit, agree, 25 " allow, 35 " avow, 69 " confess, 114
admittance, entrance, 154
admixture, alloy, 36
admonish, reprove, 312
admonition, reproof, 311
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

adolescent, youthful, 375
adoration, veneration, 366
adore, admire, 23 " venerate, 366
adorn, 23
adroit, clever, 109 " skilful, 335
adroitness, address, n., 20 " dexterity, 129
adulation, praise, 280
adulteration, alloy, 36
advance, v., allege, 31 " amend, 41 " promote, 291 " quicken, 297
advance, n., progress, 289
advancement, progress, 289
advantage, profit, 288 " utility, 363 " victory, 369
adventure, accident, 14
adventurous, brave, 85
adversary, enemy, 151
adversity, misfortune, 242
advert, allude, 36
advertise, announce, 46
advised, conscious, 116
advocate, abet, 4 " plead, 274
aerial, airy, 27
affable, friendly, 178
affair, battle, 74 " business, 88 " transaction, 360
affect, assume, 61
affectation, hypocrisy, 204 " pretense, 283
affection, attachment, 63 " disease, 134 " friendship, 179 " love, 235
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

affectionate, friendly, 178
affidavit, oath, 254 " testimony, 355
affinity, analogy, 43 " kin, 227
affirm, allege, 31 " state, 341
affirmation, testimony, 355
afflict, chasten, 103
affliction, grief, 187 " misfortune, 242
affix, add, 18
affluent, plentiful, 276
afford, endure, 150
affray, feud, 170
affright, n., alarm, 28 " fear, 168
affright, v., frighten, 180
affront, 24
age, time, 356
aged, old, 257
agency, operation, 258
agent, 24 " cause, 98
aggravate, affront, 24
aggregate, amass, 38
aggression, attack, n., 64
aggrieve, abuse, 12
agile, active, 17 " nimble, 253
agitate, shake, 330
agitation, storm, 343
agnomen, name, 247
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

agnostic, skeptic, 334
agony, pain, 261
agree, 25
agreeable, amiable, 42 " comfortable, 110 " delightful, 126 " pleasant, 275
agreement, contract, 118 " harmony, 191
agricultural, rustic, 321
agriculture, 25
aid, v., abet, 4 " promote, 291
aid, n., adherent, 21 " auxiliary, 67 " help, 195 " subsidy, 345
aider, adherent, 21
ailment, disease, 134
aim, 26 " design, 128 " direction, 132 " reason, n., 302
air, 27 " pretense, 283
airy, 27
akin, alike, 30
alarm, 28 " frighten, 180
alarming, awful, 70
alert, 28 " active, 17 " alive, 30 " nimble, 253 " vigilant, 369
alien, a. & n., 29
alienate, surrender, 349
alienation, insanity, 221
alike, 30 " synonymous, 349
aliment, food, 175
alive, 30
all, every, 158
allay, 31
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

allege, 31 " state, 341
allegiance, 32
allegory, 33 " fiction, 170
alleviate, 33 " allay, 31
alley, way, 372
alliance, 34 " association, 60 " kin, 227
allot, 34 " apportion, 54
allow, 35 " confess, 114 " endure, 150
allowance, pay, 266 " permission, 269 " subsidy, 345
alloy, 36
allude, 36
allure, 37 " draw, 138 " persuade, 271
ally, n., accessory, 13 " adherent, 21 " associate, 60 " auxiliary, 67
almsgiving, benevolence, 80
also, 37
alter, change, v., 100
alteration, change, n., 101
alternative, 38
altho, notwithstanding, conj., 254
amass, 38
amateur, 39
amazement, 39 " perplexity, 270
ambiguous, equivocal, 155 " obscure, 255
ambition, 40
ameliorate, amend, 41
amenable, docile, 136
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

amend, 41
amiable, 42
amicable, friendly, 178
amid, 42
amidst, amid, 42
amity, friendship, 179 " harmony, 191
amnesty, pardon, 262
among, amid, 42
amongst, amid, 42
ample, large, 229 " plentiful, 276
amplify, 43 " add, 18
amuse, entertain, 152
amusement, entertainment, 153
analogous, alike, 30
analogy, 43
analysis, abridgment, 7
anarchism, socialism, 338
anarchy, revolution, 317
anathema, oath, 254
ancient, antique, 48 " obsolete, 256 " old, 257 " primeval, 287
and, but, 89
anecdote, story, 343
anger, 44 " hatred, 193
anguish, anxiety, 49 " pain, 261
animadversion, reproof, 311
animal, a., brutish, 87
Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

animal, n., 45
animate, alive, 30
animated, airy, 27 " alive, 30 " eager, 142
animosity, anger, 44 " enmity, 152 " feud, 170 " hatred, 193
annals, history, 200
annex, add, 18
annihilate, abolish, 6 " exterminate, 163
annotation, remark, 308

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