Doctoral Degree Agreement
The Doctoral Student and their Supervisor(s), in their capacity of University employee(s), are signing this Doctoral Degree Agreement so as to arrange their supervisory relationship in a transparent way, both content- and time-wise. The Doctoral Degree Agreement guarantees continuous support and counselling to the Doctoral Student during the writing up of their doctoral thesis and specifies mutually agreed on responsibilities of supervisor and supervised. The Supervisor(s) and the Doctoral Student recognise the contents of the agreement as the foundation of the doctoral research relationship and will strive to implement its provisions. The involved parties should plan and conduct the doctoral research so that a doctoral thesis of high quality can be completed within an appropriate time frame. The individual living circumstances of the Doctoral Student are to be taken into consideration. The agreement is drafted with respect to the currently feasible planning period and can be changed and updated through written mutual consent due to scientific problems with the thesis project, the individual qualifications and the rolling time plan for regular consultations and update reports. The Doctoral Degree Agreement does not substitute the admission as a doctoral student.
Parties involved
Mr./Ms.____________________ _____________________________ as Doctoral Student
(First Name) (Family Name)
born ____________ in________________________________.
Address _______________________ ___; ______ __________________________________.
(Street ) (Nr.) (Post Code) (City)
Telephone _____________________________; Mobile _________________________________;
E-mail __________________________________________________
and the supervising academic(s):
1. Mr./Mrs. __________________________________________________(Supervisor)
Institute _________________________________________________
E-mail _________________________________________________
2. Mr./Mrs._____________________________________(in case of a second Supervisor (optional))
E-mail _________________________________________________
Doctoral thesis topic
2.1 Working title of the doctoral thesis:
Work plan and time schedule
The Doctoral Student and their Supervisor(s) need to agree on a rolling work plan and time schedule suited to the dissertation project and living circumstances of the Doctoral Student. The work plan and time schedule envisage regular consultations and update reports. They are attached to this Agreement. The involved parties are to revise and potentially update the work plan and time schedule at least once every two years.
Individual qualifications programme
The Doctoral Student and the Supervisor(s) are to agree which accompanying qualifications with a minimum scope of 9 credits (e.g. subject-specific courses, general courses, trips abroad, participation in conferences, presentations, etc.) are necessary to be obtained as an annex to this agreement.
Integration in a work group, research association, doctoral programme (optional)
Mr./Ms. ____________________________________________ are working on their topic
within the scope of the research project / third party project ______________________
as an independent individual research project possibly in relation to the following research group _________________________________________________________
within the scope of the structured doctoral programme _________________________
Obligation to comply with the rules of good scientific practice
The Doctoral Student and the Supervisor(s) are obliged to observe and comply with the principles of good scientific practice as postulated by the German Research Foundation and the Statute of the University of Stuttgart for Ensuring the Integrity of Scientific Practice and
Handling of Misconduct in Science.
Definition of the appraisal deadline after submission of the doctoral thesis
According to §10 Para.1 Sec.2 of the Doctoral Degree Regulations, as a rule the appraisal of the doctoral thesis should be completed within three months.
Conflict resolution
In case of differences of opinion or conflicts between the Doctoral Student and the Supervisor(s), all parties will make an effort to arrive at an amicable solution. If needed, either party can turn to the ombudsperson who, according to the Doctoral Degree Regulations, could be contacted in such cases.
Termination of the Doctoral Degree Agreement
The Doctoral Degree Agreement can be terminated at any time with the mutual consent of the parties involved.
A unilateral termination of the Doctoral Degree Agreement needs to happen in written form. The Doctoral Student can terminate their doctoral research at any time without having to provide any reason. The Supervisor(s) need to justify the termination of the doctoral agreement in written form. If the termination is initiated unilaterally by the Supervisor(s), the Doctoral Student can call upon the Doctoral Committee for mediation. The latter must confirm the existence of sound arguments in response to the request of the Doctoral Student.
In case of a termination of the Doctoral Degree Agreement, the admission as a doctoral student remains unaffected by it unless the Doctoral Student declared termination thereof as well. The Doctoral Committee examines the Doctoral Degree Agreement in cases of termination to check if according to the Doctoral Degree Regulations the admission as a doctoral student is to be revoked.
The Doctoral Degree Agreement is dissolved when the Application for Admission as a Doctoral Student has been denied or revoked by the respective Doctoral Committee.
The supervisory relationship ends automatically with the completion of the doctoral research.
Drafting of the agreement and admission as a doctoral student
The Doctoral Degree Agreement is to be signed in at least three copies. A copy remains with the Doctoral Student, the Supervisor(s) and the Doctoral Committee respectively.
As a rule, the Application for Admission as a Doctoral Student should be submitted to the appropriate Doctoral Committee within two months after signing the Doctoral Degree Agreement.
Stuttgart, date Stuttgart, date
Doctoral Student Supervisor
Attachment 1: Work plan and time schedule
The Doctoral Student and the Supervisor(s) agree on the following work plan and time schedule, which envisage regular consultations and update reports:
Attachment 2: Individual qualifications programme
Suggestions for individual doctorates:
Participation in the following qualifications (e.g. subject-specific courses, general courses, trips abroad, participation in conferences, presentations, etc.) was agreed on:
Suggestions for doctorates within GRADUS including structured doctoral programmes (cf. §5 of the Doctoral Degree Regulations):
Participation in the following subject-specific courses (seminars, special lectures, summer and winter schools, etc.) was agreed on:
An intermediate evaluation of the doctoral project takes place 18 months at the latest after the admission as a doctoral student. It consists of an oral update and a subsequent oral technical discussion. The talk (30 min) and the oral technical discussion are held in the presence of the Supervisor(s) and an additional examiner and are attested by both in writing.
Participation in the following courses was agreed on:
scientific subject-specific courses on a doctorate level, at least 6 credits
non-scientific courses for acquiring of interdisciplinary key qualifications, at least 3 credits
2 GRADUS courses in interdisciplinary topics
The courses must be completed before the submission of the doctoral thesis for appraisal, as per §6 Para.2 of the Doctoral Degree Regulations. Planned are:
Estimated Date