Dr. Felix Warneken Assistant Professor Harvard University

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Dr. Felix Warneken

Assistant Professor

Harvard University

Department of Psychology

33 Kirkland St.

Cambridge, MA, 02138

email: warneken@wjh.harvard.edu

website: software.rc.fas.harvard.edu/lds/research/warneken/warneken

Academic positions

2009 - present

Assistant Professor

Department of Psychology, Harvard University

2007 - 2009

Postdoctoral Researcher

Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig


Novartis Foundation Fellow

Harvard University

2003 - 2007

PhD Student

Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig



PhD (Dr. rer. nat.), Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology and University of Leipzig


Diplompsychologe (= Master’s degree in psychology)

Freie Universität Berlin

Awards & Stipends


SRCD Early Career Travel Award


Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award, Society for Research in Child Development


Post Doc Award, International Society on Infant Studies


SRCD Student Travel Award


Student Bursary, British Psychological Society


Novartis Foundation Fellowship

1999 - 2000

Graduate Exchange Student Fellowship, Vanderbilt University

Research Grants
2008 – 2012 European Commission Project Grant (218505) Cooperative Human Robot Interaction Systems. €3,650,000. PI: Chris Melhuish

Subproject Cooperative coordination. €428,000. Co-PI with Michael Tomasello.

2010 – 2012 Science of Generosity Initiative, University of Notre Dame & John Templeton Foundation. The Development of Prosocial Behavior. $150,000. Principal Investigator.
2011 Mind/Brain/Behavior Interfaculty Initiative Faculty Award An integrated developmental and evolutionary approach to human cooperation. $14,000. Co-PI with Martin Nowak.
Teaching Grants
2011 Mind/Brain/Behavior Interfaculty Initiative Faculty Award Evo-devo of human behavior seminar series. $4,000. Co-PI with Martin Nowak & Richard Wrangham.
2011 - 2012 Research Workshop Grants Program, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Developmental Studies Research Seminar. $3000. Co-sponsored with Jesse Snedeker, Susan Carey, Elizabeth Spelke.


* signifies student author


Warneken, F. & Tomasello, M. (2006). Altruistic helping in human infants and young chimpanzees. Science, 311, 1301-1303.

Warneken, F., Chen, F., & Tomasello, M. (2006). Cooperative activities in young children and chimpanzees. Child Development , 77 (3), 640 – 663.


*Liebal, K. Colombi, C., Rogers, S., Warneken, F., & Tomasello, M. (2007). Cooperative activities in children with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38, 224 – 238.

Rakoczy, H., Warneken, F., & Tomasello, M. (2007). “This way!”, “No! That way!” – 3-year-olds know that two people can have mutually incompatible desires. Cognitive Development, 22 (1), 47 - 68.

Warneken, F., Hare, B., Melis, A.P., Hanus, D., & Tomasello, M. (2007). Spontaneous altruism by chimpanzees and young children. PLoS Biology, 5 (7), 1414 – 1420.

(Selected as Top 100 Science Stories of 2007 by Discover Magazine)

Warneken, F. & Tomasello, M. (2007). Helping and cooperation at 14 months of age. Infancy, 11(3), 271–294.


Behne, T. Carpenter, M., Gräfenhain, M., Liebal, K., Liszkowski, U., Moll, H., Rakoczy, H., Tomasello, M., Warneken, F., Wyman, E. (2008). Cultural learning and cultural creation. In: Müller, U. Carpendale, J. Budwig, N., Sokol, B. (eds.) Social Life and Social Knowledge: Toward a Process Account of Development. 65 – 101.

Rakoczy, H., Warneken, F., & Tomasello, M. (2008). The sources of normativity: Young children’s awareness of the normative structure of games. Developmental Psychology. 44 (3), 875 – 881.

Tomasello, M. & Warneken, F. (2008). Share and share alike. Nature, 454, News & Views, 1057 - 1058.

Warneken, F. & Tomasello, M. (2008). Extrinsic rewards undermine altruistic tendencies in 20-month-olds. Developmental Psychology, 44(6), 1785 - 1788.

Warneken, F. (2008) Perspectives on de Waal’s Primates and Philosophers: How Morality Evolved (book review). Current Anthropology, 49(4), 702 – 703.


Colombi, C., Liebal, K., Tomasello, M., Warneken, F., Rogers, S.J. (2009). Examining Correlates of Cooperation in Autism: Imitation, Joint Attention, and Understanding Intentions. Autism, 13 (2), 143 – 164.

Rakoczy, H., Warneken, F., & Tomasello, M. (2009). Young children's selective learning of rule games from reliable and unreliable models. Cognitive Development, 24, 61 - 69.

Rakoczy, H., *Brosche, N., Warneken, F., & Tomasello, M. (2009). "Young children's understanding of the context-relativity of normative rules in conventional games". British Journal of Developmental Psychology. 27, 445–456.

Warneken, F. & Tomasello, M. (2009a). Cognition for culture. In: Robbins, P. & Aydede, M., (eds.) Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition. Cambridge University Press, 467 – 479.

Warneken, F. & Tomasello, M. (2009b). Varieties of altruism in children and chimpanzees. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 13 (9) , 397 – 482.

Warneken, F. & Tomasello, M. (2009c). The roots of human altruism. British Journal of Psychology. Target article with commentaries, 100, 445-471.

Warneken, F. (2009). Digging deeper: A response to commentaries on ‘The roots of human altruism’. British Journal of Psychology, 100, 487-490.


Greenberg, J., *Hamann, K., Warneken, F., & Tomasello, M. (2010). Chimpanzee helping in collaborative and non-collaborative contexts. Animal Behaviour, 80, 873-880.

Lallee, S., Yoshida, E., Mallet A., Nori, F., Natale, L., Metta, G., Warneken, F., Dominey, P.F. (2010). Human-Robot Cooperation Based on Interaction Learning. In: Sigaud, O. and Peters, J. (eds.) From Motor Learning to Interaction Learning in Robots. Springer.

Melis, A.P., Warneken, F., Jensen, K., Schneider, A.C., Call, J., & Tomasello (2010). Chimpanzees help conspecifics obtain food and non-food items. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Melis, A.P., Warneken, F., Hare, B. (2010). Collaboration and helping in chimpanzees. To appear in: Lonsdorf, E.V., Ross, S.R. and Matsuzawa, T. (eds.) The Mind of the Chimpanzee: Ecological and Experimental Perspectives. University of Chicago Press.

Rakoczy, H., *Hamann, K., Warneken, F., & Tomasello, M. (2010). Bigger knows better - young children selectively learn rule games from adults rather than from peers. British Journal of Developmental Psychology.

Ros Espinoza, R., Sisbot, E. A., Alami, R. , *Steinwender, J. , *Hamann, K. and Warneken, F. (2010) "Solving ambiguities with perspective taking" In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 2010.

Ros Espinoza, R., Lemaignan, S., Sisbot E. A., Alami, R., *Steinwender, J., *Hamann, K, and Warneken, F. (2010). "Which one? Grounding the Referent Based on Efficient Human-Robot Interaction. Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication.

(IEEE Ro-Man Best paper award)

Warneken, F. (2010). Prosoziales Verhalten bei Kindern unter 3 Jahren. In: Kinder unter 3 - Neues aus der Forschung? Praxisrelevante Forschungs-ergebnisse für die Frühpädagogik. Edited by H. R. Leu & A. v. Behr, Ernst Reinhardt Verlag, Munich.


Callaghan, T., Moll, H., Rakoczy, H., Warneken, F., Liszkowski, U. Behne, T. & Tomasello, M. (2011). Early social cognition in three cultural contexts. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development.

Dominey, P. F. & Warneken, F. (2009). The basis of shared intentions in human and robot cognition. New Ideas in Psychology, 29, 260-274.

*Hamann, K., Warneken, F., Greenberg, J. A., & Tomasello, M. (2011). Collaboration encourages equality in children, but not chimpanzees. Nature. 476, 328-331.

Warneken, F., *Lohse, K., Melis, A.P., & Tomasello, M. (2011). Young children share the spoils after collaboration. Psychological Science, 22, 267-73.

Warneken, F. (2011) Children’s helping hands. In M. Brockman (Ed.). Future Science - 19 Essays from the Cutting Edge. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group.


Warneken, F., Gräfenhain, M., & Tomasello, M. (2012). Collaborative partner or social tool? New evidence for young children’s understanding of shared intentions in collaborative activities. Developmental Science, 15 (1), 54-61.

Warneken, F. , and Melis, A.P.  (2012). The Ontogeny and Phylogeny of Cooperation.  In J. Vonk and T. K. Shackelford (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Evolutionary Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.

Vaish, A., & Warneken, F. (2012). Social-cognitive contributors to young children’s empathic and prosocial behavior. In J. Decety (Ed.) Empathy: From Bench to Bedside. Cambridge: MIT Press.

In Press

Warneken, F., and Tomasello, M. (in Press). Parental presence and encouragement do not influence helping in young children. Infancy.

Warneken, F. (in press). Human altruistic behaviors from a developmental and comparative perspective. To appear in: B. Calcott, R. Joyce, & K. Sterelny (eds.) Signaling, Commitment, and Emotion. MIT Press.

Warneken, F. (in press). The origins of human cooperation from a developmental and comparative perspective. To appear in: The Evolution of Mind, Brain, and Culture. Edited by G. Hatfield. Penn Museum Press.

Invited Talks

Freie Universität Berlin, Developmental Psychology Colloquium, Berlin, Germany.
Harvard University, Social Cognitive Development Group, Cambridge, MA.
Harvard Graduate School of Education, Mind, Brain, and Behavior Seminar Series, Cambridge, MA.
Universität Zürich, Institute for Empirical Research in Economics Colloquium, Zürich, Switzerland.
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique & Université René Descartes, Workshop on Cognitive Systems Research and Robotics, Paris, France.
University of Pennsylvania, Museum of Archeology and Anthropology, Workshop on Evolution of Mind, Brain, and Culture, Philadelphia, PA.
Jacobs Universität, Autism Conference, Bremen, Germany. Keynote address.
Université Lumière, European Network "euCognition", Lyon, France
University of Chicago, Department of Psychology, Chicago, IL.
Duke University, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, Durham, NC.
Harvard University, Department of Psychology, Cambridge, MA.
UC Berkeley, Department of Psychology, Berkeley, CA.
Deutsches Jugendinstitut (German Youth Institute), Munich, Germany.
Niedersächsisches Kultusministerium (Ministry for Culture & Education, Lower Saxony), presentations in Hannover & Oldenburg, Germany.
International Symposium on Paediatric Surgical Research, Leipzig, Germany. Keynote address.
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique & Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Laboratory for Ecology and Evolution, Paris, France.
Institut Jean-Nicod, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France.
Yale University, Primate Social Cognition Workshop, New Haven, CT.
Universität Ulm, Department of Philosophy, Ulm, Germany.
Stanford University, Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education Inaugural Conference, Palo Alto, CA.
Duke University, Department of Evolutionary Anthropology, Durham, NC.
Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Yale University, Departments of Psychology and Philosophy, New Haven, CT.
Boston University, Department of Psychology, Boston, MA.
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behaviour, Joint Action Workshop, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Laboratories of Cognitive Neuroscience, Children’s Hospital Boston, Boston, MA.
Arizona State University, Human Uniqueness Workshop, Tempe, AZ.
Department of Human Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
International Conference on Development and Learning, Ann Arbor, MI. Keynote address
Boston University, Dialogues in Biological Anthropology, Boston, MA.
Brandeis University, Department of Psychology, Waltham, MA.
Universität Zürich, Department of Psychology, Zürich, Switzerland.
Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA.

Yale University, Department of Psychology, New Haven, CT.
SRCD Biennial Preconference on Peer Relationships, Montreal, Canada. Keynote address
Program for Evolutionary Dynamics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Boston College, Department of Psychology, Boston, MA.
Cognitive Development Preconference on Social Cognition, Philadelphia, PA.
Institut Jean-Nicod, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France.

Conference Presentations

Warneken, F. (2002). Peerinteraktion und kognitive Entwicklung. Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Berlin. Paper.

Warneken, F. (2003). Peer interaction and cognitive development. Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Tampa. Poster.

Warneken, F. (2003). Entwicklungsfördernde Merkmale der Interaktion von Freunden. Tagung der Fachgruppe Entwicklungspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs Developmental Section), Mainz. Paper.

Warneken, F. & Tomasello (2004). Cooperative problem-solving and play during the second year. International Conference on Infant Studies (ICIS), Chicago. Poster.

Warneken, F. & Tomasello (2004). Die Entwicklung des kooperativen Handelns im zweiten Lebensjahr. DGPs, Göttingen. Poster.

Warneken, F. & Tomasello (2005). Young children and chimpanzees help others achieve their goals. SRCD, Atlanta. Posters.

Warneken, F., Chen, F., Liebal, K., & Tomasello, M. (2005). Cooperative activities in toddlers, children with autism, and chimpanzees. SRCD, Atlanta. Posters

Rakoczy, H., Warneken, F., & Tomasello, M. (2005). Three-year-olds understand that different people can have mutually incompatible desires. SRCD, Atlanta. Poster.

Warneken, F. & Tomasello, M. (2005). The emergence of cooperation and altruism: A comparison between young children and chimpanzees. Annual Jean Piaget Society Meeting, Vancouver. Paper.

Warneken, F. & Tomasello, M. (2005). Social cognition in cooperative activities: A comparison between human children and chimpanzees. European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Tenerife. Paper.

Warneken, F. & Tomasello, M. (2005). Instrumentelles Helfen von 18-monatigen Kindern und Schimpansen. DGPs, Bochum. Paper.

Rakoczy, H., Warneken, F. & Tomasello, M. (2005). Die kognitiven Voraussetzungen für Kooperation in konfliktreichen Situationen. DGPs, Bochum. Paper.

Warneken, F. & Tomasello, M. (2005). Kooperative Tätigkeiten bei Kleinkindern und Schimpansen. DGPs, Bochum. Paper.

Warneken, F. & Tomasello, M. (2006). Helping and Cooperation at 14 Months of Age. ICIS, Kyoto. Poster.

Warneken, F., Hare, B., Melis, A.P., & Tomasello, M. (2006). Is helping free of charge? Testing the helpfulness of human children and chimpanzees. ICIS, Kyoto. Paper.

Rakoczy, H., Warneken, F., & Tomasello, M. (2006). The sources of normativity in ontogeny – children’s spontaneous protest against violations of game rules. ICIS, Kyoto. Poster.

Liebal, K., Colombi, C., Rogers, S., Warneken, F., & Tomasello, M. (2006). Cooperative Activities in Children with Autism. ICIS, Kyoto. Poster.

Warneken, F., Hare, B., Melis, A., Hanus, D., Tomasello, M. (2006) Is helping free of charge? Testing the helpfulness of children and chimpanzees. British Psychological Society Developmental Section, London. Paper. 

Warneken, F. & Tomasello, M. (2007). Effects of material and social rewards on infant helping. SRCD, Boston, MA. Poster.

Warneken, F., Hare, B., Melis, A.P., Hanus, D., Tomasello, M. (2007). Chimpanzees altruisticially help conspecifics in a novel situation. SRCD, Boston. Poster.

Rakoczy, H., Warneken, F., Tomasello, M. (2007). ‘No, that’s not how it’s done!’ – Young children’s understanding of the normativity in names. SRCD, Boston. Paper.

Haimerl, F., Zemke, F., Warneken, F., Gomez, J.C., Call, J., Tomasello, M. (2007). Is there informative pointing in apes? SRCD, Boston. Poster.

Warneken, F. & Tomasello, M. (2007). Joint Cooperative Activities in Human Children and Chimpanzees - Coordinating Behaviors and Intentions. Joint Action Meeting, Rutgers University, Newark. Poster.

Warneken, F. & Tomasello, M. (2007). The origins of human altruism – integrating developmental and comparative perspectives. Jean Piaget Society Meeting, Amsterdam. Paper.

Rakoczy, H., Warneken, F. Tomasello, M. (2008). Young children’s selective learning of conventional rule-governed activities. ICIS, Vancouver. Paper.

Warneken, F. Tomasello, M. (2008). The role of rewards and parental control on helping in young children. ICIS, Vancouver. Poster.

Vaish, A., Warneken, F., Tomasello, M., Carpenter, M. (2008). Social-cognitive contributors to prosocial behavior. ICIS, Vancouver. Paper.

Warneken, F., Tomasello, M., (2008). The roots of human altruism. ICIS, Vancouver. Paper.

Gräfenhain, M., Warneken, F., Tomasello, M. (2008). Unwilling or unable play partner: 2-year-olds’ understanding of their partner’s reason to interrupt a social game. ICIS, Vancouver. Poster.

Warneken, F., Tomasello, M. (2008). Roots of human altruism in chimpanzees. International Primatological Society, Edinburgh, UK. Paper.

Warneken, F., Tomasello, M. (2008). Altruistic Helping from a Developmental and Comparative Perspective. International Symposium: Foundations of Human Social Behavior, Universität Zürich. Poster.

Warneken, F., Gräfenhain, M., Hamann, K., Tomasello, M. (2009). Collaboration in young children and chimpanzees – coordinating behaviors and sharing intentions. SRCD, Denver. Paper.

Warneken, F., Tomasello, M. (2009). Reciprocal helping and sharing in young children. SRCD, Denver. Poster.

Warneken, F., Lohse, K., Melis, A.P., Tomasello, M. (2009). Is food special? Young children share food more equally than material rewards. SRCD, Denver. Poster.

Fletcher, G., Warneken, F., Tomasello, M. (2009). When two heads are better than one: Cooperative problem-solving in chimpanzees. SRCD, Denver. Poster.

Hamann, K., Warneken, F., Tomasello, M. (2009). Peers’ mutual support when pursuing shared goals. SRCD, Denver. Poster.

Rakoczy, H., Wyman, E., Warneken, F., Tomasello, M. (2009). Young children’s flexible understanding of conventional normativity. SRCD, Denver. Paper.

Steinwender, J., Warneken, F., Tomasello, M. (2009). Collaborative problem solving and spontaneous role reversal in 2- and 3-year-old peers. SRCD, Denver. Poster

Warneken, F. (2009) Collaboration in young children: Coordinating behaviors and sharing intentions. 9th International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Paris. Paper.

Warneken, F. (2009). Varieties of Altruism: Helping and Sharing in Children and Chimpanzees. ICIS, Baltimore. Paper.

Warneken, F., Gräfenhain, M., Tomasello, M. (2010). Collaborative Partner or Social Tool? New Evidence for Young Children's Understanding of Shared Intentions. ICIS, Baltimore. Paper.

Hamann, K., Steinwender, J., Warneken, F., Tomasello, M. (2010). Children's Development of Understanding and Pursuing Joint Goals. ICIS, Baltimore. Paper.

Fletcher, G., Warneken, F., Tomasello, M. (2010). It Takes Two: Cooperative Problem-Solving in Chimpanzees and 3- and 5-yr old Children. ICIS, Baltimore. Poster.
Hamann, K., Warneken, F., Tomasello, M. (2010). Young Peers Share to Fulfill a Joint Goal. ICIS, Baltimore. Poster.
Steinwender, J., Warneken, F., Tomasello, M. (2010). The Development of Individual and Collaborative Problem-Solving Skills in Young Children. ICIS, Baltimore. Poster.
Warneken, F. (2011). On the Origins of Prosociality: Helping and Sharing in Children and Chimpanzees. SRCD, Montreal, Canada. Paper.
Warneken, F. (2011). New Insights on Collaboration in Young Children and Chimpanzees: Coordinating Actions and Representing Joint Intentions. SRCD, Montreal, Canada. Paper.
Warneken, F., Tomasello, M. (2011). Big Mother is Watching You: Parental Presence and Encouragement Do Not Influence Helping in Young Children. SRCD, Montreal, Canada. Paper.
Blake, P.R., Warneken, F., Rand, D.G. (2011). Parental Models Influence Children's Donations in a Dictator Game. SRCD, Montreal, Canada. Paper.
Hamann, K., Greenberg, J., Warneken, F., Tomasello, M. (2011). Collaboration Elicits Sharing in Children, but Not Chimpanzees. SRCD, Montreal, Canada. Poster.
Steinwender, J., Warneken, F., Tomasello, M. (2011). Solving Novel Problems Alone or With a Peer - Individual and Collaborative Coordination in Young Children. SRCD, Montreal, Canada. Poster.
Ad Hoc Reviewer

Animal Cognition

Behavioural Processes

Biology and Philosophy

Child Development

Clinical Medicine: Psychiatry


Cognitive Development

Cognitive Science

Developmental Psychology

Developmental Review

Developmental Science

European Journal of Developmental Psychology

European Journal of Social Psychology

Evolution and Human Behavior

Human Nature

Human Development


International Journal of Behavioral Development

Journal of Experimental Child Psychology

Journal of Theoretical Biology



Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Psychological Bulletin

Psychological Science

Social Development

Swiss Journal of Psychology

The Review of Psychology and Philosophy

Trends in Cognitive Sciences

Grant Reviewing

National Science Foundation

National Geographic Society

Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research

Madsen Fund New Zealand

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Canada


Universität Leipzig (2004 – 2008)

Lecture Course: Introduction to Developmental Psychology I & II
Seminar: Empirical Methods in Developmental Psychology I & II

Seminar: Observational Methods

Humboldt Universität Berlin, Institute for European Ethnology (2008)

Seminar: Cooperation – an interdisciplinary concept in evolutionary biology, psychology, economics and cultural studies

Harvard University (since 2009)

Research Seminar in Social Cognitive Development (UG & G)

Methods in Behavioral Research (UG)

Social Cognition from a Developmental and Evolutionary Perspective (G)

Postdoctoral fellows

Craig Smith (2010 - )

Peter Blake (2010 - )
Co-supervision of PhD Students at Harvard

Katherine Hobbs (Psychology; 2011 - )

Katherine McAuliffe (Human Evolutionary Biology; 2011 - )
Current PhD Students at the MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology

Grace Fletcher (2008 - )

Katharina Hamann (2008 - )

Jasmin Steinwender (2008 - )

Honor thesis student at Harvard

Emily Orlins (2010 - 2011) Hoopes Prize & Gordon W. Allport Prize

Previous Masters Students at the MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology

Nina Brosche (Cognitive science)

Denis Engemann (Psychology)

Marlen Kaufmann (Sociology)

Katharina Hamann (Psychology)

Kristin Liebal (Psychology)

Karoline Lohse (Anthropology)
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