Section II
Ex 1. Matnning sarlavhasini o'qing. 1 U haqida nima deb o'ylaysiz, menga ayting.
• В скобках указано, сколько вопросов нужно составить.
Siz to'ldirishingiz kerak bo'lgan savollar soni qavsda ko'rsatilgan.
Ex. 2. Quyidagi xalqaro so'zlar qanday ma'nolarga ega:
modem, accumulate, revolutionary, status, molecule, real, electronic, collection, principle, arrange, system
Ex. 3. ... Kontekst bo'yicha ajratilgan so'zlarning ma'nosini aniqlang.
1. Dalton developed his theory between 1801 and 1808.2. The at hypothesis appeared long ago. 3. A hypothesis is an assumption which explains or correlates the facts. 4. A theory concerning the structure of
substanccs is the atomic theory. 5. The periodic law summarizes the
properties of elements. 6. A verified idea is no longer a hypothesis.
7. Students want to have deep knowledge in chemistry. 8. Chemists study the behaviour of substanccs. 9. By Dalton’s theory an atom was the smallest
Matnga oid so'zlar:
direct evidence — to'g'ridan-to'g'ri dalillar прямое доказательство; existence — Mavjudlik, существование; predict— bashorat, qilish предсказывать; indivisible— bo'linmaydigan, неделимый; size—размер; weight—vazn, вес; shape — shakli, форма; test-tube — пробирка; breakthrough — penetratsion yutuq, проникновение прорыв; unrelated — bog'liq bo'lmagan, несвязанный; mature— yetuk ,зрелый
Text 1 В
Matnni o'zingiz uchun o'qing (o'qishni boshqarish vaqti - 7 daqiqa).
Dalton’s Atomic Theory
£ One of the foundations of modem chemistry is Dalton’s atomic theory «developed between 1801 and 1808. When the atomic hypothesis appeared, «here was no direct evidence of the existence of atoms. But as time passed, Scientists found that the assumption of their existence and other assumptions \conccming their properties and behaviour explain more and more of the accumulating expcrimantally determined facts of chemistry, and also ^predict other facts successfully. The hypothesis, therefore, gained the status of a theory.
There were revolutionary changes in chemistry in the last fifty years. 1Chemists found that atoms arc not indivisible particles as Dalton thought, but consist of much smaller particles which form the structure of atoms. They established their sizes, weights and the arrangement of their parts with high accuracy, as well as the sizes and shapes of molecules and the internal structure of crystals. As a result, atoms and molecules arc now as real as test-tubes. Chemistry has achieved not only a new look, but a major breakthrough to a deeper level of understanding. It is now possible to explain most of the properties of elements and their compounds in terms of their electronic, atomic and molecular structures. It is also possible to predict new properties successfully. Chemistry is no longer a collection of more or less unrelated facts, but a mature scicncc founded on scicntific principles which arrange facts in an orderly system.
Ex 4. Sizning taxminlaringiz matn mazmuni bilan mos tushganligini ayting: a) to'liq; b) qisman; v) umuman mos kelmadi.
Ex 5. Ushbu matnni yana qanday nomlash mumkin edi? Uni nechta tematik qismga bo'lish mumkin? Har bir qismning boshi va oxirini ko'rsating.
Ex. 6. Matnda nima deyilganini ayting:
1) moddaning atom tuzilishi haqidagi gipotezaning qanday qilib nazariyaga aylanganligi haqida; 2) fan sifatida kimyo fanini o'zgartirish to'g'risida; 3) zamonaviy kimyo bilim darajasiga asoslanib nima qilish kerak; 4) zamonaviy kimyo qanday tavsiflanganligi haqida.
Ex 7. Matndan Daltondan keyin kimyo qanday o'zgarganligi haqida gapiradigan gaplarni toping va ularni o’bek tiliga tarjima qiling.
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