us back from our Highest
Selves by causing negative
feelings within us that prevent us from following our true
Our minds are limited to our personal experiences. If you
want to receive insights, creativity, and knowledge beyond
the capabilities of your current self, simply choose to listen
to Infinite Intelligence rather than your finite mind. This
infinite source of truth is available to all people at all times
if we allow it to be.
Universal Intelligence/Mind is the energy that is everything
in this universe. It is the source of where everything comes
from that is before form and we are made up of it. This
energy has a feeling, which is the feeling is love, peace,
joy, connection, and well-being.
This is what we fall back
into when we let go of our thinking and it is our natural
Since we are all always connected to the same source of
Infinite Intelligence, once we let go of our thinking, we
access new thoughts, ideas, and insights, even if we have
never experienced them before. The more we trust our
and this Infinite Intelligence, the more we will
receive these insights that are always available to us.
Peace, love, joy, and all positive emotions are our default
states as humans. It is only when we begin thinking, then
we get taken out of that natural state. Once we let go of
our thinking, we fall back into our natural state of being and
experience all positive feelings effortlessly.
We are ever only one thought
or one insight away from
expanding our consciousness and experiencing a deeper
feeling of love at all times, which comes from a state of
Clarity is the nature of our minds and our default state. It is
only when we get caught up in our thinking that things do
not seem so. If we let go of our thinking, we return to our
“factory default” setting of peace, love, joy,
and a quiet
There is nothing inherently wrong with anyone or anything
in the Universe, but our thinking will make us think so. You
do not have to be fixed because you are not broken. There
is only something for you to realize and remember, which
is that thinking is the root cause of our suffering. You do
not have to do anything about your thinking. All you have
to do is shift your understanding of thinking and you will fall
back into the truth of who you are, which is beyond your
thinking, your body, and everything you think you know. As
soon as you let go of your thinking, you become one with
Infinite Intelligence, allowing
you to feel a never-ending
abundance of love, peace, and joy that is always available
to you because that is your true nature.
When you make space for Infinite Intelligence, it makes
space for you. The more you trust it, the more it trusts you.
There’s never an end to how much space you can make
for it. When you prioritize making space in your life and in
your mind for Infinite Intelligence to come through, your life
will change.