Listening to our intuition can be scary or extremely daunting. This
is because our intuition lives in the space of the unknown. In order
words, our intuition is spiritual and operates in the field of infinite
possibilities, which by nature is the field of unknown. We as humans
always fear the unknown because we can’t
predict what might
happen. It is only when we step into the unknown that we can begin
to experience the limitless possibilities that life can bring to us. This
is why magical things and miracles happen when we trust our
intuition. We are literally stepping into the zone of pure possibility. It
is for this reason that we only need to know the “what” of what we
to manifest, but not the “how”.
The only way you can enter this space of miracles is through non-
thinking. If we think, we immediately get ejected out of the space and
enter a state of anxiety, worry and suffering. Our thinking will try to
predict what might happen based on the past. This is why most
people get more of the same of what they have always gotten. They
try to use their limited personal mind to create something they have
experienced before, innocently not realizing that they must
step into the unknown by entering the
state of non-thinking and
listening to their intuition. We can only ever create something we
have never experienced in the realm of infinite possibilities, but the
only way to make that happen is to go where we haven’t gone
before, which is the unknown.
In summary, your intuition always knows what you need to do in
the present moment, but the only way to access it is by getting into a
state of non-thinking. Your personal
mind will freak out because
you’re stepping into the space of infinite possibilities (the unknown),
but if you remember that it is just thinking that is making you feel
fear, the fearful thinking will fall away and the courage you need to
act on your intuition will naturally surface.
It is in this moment that
you must have faith in your inner wisdom (God) to guide you through
life even when you don’t know what will happen next — but that’s the
adventure and joy in it. The unknown is also the only way to manifest
what you want in life if you don’t already have it. You have to do what
you haven’t done in order to get what you don’t have. When you’re
operating from intuition, it’s not like you’re going to feel fear all of the
time. The fear is only present as long as your thinking is revolving
around fear. Once you acknowledge the fear and understand that it’s
only your thinking that’s
causing those feelings, the illusion will fall
apart, and you’ll fall back into peace, joy, and pure love. This is the
space you want to stay in, which will allow you to create the positive
feelings that are the prerequisite to manifesting
all you could possibly
imagine for yourself.