DAY 4 Remind students of the
Sequence skill. Say:
Look for words that indicate a sequence, such as first, next, or finally. Also look for words that give more specific details about the sequence, such as while, during, once, or throughout. Remind students of the
Visualization strategy. Say:
You are going to read about a historical medical advance. As you read, make a picture in your mind of what the doctor and the patient looked like. When students have finished reading,
direct them to complete the skill practice activity. Review the answers together. Then have
students complete the strategy practice activity and compare their sketches with a partner.
DAY 5 Tell students they will practice both the
Main Idea and Details and
Sequence skills by reading
about how to make attractive and effective posters. Then remind students of the
Monitor Comprehension strategy. Say:
Good readers summarize main ideas to make sure they are following the information presented. Reread each section as necessary before continuing the next section. When students have finished reading, direct them to complete the skill and strategy
practice activities. Review the answers together.
Main Idea and Details Students look for the central idea or message of a passage or story. They also find details that best support the main idea. Sequence Students look for the order of events or steps in a process. 3458.indb 154
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