(diplomsiz ilova haqiqiy
hisoblanmaydi/not valid without diploma
about the degree)
Oliy ta’lim muassasasining rekvizitlari:
pochta manzili, shahar, ko‘cha, uy raqami,
telefonlari, elektron pochta manzili
100000, Toshkent shahri, A.Temur ko`chasi
60A E-mail: devonxona@tfi.uz Telefon: (8
371) 234-46-26 Faks: (8 371) 234-11-48
Requisites of higher education institution:
postal address, city, street, house number,
telephone number, e-mail address
100000, Tashkent, A.Temur Street 60A
E-mail: devonxona@tfi.uz Phone: (8 371)
234-46-26 Faks: (8 371) 234-11-48