loyal /lo:j3l/,
lower Лэ: - иэ/,
sawing /S3 - uiq/,
poet /рэи
- it/ etc. In such words they occur at morphemic junctures in na
tive words, or in two contiguous syllables of the same morpheme
A. Cohen. The Phonemes of English. The Hague, 1962, p. 90.
J. Vachek. Uber die Phonologische Interpretation der Englischen Diphthonge mit be-
sonderer Beriiksichigung des Englischen «Studies in English by Members of the Eng
lish Seminar of the Charles University», vol. 4, 1933, p. 152.
А.Ф. Биршерт. К вопросу о системе фонем английского языка. Уч. зап. 1-
МГПИИЯ, т. I, 1940, с. 77-78.