M.Ciniviz, I.Saritaş, N.S.Salman, N. Allahverdi (2003) Design of an Fuzzy Expert System for Engine Emission Parameters (Motor Emisyon Parametreleri için bir Bulanık Uzman Sistem Tasarımı), in Proc. of the 3rd Intern. Advanced Technologies Symposium, August 18-20 Gazi University, Ankara, Vol. 2, pp.480-489. S.Tasdemir, I.Saritaş, M.Ciniviz, A.A.Altun, N. Allahverdi (2003) Design of an Expert System Design For Automobile Fault Determination,in Proc. of the 3rd Intern. Advanced Technologies Symposium, August 18-20 Gazi University, Ankara, Vol. 2, pp.490-498. H.Oguz, I.Saritaş, H.Ogut, N. Allahverdi (2003) The Determination of Engine Test Data by Using of Fuzzy Expert System and Comparison with Experimental Values (Motor Denemeleriyle Bulunan Karakteristik Değerlerin Bulanık Uzman Sistem Kullanılarak Belirlenmesi ve Deneysel Verilerle Karşılaştırılması), in Proc. of the 3rd Intern. Advanced Technologies Symposium, August 18-20 Gazi University, Ankara, Vol. 2, pp.499-509.
Allahverdi N., A.A.Altun (2002) Providing of Reliable Data Transfer in the Faulty Hypercube Parallel Processing System (Arızalı Hiperküp Paralel İşlem Sisteminde Güvenilirlikli Veri İletişiminin Sağlanması), 1. Ulusal Yüksek Performanslı Bilişim (YPBS 2002) Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü, Gebze, Kocaeli, 24-25 Ekim 2002, ss.67-73.
Allahverdi N., Tutuncu K. (2002) Design of en Expert System in Financial Field(In English); in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Applications, September 4-6 2002, Selcuk University, Konya/Turkey, pp.218-227.
Allahverdi N., Saracoglu R. (2002) An Expert System for Troubleshooting of LAN (In English); in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Applications, September 4-6 2002, Selcuk University, Konya/Turkey, pp.228-235.
Gunes A., Allahverdi N. (2002) Web-BC: A Library on Elementary Number Theory and ItsWeb Interface (In English); in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Applications, September 4-6 2002, Selcuk University, Konya/Turkey, pp.292-297.
Allahverdiyev A.M., Akhmedov M.A. and Allahverdi Novruz (2002) Use of the Graphs and Matrices in the Inference; in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Applications, September 4-6 2002, Selcuk University, Konya/Turkey, pp.409-414.
Allahverdi N., Altun A.A. (2002) Providing of Reliable Data Communication on Faulty Hypercube; in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Applications, September 4-6 2002, Selcuk University, Konya/Turkey, pp.423-432.
Guseinov Kh.G., Allahverdi N. (1998) Applications of Fuzzy Logic to Discrete Dynamical Systems (In English); In Proc. of the 2nd Turkish-German Joint Computer Application Days, 15-16 Oct.1998, Konya, pp.111-121.
Allahverdi N. (1998) Methods of Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications in Agriculture (In Turkish); In Proc. of the 2nd Symposium on Computer Applications in Agriculture, 28-30 Sept.1998, Konya, pp.123-131.
Unsacar F. Allahverdi N. Halkaci S. (1998) Expert System Design for Fault Diagnosing in CNC Machine Tools (In English); In Proc. of the 2nd International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS'98), Vol. 2, 6-7 August 1998, Adapazari, pp.751-758.
Yaldiz S., Allahverdi N., Ogut H.Computerized Education and Application Fields in Professional and Technical Educating, (In Turkish); In Proc. of the METES'98 Symp. Karabuk, 1998, pp. 208-218.
Shobair A.I.A. Unsacar F. Yavuz N., Allahverdi N.Knowledge Base of Expert System for Electric Motor Trouble Diagnosis (In Turkish); In Proc. of the 4th Symp.on Computers-Communication, 11-15 December 1996, Bursa, pp.68-71.
Allahverdi N.M. Bozuk Hiperküpte Sağlam Altküpler Kümesinin Genişletilmesi, In Proc. of the 4th Symp.on Computers-Communication, 1995,Bursa, pp.36-39.
Huseynov B., Mustafayev R., Hasanov R., Askerov T., Allahverdi N. (1996) Expert System for Fire Brigade-ESLS, (In Turkish); In Proc. of the Otomasyon'96, Istanbul, pp.289-296.
Allahverdi N., Yaldiz S., Unuvar A. (1995) Applications of Expert Systems in Industry, (In Turkish); In Proc. of the 2. Endüstriel Otomasyon'95 Semp. Istanbul, pp.75-86
Allahverdi N., Ergun S., Danaci E. (1995) Realization,(In Turkish); In Proc. of the 3.Congress on Signal Processing and Applications, Book B: Signal Processing, Gokova, Turkey, pp.254-261.
Allahverdi N., Tutuncu K., Saracoglu R. (2002) Expert System Shells and Tools(In English), in Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Responsive Manufacturing, 26-28 June 2002, Gaziantep/Turkey, pp.502-507.
Allahverdi N., Tutuncu K., Saracoglu R. (2002) Expert System Shells and Tools(In English), in Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Responsive Manufacturing, 26-28 June 2002, Gaziantep/Turkey, pp.502-507.
Allahverdi N., Vagin V.N., Yeremeyev A.P. (2002) The Prototype of a Real Time Decision Support System for Monitoring and Management of a Nuclear Power Block(In English), in Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Responsive Manufacturing, 26-28 June 2002, Gaziantep/Turkey, pp.602-608.
Gunes S., Yilmaz N., Allahverdi N. (1999) An Algorithm for Definition Local Source in Message Routing in Multiprocessor Systems (In Turkish); In Proc. of the 8th Congress on Electric, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 6-13 Sept.1999, Gaziantep, Turkey, Vol.2, pp.17-19.
Allahverdi N.M., Yaldız S., Ünüvar A. Endüstride Uzman Sistem Uygulamaları, 2. Endüstriel OTOMASYON’95 Sempozyumu, 30-31 Mart 1995, İstanbul, s.75-86.
Kahramanlı Ş., Allahverdi N. Çok Değişkenli Boole Fonksiyonlarının Minimumlaştırılmasının Sıkışık Usulü, Uluslararası Bilgisayar Uygulamaları Sempozyumu Tebliğileri, Selçuk Üniversitesi, Bilgisayar Bilimleri Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi), 10 Haziran 1993, Konya, s.432-440.
N.Allahverdi, Ünsaçar F., Kahramanlı Ş. Mikroprogramlamada Mikrokomut İşlem Kısmının Tertiplenmesi, Uluslararası Bilgisayar Uygulamaları Sempozyumu Tebliğileri, Selçuk Üniversitesi, Bilgisayar Bilimleri Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi), 10 Haziran 1993, Konya, s.429-431.
Aliyev F.A., Allahverdiyev N. M. Personnel Microcomputer (In Russ.), Abstracts of the Conference of Electronically Facilities in Industry, Baku, 1987. p.42.
Allahverdiyev N., Djabrailova Z. Methods of Realization of Fast Fourier Transform Algorithms and Its Comparison (In Russ.), Abstracts of the 31st Scientific and Technical Conference of All-Union Students. Kishinev. Moldavia. 1982. 2p.
Allahverdiyev N. Fast Fourier Transform and Methods of Its Realization, (In Russ.), Abstracts of the 4nd Conference of Azerbaijan Republic Young Energetic Scientists. Baku, 1980, 2 p.
Allahverdiyev N., Safaraliyeva S. Software of Microcomputers (In Russ.). Abstracts of the 4nd Conference of Azerbaijan Republic Young Energetic Scientists, Baku. 1980, 1 P
Allahverdiyev N., Impact of Microprocessors to Design of Multicomputer Systems (In Russ.), Abstracts of the 2nd Conference of Azerbaijan Republic Young Scientists, Baku. 1979, 1 p.
Allahverdiyev N., Damadayev M. Peculiarities of Microprocessors Using in Systems for Collection and Processing of Data (In Russ.), Abstracts of the 2nd Conference of Azerbaijan Republic Young Scientists, Baku, 1979, 1 p.
Allahverdiyev N. Multimicroprocessor System for Realization of Problems Digital Signal Processing (In Russ.), Proceedings of the All-Union Conference CAD and Perspectives of Microprocessor's Applications, Minsk. 1978, 2 p.
F. Other Publications (Books):
Allahverdi N. (2002) Expert Systems. An Artificial Intelligence Application (Uzman Sistemler. Bir Yapay Zeka Uygulamasi (Türkçe), Atlas Yayinevi, Istanbul, 248 p.
Allahverdi N., Tercan H. (1997) Microprocessors and Interfaces (Mikroişlemciler ve Arabirimler (Türkçe); Saray Kitabevi, Konya, 216 p.
Allahverdi N., Kahramanli S., Danaci E. (1995) Synthesis of Digital Control Units (Sayısal Yönetim Birimlerinin SenteziTürkçe); Saray Kitabevi, Konya, 182 p.
Askerov T., Mahmudov Y., Bayramov H., Allahverdiyev N. Theory and Design of Computers and Systems (Textbook for Students "Comp.Engineering"), (In Azerb.), Maarif. Baku. 1990, 480 p.
Askerov T., Allahverdiyev N., Huseynov B. Computers and Programming in BASIC (Textbook), (In Azerb ). Maarif, Baku, 1989, 136 p.
Askerov T., Allahverdiyev N. Cybernetics and Modern Life (In Azerb.), Maarif, Baku, 1983, 118 p.
Askerov T., Ginzburg M. Ya., Gahramanov Ş.Ş. Allahverdiyev N. Methodical guidance for the students of 0608 specialization on Digital Control Otomotas, Publishing of the Azerb. Technical University, 1988, 76 p.
Askerov T., Allahverdiyev N. Construction and Production of Computers (Textbook for Students "Comp.Engineering"), (In Azerb.), Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku, 1983, 120 p.
A Study for the Cybernetics Encyclopedic Dictionary (A-Ş), Azerb. Sovyet Ansiklopedisi Baş Editörlüğü, Editör: Prof.Dr. Askerov T.A., 1982,82 p.
Other Publications(Papers):
Allahverdi N. (1994) Do You Know Soviet Computers?(Sovyet Bilgisayarlarını Tanıyor musunuz?)(In Turkish); Bilgisayar, No:9, pp.40-43.
Allahverdi N. (1996) Can Computer Count Information? (Bilgisayar Bilgiyi Sayar mı?) (In Turkish); BYTE, May, pp.174.
Allahverdi N. (1996) How Speed of Computer can be Measured? (Bilgisayarın Hızı Nasıl Ölçülür?) (In Turkish); BYTE, August, pp.146-148.
Allahverdi N. (1996) Denetim mi, Yönetim mi? (Control or Control?) (In Turkish) OTOMASYON, May, pp.136-137.
Allahverdi N., Huseynov B., Mustafayev R. (1996) Expert Systems in Ex-Soviets(Eksi Sovyetlerde Uzman Sistemler)(In Turkish); OTOMASYON, No:1, pp.128-181.
Allahverdi N. (1997) Parallel Processing Systems (Paralel İşlem Sistemleri) (In Turkish); BYTE, February, pp. 98, 100-102, 104.
Allahverdi N. (1997) Classification of Parallel Processing Systems (I and II Parts) (Paralel İşlem Sistemlerinin Sınıflandırılması (I ve II Bölümler), (In Turkish); BYTE, March, pp.92. 94-96; May, pp. 94-96, 97.
Allahverdi N. (1997) Real Parallel Computers (Gerçek Paralel Sistemler) (In Turkish); BYTE, June, pp.86-89.
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