Editorial : When a Judge Himself Commits Crime, When a police himself robs, Murders …

Q143. What are the privileges conferred on legislators & parliamentarians by the constitution of India?

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Q143. What are the privileges conferred on legislators & parliamentarians by the constitution of India?

a) Inside the House b) Outside the House

Q144. What are privileges conferred on constitutional functionaries, like

a) President of India b) Prime Minister of India

c) Chief Justice of India d) Chairman of NHRC

e) Central Vigilance Commissioners.

Q145. Are the privileges legal immunity conferred on above mentioned constitutional functionaries ?

a) Cover all their official actions irrespective of merit.

b) Cover both their official & personal actions.

Q146. Are the privileges defined & codified ?

Q147. Are these privileges above freedom of the press ?

Q148. Are the liberty & fundamental rights of the citizens guaranteed by the constitution, above the privileges of the constitutional functionaries or equal or below ?

Q149. Can the Indian legislatures & parliament be equated to the House of commons in England which is considered to be a superior court and court of records ?

Q150. Can the division of powers, namely the legislature, the executive and the Judiciary, be equated to the functioning of the House of commons and House of Lords in England ?

Q151. Can a citizen be said to have committed breach of privilege of the House or court and causing contempt of the house or court by raising the issues of accountability of constitutional functionaries ?

Q152. Can a Legislature or Parliament enact a new law, to circumvent or to nullify the Judicial orders with respect to wrongdoings by peoples representatives & executive ? does not it amount to infringement of Judicial powers & contempt of the court by the House.

Q153. Are the FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES of a citizen more important than constitutional duties of a constitutional functionary or equal in importance to it ?

Q154. Can a constitutional functionary commit crimes, anti-national activities in the name of constitutional duties, behind the legal veil of official’s secret act & go unaccountable for his actions and go unpunished by his legal immunity privileges

Q155. Are the Legislators members of parliament, High court & Supreme court Judges and other constitutional functionaries not willing to codify their privileges for the reason that if codified their privileges would be curtailed and their action would be subjected to legal scrutiny. ?

Q156. By votes of citizens Legislators and parliamentarians get seats in the legislature and Parliament out of tax payer’s money, they get their pay, perks & lead 5-Star luxurious lifestyles. Hence whether a vote of a citizen is above (More valid) or a seat of legislator or parliamentarian is above or more valid in a democracy ?

Q157. Judges & Constitutional functionaries are indirectly appointed by voters / tax payers. Out of tax payers money, they get their pay, perks & lead 5-star luxurious lifestyles. Hence, whether the vote of a citizen, fundamental duties of a tax payer is above (more valid) or a seat of judge / constitutional functionary is above (more
valid) in a democracy ?

Q158. If there is a vacuum in the Legislature or parliament, who is to fill up that vacuum till such time that the legislature or parliament acts provide a solution by performing its role by enacting proper legislation to cover the field (vacuum) ?

Q159. While it is an unhealthy practice for a Judge to claim to be a Judge in his own cause, is it not worse for the members of the legislature and parliament to be judges in their own cause ?

Q160. Are the Technicalities of the case more important to a judge or Justice to a citizen, protection of fundamental rights of citizen.?

Q161. Why not the constitutional functionaries initiate suo moto action with respect to numerous cases of injustices reported in Media ?

Q162. Why not the Judges admit various cases of Injustices affecting public, as the Public Interest Litigation” ? In some cases, the Public or the person representing them is unable to afford the high cost of the case. Why not free legal aid is given ?.

Q163. What is the criteria for admitting a P.I.L. & giving free legal aid ?

Q164. Communication – free flow of information is the lifeline of a democracy. Why the constitutional functionaries are not honouring the Right to Information of Citizens ?
Q165. Recently , while assuming office as honourable chief justice of Karnataka , justice. P.D.DINAKAR , gave a blanket withdrawal of all internal departmental enquiries against approximately 200 judges , is it just & legal ? give me the names of accused judges & description of charges against them ?
Q166. does it not show that judges are more equal than others ?
Q167. who are involved in PF scam ? what action against guilty judges ?
Q168. Why you did not give information to me as per RTI Act inspite of appeal ? refer. F1/RTI/A91/2007.
Q169. Almost a year ago , in the Karnataka state new chief justice of Karnataka high court honble Mr.Dinakar (now elevated to supreme court of India) just on assuming offices within hours scrapped disciplinary inquiry proceedings against 200+ erring judges. In such a short time no human being can study all the cases in detail , then how come he arrived at this vital decision in such short time? Who are those 200+ judges facing enquiry ?
Q170 .Recently in the Karnataka state , high court found out that a district judge without conducting hearings properly , entering fictious dates of hearings (which happens to be government holidays ) facilitated in exonerating a top politician . has the court enquired into the previous judgements of the accussed judge ? did it find any wrongdoings?
Q171. As per law , while on duty a person should not be drunk , under the influence of alchohol , as it limits the functioning of his senses & brain. That is why the acts & sayings of drunkards , committed / said when they are drunk are not taken seriously. However most of the police officers after evening hours are drunk , in that state only they apprehend many suspects & produce those suspects at the residences of magistrates before magistrate during wee hours / night. Some of of the judges are also drunk during that time. Does the senses of drunken police & judges work properly to do their respective duties in identifying criminals , apprehending them & to issue judicial orders. Are these actions of police & judges in drunken state legal ?

Q 172 . What action  has been taken in bhopal gas leak case against the guilty police officials who changed the charge sheet against union carbide officials ?

Q 173 . What action has been taken against guilty police officials , district magistrate , state ministers & central ministers who fully aided the criminals – Union Carbide official  Mr. Anderson to escape law , to jump bail  & flee the country without court’s permission ?

Q 174 . What action has been taken against the above said guilty with respect to their contempt of court  & for aiding a criminal to escape ?

Q 175. What action has been taken against the chief justice of India , who changed the legal clause under which the guilty should be tried ?  what action has been taken against the CJI who  became an official of the  trust belonging to the criminal ?

Q 176 . What action has been taken against the Indian Public servant who decided to withdraw cases from US Courts with respect to Bhopal gas tragedy ?

Q 177 . What action has been taken against the state labour department & pollution control board officials who have failed in their duties , inspite of earlier warnings by journalists ?

Q 178 . What action has been taken against state cabinet ministers who decided the quantum of compensation money to favour the criminal although they don’t have right to do so ?

Q 179 . What action has been taken against Presiding Judge of the trial court , Chief Justice of India , state police officials , public prosecutors & Central Bureau of Investigation officials who kept quite all along and didn’t  press for the extradition of the criminal Mr.Anderson , for  producing the criminal accussed no.1 before the trial court ?

Q 180 . Is it not SHAMEFUL for the judiciary , police , government officials & people’s representatives who became part of Operation Crime Hush Up & aided criminals responsible for ghastly murders of  thousands & maiming of lakhs of hapless public in Bhopal Gas Leak Tragedy?

Q 181 . Are these Corrupt Police , corrupt judges , corrupt ministers , corrupt  labour / pollution control board officials  HUMAN BEINGS ?
Q  182    Why  police are  not registering my complaint   against  CJI & other VVIPS ,Even after years ?
Q   183   don’t the  police of vijayanagar police station mysore have legal  jurisdiction  to register  the case  against these VVIPs ? or  just  because the criminals happens to be VVIPs  ,they  are  not booked  by police? If the  said  police don’t have  legal jurisdiction to book  these VVIPs , they should have  transferred the complaint  to  those authorities who have jurisdiction &   authority to book  & prosecute   these  VVIPs , but not done  so , why ?
Q  184  are not all these actions , of  VVIPs & police amounting to  cover up of crimes & criminals ? are  not  these cover ups itself is a crime ?
Q  185.  Even an appeal for justice by post card must be treated as PIL by courts of justice . however my appeals  for justice  concerning public welfare , national security  sent  through  post , e-mail  to supreme court of india are not admitted as Public interest litigation , why ?  does  not these acts of Supreme court amount to aiding criminals , anti nationals?
Q 186   Are not  the honourable chief justice of india  together  with the jurisdictional police & Revenue district magistrate  responsible  to protect  the  fundamental & human rights  of people ?  why the CJI , Mysore DC & Jurisdictional Police  have failed to protect the fundamental & human rights of  people  including mine ? For all the previous injustices I have suffered at the hands of the criminal nexus  Honourable CJI , Mysore revenue district magistrate & jurisdictional police  are  together responsible , if anything untoward happens to me or to my family members or to my dependents the quartet  – Honourable Chief Justice of India , Honourable District Magistrate , Mysore , Honourable Police Commissioner of Mysore city & Circle Inspector of police , vijayanagar police station  , mysore  will be responsible .

These corrupt  parasites will feel  , understand the pain only when they also suffer in the same manner. Let us pray to almighty – In  whose  Court of justice  MATCH FIXING is not there & every body is equal , let us pray to that god to give these corrupt parasites ghastly deaths nothing less nothing more.





PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICERs who failed to provide information and shielding criminals ,  anti nationals :

1. PIO , O/O Honorable Chief Justice of India , Supreme Court of India , New Delhi.

2. PIO , O/O  H.E.Honorable President of India , Rashtrapathi Bhawan , New Delhi.

3. PIO O/O Honorable Speaker of Lok Sabha , GOI , New Delhi.

4. PIO O/O Dy Chairman of Rajya Sabha , GOI , New Delhi.

5. PIO , O/O Union Home Minister ,GOI , New Delhi.

6. PIO , O/O H.E.Honorable Governor of Karnataka , Raj Bhawan , Bangalore.

7. PIO , O/O Honorable Chief Minister of Karnataka , CMO , Bangalore.

8. PIO , O/O DG & IG of Police , Government of Karnataka ,Police HQ , Bangalore.


Fees Paid :

1.                  IPO 08F 429306 for rupees ten only.

2.                  IPO  08F 429307 for rupees ten only.

3.                  IPO 08F 429308 for rupees ten only.

4.                  IPO 08F 429309 for rupees ten only.

5.                  IPO  08F 429310 for rupees ten only.

6.                  IPO 08F 430701   for rupees ten only .

7.                  IPO  08F 430702 for rupees ten only .

8.                  IPO  08F 430703 for rupees ten only. 


Enclosed :

1.                  Police Complaint dated 20.08.2012

2.                  Show Cause Notice Dated 20.08.2012

3.                  ABCD Lesson of Democracy.


DATE :  02.10.2012 ……………..………………………NAGARAJA.M.R.





Save  Hebbal  Lake  Save  BEML Quarters Lake  in  Mysore     

- Crimes  of  Mysore Deputy Commissioner  &  Commissioner  Mysore  Urban Development Authority                                                                     –  An  Appeal  to  Honourable Supreme Court of India


   In the  past , Mysore Maharaja & other philanthropists  have donated  their personal lands , properties , built many lakes & ponds in mysore , bangalore  and other places with public concern  ,  public  wellbeing  in their mind . They built  these lakes & ponds  in addition to preserving the natural lakes & ponds.  They  knew  about the importance of ecological balance & environment. The present rulers , IAS & KAS  babus  have even failed to  preserve  the lakes & ponds  built  decades ago , let alone build one.   These  Public servants have extended their tacit  support to building mafia , to   kill these lakes & ponds , to fill those  lakes with industrial effluents ,  sewage  & building  mud wastes. After killing those lakes & ponds , the building mafia encroaches on it  & usurps  that  public property  in turn selling it for crores of rupees.


    In this way , Hootagalli lake was killed  &  encroached by Kaynes Hotel  ( now silent shores hotel) ,  Hebbal Lake  is being  killed & encroached  from all sides by industries  and  the lake infront of BEML Quarters  is being killed  &  land  demarcation for selling those  land has already begun.


The public servants  were totally  indifferent  towards  public outcry against this . The IAS & KAS  babus  who are also magistrates  with judicial authority  have failed  in preserving these lakes & ponds inspite of appeals  to them.  These death of lakes resulting in their encroachments could have been prevented earlier  by DC , Tahsildar , MUDA Commissioner & KIADB Officers. Even I have appealed to them through my web news paper , they didn’t take action at all.  I have made RTI request to those authorities  to give me information regarding status of those lakes  years ago , fearing  truth will come out  they didn’t anwer my questions in full , they only gave half truths. When I persisited with  my  RTI request  the Mysore District Magistrate at that time  Mr. P.Manivannan repeatedly called me over phone , abused me & threatened me .  Even threats were made by some policemen  in mufti .  Finally that lake land was allotted to an industrially supposed to be close to  Industries minister at that time.  The courts  are dispassionate & inhuman , while passing eviction orders against poor people , the  police are full of guts  & show their full bravery , valour against these poor land encroachers. Fine , let us appreciate their duty consciousness . However  rich & well connected criminals have illegally encroached upon  public lands , the same  courts  and police are not taking  appropriate action  inspite of repeated appeals , why ?  Even the  Supreme Court of India & Police are Weak & Meak before Land Mafia. Don’t the same Judges & Police have Guts , Bravery , Duty Conciousness & Integrity to take action against such  rich land grabbers ?  The answer lies in the following articles. Once again  we offer our conditional services to Supreme Court of India  , to legally apprehend criminals while the respective public servants have failed to do the same.


Hereby , we request the honourable Supreme Court of India ,

1.      To  initiate criminal prosecution  against  Mysore  district magistrate , Mysore  taluk magistrate , MUDA  Commissioner  , Jurisdictional Police Officers & KIADB Officer  , for making contempt of  Supreme Court of India  Order  applying throught india to preserve lakes & ponds.

2.      To evict all encroachers forth with .

3.      To  immediately stop all flow of industrial effluents & sewage  to these lakes & ponds.

4.      To initiate criminal prosecution  against  encroachers of these lakes &  pollters , killers of these lakes.

5.      To  preserve  the said  lakes & ponds  , by recovering cost from encroachers , polluting industries  and the  co-conspirators  Mysore DC , Mysore Tahsildar , MUDA Commissioner , KIADB Officer & Jurisdictional Police Officers.

6.      To protect me , my family members & dependents  from  land mafia & co-conspirators of the crime.

7.      To  order , to issue Writ of Mandamus  to  Mysore District Magistrate , MUDA Commissioner  & KIADB Officer to disclose all the information  sought by me in my RTI request publicly. The copy of my RTI request is reproduced below.


Date : 17.11.2012                                                         Your’s  Sincerely,

Place : Mysore                                                              Nagaraja.M.R.



 1. how many times since 1987 , MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT has revised / modified the mysore city's comprehensive city development plan ?

2. how many cases of CDP violations were registered by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT since 1987 till date ?

3. how many cases of CDP violations were legalized in the CDP revision / modification by the authorities ?

4. when an application for alienation of land is made to you , say from civic amenity site to commercial , what norms are followed by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT ?

5. how do you provide alternate civic amenity site in the locality , if the area is already full ? do you deprive people of civic amenities ?

6. during such alenation , is the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT collecting market rate difference between civic amenity site & commercial site ? if not why ?

7. in mysore city , many building complexes , buildings have been built fully violating building bye-laws – no set off , no parking space , no emergency fire exit , no earthquake tolerant . what action by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT ?

8. how many cases of building bye-laws violations has been registered by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT since 1987 ? what is the action status report yearwise ?

9. how much of MUDA's / MCC's / GOVERNMENT's lands , sites , buildings & houses have been illegally occupied by criminal tresspassers since 1987 ?

10. has the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT registered criminal cases against each such illegal occupation ? if not why ? provide status report yearwise ?

11. in how many cases of such illegal occupation MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT has legalized , regularized such illegal occupation just through MUDA's / MCC's resolution instead of of reallotting the same through public notification to the next senior most in the waiting list , after giving notice of allotment cancellation to original allottee ? if not done so why ?

12. has the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT followed all legal norms in reallotment of lands , sites , houses , etc to the illegal occupiers ? what is the procedure followed ?

13. in mysore city , numerous housing societies & real estate Developers have mushroomed , Land allotments of how many housing societies , real estate firms among them are legally authorized by MUDA , MCC , GOVERNMENT & how many not ? since 1987 till date ?

14. has the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT filed criminal complaints against such illegal housing societies & illegal real estate firms ? if not why ?

15. what action MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT has initiated against real estate firms & housing societies who have violated MUDA norms , layout plans , etc ? if not why ?

16. the government has framed building bye-laws like width of road , space for civic amenities , parking space , emergency fire exit , etc keeping high in the mind safety of people first. MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT is in the practice of levying a pittance as penalty on the building byelaw violators , layout Development plan violators & legalizing those

violations. Safety of public & amenities of public are totally neglected by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT . When public people die , suffer injuries / accidents – say during a fire tragedy in a complex due to lack of fire exit , when people park vehicles on pavement in front of a business complex as the complex doesn't have a parking space of it's own , the pedestrians going that way are forced to come down on road resulting in accidents , injuries & deaths . is not the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT responsible for those accidents , injuries & deaths ?

17. what is the criteria adopted by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT for out of Turn allotment of Lands , sites , houses to renowned sports persons , judges , journalists , politicians , artists , etc ?

18. how many judges , artists , politicians , journalists , sports persons , etc have benefited from these out of turn allotments by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT ? specific figures yearwise since 1987 ?

19. what action has been taken against developers , housing societies , who have violated MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT norms ?

20. when poor scheduled caste , scheduled tribe people , minority people illegally live On MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT sites building temporary huts , MUDA / AUTHORITIES with the help of police razes down those huts & evicts the poor by brute force. Whereas , when cronies of political bigwigs illegally occupy MUDA , MCC / GOVERNMENT lands worth crores of rupees & build big complexes earning thousands of rupees monthly rent , MUDA or authorities not even files police complaint against them instead regularizes the illegal occupation by levying a pittance as fine. Why this double standard by MUDA / MCC GOVERNMENT ?

21. HOW MANY CASES OF ILLEGAL OCCUPATIONS are regularized by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT since 1987 till date ? yearwise figures ?

22. how much of MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT lands , sites , houses are under illegal occupation ? status report yearwise since 1987 ?

23. how much of those has been recovered ? has the MUDA ,AUTHORITIES recovered the rents earned by illegal occupation ?

24. have you filed police complaints against those criminals – tresspassers ? if not why ?

25. is the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT giving wide publicity & sufficient time to bidders about it's auction schedules ?

26. is the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT giving market value to land loosers ?

27. is the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT exactly using the acquired lands , for the same purpose mentioned in the project plan ?

28. is the MUDA / AUTHORITIES acquiring lands at lower rates from farmers & selling it at a premium , by way making profits just like a real estate agency ?

29. in villages , there are cattle grazing grounds meant for the usage of whole villagers, forest for the usage of whole village , lands belonging to village temples. Some villagers have donated their personal lands to village temples , cattle grazing for the benefit of whole villagers. All the villagers are stake holders , owners of such lands. When MUDA / MCC /

GOVERNMENT acquires such lands to whom does it pay compensation ? what about welfare objectives of those lands ?

30. till date , how many lakes , ponds , how many feeder canals have been closed , filled with mud , developed , sold as sites , etc by MUDA MCC or other land developers ?

31. has the MUDA , MCC taken alternate steps to create new lakes , ponds ? how many are created till date ?

32. in & around mysore city , high tension electric lines are there in busy residential areas . as per Indian electricity act , no permanent structures should be under the HT lines. However there are buildings under it. In some places , HT lines runs in the middle of the road. The authorities Have developed those areas beneath HT lines as parks , rented out

advertisement spaces & built permanent fencing of those areas spending lakhs of taxpayer's money. This fencing obstructs the movement of service personnel of electricity board , to service HT line. Are all these structures under
& surrounding HT lines legal ?

33. till date how many burial grounds are acquired & sold as sites by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT or other developers ? specific figures yearwise since 1987 castewise , religionwise ?

34. in & around mysore city , in how many areas developed by MUDA & private developers , the sewage water generated in those areas is directly let into lake , ponds ?

35. how many tributaries , lakes , ponds are killed in this fashion by MUDA , MCC & other developers , housing societies ?

36. how many business complexes , flats , residential layouts developed by private real estate developers , housing societies are dumping the sewage , / waste generated in their buildings , into unauthorized dumping grounds , lakes , etc . thus disturbing the environment & creating public health hazard ? how the MUDA / MCC is monitoring sewage / waste disposal ? status report yearwise since 1987 till date .

37. how many unauthorized housing layouts are there in & around mysore city ? what action by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT against them ? action taken report yearwise since 1987 till date .

38. around mysore city , vast areas of village farm lands , agricultural lands are acquired by private real estate developers for non agricultural purposes by a single firm or single owner. Are these actions legal ? some of these real estate agents have sold those lands to private industries , multinational companies for crores of rupees. Has the MUDA / MCC /
GOVERNMENT given alienation of land ie conversion from agricultural to industrial usage. Has KIADB given consent to it ?

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