Dr. Carlos F. Márquez Linares Dr. Enrique F. Quero Gervilla Doctoral Programme in Languages, Texts and Contexts Faculty of Translation and Interpreting university of granada

Participial (including passive or short participle)/ subordinate

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Participial (including passive or short participle)/ subordinate




Noun (attributive

position) + noun









+ Noun




Compound term

(nominative unit)



A verb


Construction with a



Construction with prepositions



Term with 3 and

more components




The table illustrates that most of terms in Russian preserved the initial form of the source term: 19 nominative units out of 45 Pure DT terms (noun (attributive position) + noun; pure nouns; adjective + noun, compound terms) were translated with the help of a nominative construction (noun + noun (another case) or adjective + noun) and 2 verbs were translated with the help of a construction with a verb. It means that nearly half of cases of Pure DT followed the structure of the initial term, and presumably descriptiveness is not influenced by the form of the source terms.

A total of 5 terms were borrowed in the form of a participial construction (including a passive or short form of a participle2) or a subordinate construction and 15 terms have the form of

2 (Pure DT) Компания, акции которой зарегистрированы на фондовой бирже (IFC) (Kompnaiya, aktzii kotoroy zaregistrirovany na fondovoy birzhe; L.t.: a company whose shares are registered on a stock exchange).

“Зарегистрированы” is a short form of the participle “зарегистрированный”.

prepositional constructions, which illustrates the explanatory nature of Pure DT, rather than its focus on the form of the source term.

The following analysis of term forms and their correlation with term contents illustrates that Pure DT depends mostly on the meaning of the entire term, rather than on its components and grammatical form:

        1. Noun

The majority of Pure DT cases in the present analysis are nominative units and in particular, simple nouns. Calque and DT, in contrast, is hardly represented by nouns (see table Calque and DT. Forms). As many as 11 nouns were translated into Russian using Pure DT.

A noun is the simplest term form; Pure DT based on one cannot be influenced by its form per se. For example, the term receivable(s) is borrowed in Pure Descriptive and nominative form into Russian: дебиторская задолженность (UNCITRAL-1) (debitorskaja zadolzhennost’; L.t. debtor’s liability). The English term stands for “money owed to a business by its clients and shown in its accounts as an asset” (Financial and Business terms: 2012), the semantic units “money owed to a business by its clients” are made explicit with the Russian term, which means that, in this case, Pure DT is based on the content of the English term.

One English term in the form of a noun was translated into Russian with the help of a participial construction: grantor: лицо, предоставляющее право (UNCITRAL-1) (lico, predostavljaushhee pravo; L.t.: a person/entity giving a right). The term grantor has the following definition for business use: “eligible bestower of an easement, grant, or right, such as the one who establishes a trust and transfers his or her property to it” (Business Dictionary) or “one who gives something, especially ownership of a property” (Macmillan). The notion of the “performer of the action” is difficult to translate if a Direct Equivalent with the same form does not exist in Russian. The term grantor has the following equivalent in LGP and legal fields: даритель (daritel’; L.t.: presenter, donor), жертвователь (zhertvovatel’; benefactor) (Lingvo). In the field of Corporate Management, grantor does not have the meaning of donation; it rather

focuses on bestowing a grant or right (see definition). Accordingly, the Russian term underlines the meaning of the English term, and the form results from the structure aimed at explanation and description: “(that) one who grants the right”. In practice the term component “лицо” (lico, a person/entity) can be omitted and substituted by the person/entity in question, although Russian tends to use the verb instead of a participle in this case: “Правда, в этом случае предоставить право бесплатного проезда могут местные советы депутатов, если посчитают это необходимым” (Antipenko, 2011. Ruscorpora) (L.t.: local boards of deputies can grant a right of a free passenger fare OR local boards of deputies can be the grantors of a free passenger fare).

        1. Complex term (a term with 3 or more components)

The terms with 3 or more components are generally the most unwieldy ones; their form triggers the use of descriptive or additional elements in the target language. A total of 11 complex terms were translated into Russian using Pure DT.

Most of terms (8 terms) received the form of prepositional constructions. Nevertheless, the form of the source term has only influenced the target term to a negligible extent or has not affected it at all. For instance, the term when-actually-employed contract has the following recommended form in Russian: контракт на условиях оплаты за фактически проработанное время (UNTERM) (kontrakt na uslovijah oplaty za fakticheski prorabotannoje vremja; L.t.: a contract under the conditions of payment for the time actually performed). Accordingly the Russian term is not based on the form of the English one and its components, but focuses on the meaning of the whole term: “WAEs are defined in the Secretary General’s Bulletin (ST/SGB/283) dated 29 August 1996 and entitled Use of “When Actually Employed” Contracts for Special Representatives, Envoys and Other Special High-Level Positions.” (Homsi, 2002). The form of the English term does not have a corresponding pattern in Russian, for this reason the term form cannot be shaped in Russian using Calque : *когда-фактически- трудоустроен (kogda-fakticheski-trudoustroen). Consequently, this construction implicitly influences the use of Pure DT; however, the term form is oriented at the content of the source term.

The term principle “Caveat emptor” contains a Latin phrase for "let the buyer beware" (http://www.Investopedia). The Russian term represents Calque of the Latin phrase with certain changes: принцип «да будет осмотрителен покупатель» (в отношении инвесторов) (OECD-1) ((princip “da budet osmotritelen pokupatel’” (v otnoshenii investorov); L.t.: a principle “may the buyer be prudent” (regarding the investors). Accordingly, the Russian term is the Calque of the Latin phrase, but it can be considered Pure DT of the English term principle “Caveat emptor”, conveying its meaning: “the principle that a person who buys something is responsible for making sure that it is in good condition, works properly, etc.” (Merriam- Webster). In addition to this, the term is often used without the component “principle”: “Она (note by Mariia Iakusheva: “процедура дью дилидженс”) реализует принцип caveat emptor

— «да будет осмотрителен покупатель»” (Ford, Bornstajn & Prujett, 2010, p. 78).

The Pure DT of some English terms with three and more components is similar to DT and Calque and appears on the margin of this method. Nevertheless, a Pure DT form concentrates on the meaning of a term, where Calque components can be present (i.e. it is not Calque of the term form, but rather a semantic Calque, or borrowing of semantic components with the same form). For instance, the term arm’s length transaction has the following form in Russian: cделка между независимыми сторонами (IFC) (sdelka mezhdu nezavisimimi storonami; L.t.: a transaction between independent parties). The figurativeness of the English term has been made explicit: “a transaction in which the buyers and sellers of a product act independently and have no relationship to each other.” (Investopedia); “basis of determining fair market value (FMV), it is a dealing between independent, unrelated, and well informed parties looking out for their individual interests”. (Business Dictionary). The Russian term form is connected to the English term form only by the component “transaction”, which is both semantically and grammatically important, but is not the semantic core of the term. This fact is proved by the slight variation of the term in the texts: “После этого приходят налоговые органы и проверяют, является ли эта цена рыночной, соответствует ли она принципу операций между независимыми сторонами” (Rossii ne nado izobretat' velosiped, 2010. Ruscorpora) (operacii mezhdu nezavisimymi storonami; L.t.: operations between independent parties). Nevertheless, the Russian term was retrieved using Pure DT, based on the definition of the English term. In

addition to this, the use of the prepositional construction in Russian is not triggered by the complex form of the English term. The preposition “между” (mezhdu; between) is used to connect two semantic components: “независимыe” (nezavisimye (adjective, plural); independent) and “cтороны” (storony; parties).

Accordingly, the use of Pure DT for the translation/creation of the terms based on complex English terms is triggered by the definition/explanation of the source term, irrespective of its form.

        1. Noun (in attributive position) + noun

Nouns in the attributive position are only represented by few examples (8 terms). Such a construction does not exist in Russian and should be translated with the help of an adjective/participle + a noun, or using word order reversion and a change in the case of the first noun (normally, to a genitive case). Calque and DT is a frequent method for the translation of these terms (see the table Calque and DT forms).

The use of Pure DT can be implicitly influenced by the non-equivalent form of the source terms, i.e. translators resort to this method because the term form cannot be easily reproduced in Russian. In addition to this, the construction of a noun in the attributive position with another noun often contains hidden semantic components. For instance, the term security risk can be transformed into the following terms: *a risk for security; * risk connected to security; * risk related to security, * risk, which can undermine security etc. The term security risk is used to describe “<…> a threat to the safety of a country or organization” (https://www.collinsdictionary.com). The Pure DT form, based on the definition, is widely used on the Internet: (лицо/ситуация), угрожающие безопасности ((Lico/situacyja), ugrozhajushhije bezopasnosti; L.t.: (a person/situation), threatening security):

“Каждая критическая ситуация, угрожающая безопасности, требует единообразия действий государственных институтов и слаженного взаимодействия должностных лиц, отвечающих за конкретные аспекты обеспечения безопасности” (Fomin, 2014).

Accordingly, the term component “risk” exerted an influence on the whole term and caused the use of descriptiveness in Russian. The form of the source term has influenced the translation implicitly, and the hidden semantic components were made explicit in Russian.

The term management override has the following definition: “overruling or circumventing prescribed policies or procedures for illegitimate purposes – such as personal gain or an enhanced presentation of a department’s financial condition or compliance status” (Vermont). The meaning of the whole term was disclosed in the Russian term: превышение должностных/служебных полномочий руководством (Ruscorpora) (prevyshenie dolzhnostnyh/sluzhebnyh polnomochij rukovodstvom (L.t.: abuse of post/office authority by management). The component override received a descriptive form in Russian and was accomplished using the term component “management”, which can receive another equivalent in Russian: превышение полномочий должностными лицами (Ruscorpora) (prevyshenie polnomochij dolzhnostnymi licami; L.t.: the exceeding/abuse of their authorities by the official persons). Accordingly, the descriptiveness of the Russian term depends on the meaning of the whole term, rather than on its form.

        1. Compound term (nominative unit)

The compound form of the source term is often the reason for the use of descriptive elements (see Calque and DT. Compound term). Compound terms consist of several parts which have been merged and have consequently acquired their own meaning. The meaning of some components of compound terms can be traced back only when the etymology of the term is investigated. For example, the term by-laws consists of two components: “by” means “town” (< Scandinavian) (Dictionary.com). Accordingly, the term refers to “town law”. In the field of Management, naew meaning was attested to the term: “by -laws are internal documents, a set of rules that enables each organization to conduct its affairs” (Srinivas, 2014). In Russian Pure DT is the preferred translation for the English term by-laws: внутренние документы (компании) (Ruscorpora) (vnutrennie dokumenty (kompanii); L.t.: internal documents (of a company)) (See

table 3s: )By-law .

Some of the compound terms containing particles or prepositions within their form attain a specific form in Russian. For example, the term non-incorporated has the following equivalent in Russian: без образования юридического лица (IFC) (bez obrazovaniya uridicheskogo litsa; L.t.: without formation/registration of a legal entity (person)). The construction with a preposition is clearly based on the definition of the term: “a commercial enterprise that is owned privately by one or more people. One disadvantage of owning an unincorporated business is that it results in unlimited liability for its owners since it has not been formally registered as a corporation” (Business Dictionary). The term is offered in dictionaries in the form of Pure Calque: (Calque) неинкорпорированный (Lingvo Law); некорпоративный (Lingvo Economics) (neinkorporirovannyj, nekorporativnyj; L.t.: not incorporated); (Additional or Irrelevant Components). However, a short and concise form does not appear in Ruscorpora, while Pure DT with a preposition is often used (192 Ruscorpora documents):

“Участники договора инвестиционного товарищества могут «соединить свои вклады и осуществлять совместную инвестиционную деятельность без образования юридического лица для извлечения прибыли»” (Petlevoj, 2011. Ruscrorpora) (L.t.: without formation of a legal entity (person)). The term form of the source term did not exert considerable influence on the Pure DT form of the Russian term.

In some cases, the compound term can be derived from another term already existing in the field of Management in Russian. The term form does not contribute to the use of descriptive elements in such situations. For instance, the term subcontracting is related to the terms subcontract and subcontractor. Both were borrowed into Russian using Direct Loan and assimilation and Calque: субподряд, субконтракт, договор с субподрядчиком (Lingvo) (supodrjad, subkontrakt, dogovor s subpodrjadchikom), субподрядчик (Lingvo) (subpodrujadchik) and were used for the translation of the term subcontracting: (Pure DT) Заключение контрактов с субподрядчиками (UNTERM) (zakluchenie kontraktov s subpodrjadchikami; L.t.: making the contracts with subcontractors); (Pure DT) заключение договоров субподряда (Academic) (zakluchenie dogovorov subpodryada; L.t.: making a subcontract). In Russian, both terms are based on the content of the English term, rather than on its form: “The practice of assigning part of the obligations and tasks under a contract to another

party known as a subcontractor” (Investopedia). It is interesting to note that the Direct Loan with assimilation is also used in the dictionaries as the equivalent for the term subcontracting: cубконтрактация (subkontraktatziya); субконтрактирование (Academic) (subkontraktirovanie). The two forms obtained using Direct Loan with assimilation indicate that these terms are not stable in LSP, which is proved by their infrequent use in Ruscorpora. In addition to this, on the Internet, the term субконтрактинг (subkontrakting) is used as a synonym: “В России же система субконтрактинга ещё не получила должного распространения <…>” (Dobronravov, 2003). (For this reason the term заключение/подписание договора субподряда (zakluchenie/podpisanie dogovora subpodrjada; L.t.: a conclusion/signing of a subcontract) can be considered as the preferred translation for the English term.

In some cases Pure DT resembles the Calque method. Nevertheless, Pure DT of a compound term can be recognized by its close relationship with the content of a term. For instance, the term feedback is so semantically dense, that it is offered in the dictionaries with Additional or Irrelevant Components or in the form of a comment:

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