Digital Government Factsheets - Portugal
Implementation of the travel and accommodation registration platform
integrated on the information collection and validation system. This module
covers a set of functionalities that allow the report, for subsequent monitoring,
of the online acquisition of travel services by the Public Administration.
Implementation of the new Public Procurement eCatalogue.
Enhancement of the National Public Procurement System transparency through
the implementation of a new set of dashboards for easier monitoring and better
Electronic Invoicing Portal for Public Administration - FE-AP
Electronic Invoicing Portal for Public Administration
- FE-AP was implemented in
2018 and allows for the receipt of invoices and rectifying documents in electronic
format, ensuring the control and monitoring of all stages of the process:
Processing in accounting systems.
The solution is available to any public entity and allows direct integration with the
GeRFiP solution or via web services with any other accounting or document
management system. In addition to the exchange of electronic documents, the
technological solution also dematerialises the dialogue with suppliers, transforming the
verification process into a digital format.
The implementation program of Electronic Invoicing in Public Administration, executed
the Finance Shared Services, is based on the availability of two solutions around
electronic billing:
The portal of Electronic Invoicing in Public Administration - FE-AP - to be used
by public entities in the reception and invoice verification, already in
The Business to AP - B2AP - to be used by suppliers of public administration, as
co-contractors, in the monitoring of the electronic invoice delivery and its
status evolution, in the pilot phase.
The use of the electronic invoice in public contracts, either their issue or reception, will
be made gradually by public contractors and co-contractors.
From 18 April 2019, the Central Government and Public
Institutes were obliged to
receive electronic invoices with binding adhesion to the FE-AP, and the Sovereign
Bodies are obliged to receive electronic invoices but with voluntary adhesion to the
solution. By 18 April 2020, the Regional and Local Government entities and
independent administrative entities are obliged to receive electronic invoices but with
voluntary adhesion to the FE-AP.
Regarding the issuance of electronic
invoices by co-contractors, by 18 April 2020 is
mandatory for large enterprises and by 1 January 2021 for micro, small and medium-
sized enterprises, as well as for public entities.
A collaborative process of the Implementation Unit of the Budget Framework Law
(UniLEO) with eSPap, which promotes the integration of the electronic invoice into the
new Information System for Public Financial Management (SIGFinP), is underway.
No particular infrastructure in this field was reported to date.
Knowledge Management