ESC Troyes in Champagne, France – Associate Professor of Marketing (2012–present)
HDR degree in marketing (French Habilitation for Supervising Doctoral Research), Dijon University of Management (University of Burgundy, France), 2016
Supervisor : Pr. Marc Filser
Ph.D in marketing, Dijon University of Management (University of Burgundy, France), 2008. With Highest Honors
Supervisor : Pr. Marc Filser
M.S. Management (D.E.A), Dijon University of Management (University of Burgundy, France), 2004, With Highest Honors.
M.A. Master in Management, Besançon University of Management (University of Franche-Comté, France), 2003, With Highest Honors.
ESC Troyes in Champagne, France – Assistant Professor of Marketing (2009–2012)
University of Burgundy, France - Teaching Assistant in Marketing (2004–2009).
ESC Troyes in Champagne, France - Elected Member of the Board of Directors representing the Faculty (2014-present)
HEC Montreal, Canada - Visiting scholar, April-May 2011.
Legate of the GIKA Academy: http://www.uv.es/gika/docs/FICHA%20Damien%20Chaney.pdf
Member of the French Marketing Association, the Association for Consumer Research and the Academy of Marketing Science.
Institutional dynamics and the social evaluation of firms and markets – Places and consumption – consumer behavior and coproduction
21. Chaney Damien, Touzani Mourad and Ben Slimane (2017), Marketing to the (new) generations: summary and perspectives. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 25, 3, 179-189. [ABS ranking 2, FNEGE ranking 4, ABCD ranking A]
20. Humphreys Ashlee, Chaney Damien and Ben Slimane Karim (2017), Megamarketing in contested markets: the struggle between maintaining and disrupting institutions. Thunderbird International Business Review [ABS ranking 2, FNEGE ranking 4, ABCD ranking B]
19. Chaney Damien and Martin Drew (2016), The role of shared values in
understanding loyalty over time: a longitudinal study on music festivals. Journal of Travel Research, 56, 4, 507-520. [ABS ranking 4, FNEGE ranking 2, ABCD ranking A*]
18. Lunardo Renaud, Roux Dominique and Chaney Damien (2016), The evoking power of servicescapes: Consumers' inferences of manipulative intent following service environment-driven evocations. Journal of Business Research, 69, 6097-6105. [ABS ranking 3, FNEGE ranking 2, ABCD ranking A]
17. Schultz Maryline, Chaney Damien and Debenedetti Alain (2016), An integrative perspective of closeness in retailing: From retailers' sense-giving to consumers' sense-making. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 32, 218-226. [ABS ranking 2, FNEGE ranking 3, ABCD ranking A]
16. Chaney Damien, Lunardo Renaud and Bressolles Gregory (2016), Making the retail store a place of learning: The effects of in-store educational activities on retailer legitimacy and consumer shopping intentions. Journal of Business Research, 69, 5886-5893 [ABS ranking 3, FNEGE ranking 2, ABCD ranking A]
15. Chaney Damien, Ben Slimane Karim and Humphreys Ashlee (2016), Megamarketing expanded by neo-institutional theory. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 24, 6, 470-483 [ABS ranking 2, FNEGE ranking 4, ABCD ranking A]
14. Chaney Damien and Goulding Christina (2016), Dress, transformation and conformity in the heavy rock subculture. Journal of Business Research, 69, 1, 155-165 [ABS ranking 3, FNEGE ranking 2, ABCD ranking A]
13. Chaney Damien, Lunardo Renaud and Saintives Camille (2015), In-store quality (in)congruency as a driver of perceived legitimacy and patronage behavior. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 24, 51-59. [ABS ranking 2, FNEGE ranking 3, ABCD ranking A]
12. Ben Slimane Karim and Chaney Damien (2015), Towards marketing of functionality: insights from Michelin and Hilti. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 23, 3, 225-237. [ABS ranking 2, FNEGE ranking 4, ABCD ranking A]
11. Chaney Damien and Ben Slimane (2014), La grille d’analyse néo-institutionnelle au bénéfice de l’élargissement du marketing à des dimensions institutionnelle, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 29, 2, 99-117. [FNEGE ranking 2]
[English version: A neo-institutional analytic grid for extending marketing to institutional dimensions]
10. Ben Slimane Karim, Chaney Damien and M’Bengue Ababacar (2014), Introducing customer blindspots: a cognitive approach on non-customers, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 22, 2, 135-148. [ABS ranking 2, FNEGE ranking 4, ABCD ranking A]
9. Chaney Damien and Roger Marschall (2013), Social legitimacy versus distinctiveness: Mapping the place of consumers in the mental representations of managers in an institutionalized environment, Journal of Business Research, 66, 9, 1550-1558. [ABS ranking 3, FNEGE ranking 3, ABCD ranking A]
8. Chaney Damien (2012), The music industry in the digital age: consumer participation in value creation, International Journal of Arts Management, 15, 1, 42-52. [FNEGE ranking 4, ABCD ranking B]
7. Ben Slimane Karim and Chaney Damien (2011), Don’t stay so close to your customer: le paradoxe de la satisfaction client, Décisions Marketing, 63, 73-78. [FNEGE ranking 3]
6. Chaney Damien (2011), Conquête ou fidélisation : la perception des stratégies relationnelles d’un festival de musiques actuelles par ses organisateurs et par son public, Décisions Marketing, 63, 49-59. [FNEGE ranking 3]
5. Chaney Damien (2010), L’apport des cartes cognitives à l’analyse des représentations mentales, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 25, 2, 93-115. [FNEGE ranking 2]
[English version : Analyzing mental representations: The contribution of cognitive maps]
4. Chaney Damien (2010), Fan-funded labels: what future for the recorded music industry? Presentation of the two cases, MyMajorCompany and ArtistShare, International Journal of Arts Management, 12, 2, 44-48. [FNEGE ranking 4, ABCD ranking B]
3. Chaney Damien (2010), L’industrie du disque à l’heure du numérique: quand les artistes sont amenés à faire du marketing relationnel, Volume!, 7, 2, 149-160.
2. Chaney Damien (2009), Musique enregistrée et stratégie d’artistes, Décisions Marketing, 55, 65-67. [FNEGE ranking 3]
1. Chaney Damien (2008), Pourquoi acheter un CD quand on peut le télécharger? Une approche exploratoire par le concept d’appropriation, Management et Avenir, 20, 30-48. [FNEGE ranking 4]
2. Chaney Damien (2013), Gouvernance d’une grande institution culturelle européenne : une approche par les forces de l’environnement, In C. Ben-Hafaïedh et S. Boubaker (coord.), De l’entrepreneuriat à la gouvernance : enjeux et perspectives, Hermes-Lavoisier, pp. 123-134.
1. Chaney Damien (2010), Les festivals de musiques actuelles entre recherche de légitimité sociale et quête de performance économique. Comparaison d’un festival subventionné et d’un festival privé, In I. Assassi, D. Bourgeon Renault et M. Filser (coord.), Recherches en marketing des activités culturelles, Vuibert, pp. 339-355.
26. Tao Wang, Karim Ben Slimane, Damien Chaney and Eero Vaara (2017). Absinthe Reborn: Relegitimation of Deinstitutionalized Practices, Strategic Management Society 27th Annual Conference, Houston, USA.
25. Pulh Mathilde, Mencarelli Rémi and Chaney Damien (2017). The brand quest for heritage: heritage-making and social obligation in brand museums, 8th International Research Meeting in Business and Management, Nice, France.
24. Chaney Damien and Pecchioli Bruno (2016). Financer l’éphémère: le crowdfunding comme nouveau mode de financement des festivals, Journée d’étude sur le crowdfunding, Paris, France.
23. Lunardo Renaud, Saintives Camille, Chaney Damien and Sprott David (2017). Guilt as a response to the red color: How the red color affect guilt through negative cognitive associations, 7th Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
22. Lunardo Renaud, Chaney Damien and Bressolles Gregory (2016). Making the store a place of learning: The effects of in-store educational activities on retailer legitimacy and consumer shopping intentions, Journée de Recherche en Marketing du Grand Est, Reims, France.
21. Chaney Damien and Pecchioli Bruno (2016). Financing the ephemeral: crowdfunding as a new way to fund festivals, 7th International Research Meeting in Business and Management, Nice, France.
20. Lunardo Renaud, Chaney Damien and Bressolles Gregory (2016). The effects of in-store cultural activities on consumer's perception of retailer's legitimacy and patronage behavior, 44th Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, Lake Buena Vista, USA.
19. Ben Slimane Karim, Chaney Damien, Vaara Eero and Tao Wang (2016), Between memories and market. Relegitimation of absinthe in France since 1980s, 32nd EGOS Colloquium, Naples, Italy.
18. Ben Slimane Karim, Chaney Damien and Tao Wang (2015), From individual to organizational stigma, 6th International Research Meeting in Business and Management, Nice, France.
17. Ben Slimane Karim, Chaney Damien, Tao Wang and Vaara Eero (2015), The revival of absinthe, 31st EGOS Colloquium, Athens, Greece.
16. Lunardo Renaud, Bressolles Gregory and Chaney Damien (2015). Painting or scrapbooking within the store: Field evidence for the effects of in-store cultural additional activities on consumer, 31ème Congrès international de l’Association Française de Marketing, Marrakech, Morocco.
15. Pulh Mathilde, Mencarelli Rémi and Chaney Damien (2013), Enrichir la compréhension des musées de marque : une perspective patrimoniale, 31ème Congrès international de l’Association Française de Marketing, Marrakech, Morocco.
14. Chaney Damien (2014), “Look!! I’m not the Same Person !” The role of clothing in consumers escapism, Advances in Consumer Research, Baltimore, USA.
13. Schultz Maryline and Chaney Damien (2014), Creating closeness in retailing: comparing retailers and consumers perspectives, EMAC, Valencia, Spain.
12. Lunardo Renaud, Chaney Damien and Roux Dominique (2014), Quality incongruency in servicescapes as a driver of inferences of manipulative intent, La Londe 13th International Research Conference in Service Management, La Londe Les Maures, France.
11. Ben Slimane Karim, Chaney Damien and Tao Wang (2014), How do firms answer to stigmatization of customers?, 5th LAEMOS Colloquium “Constructing Alternatives: How can we organize for alternative social, economic, and ecological balance?” La Havana, Cuba.
10. Ben Slimane Karim, Chaney Damien and Tao Wang (2014), The revival of absinthe, 10th New Institutionalism Workshop, Rome, Italy.
9. Pulh Mathilde, Mencarelli Rémi and Chaney Damien (2013), Le processus de patrimonialisation d’une marque : étude ethnographique du musée d’entreprise Fallot, 12èmes Journées Normandes de Recherche sur la Consommation, Rouen, France.
8. Ben Slimane Karim, Chaney Damien and Tao Wang (2013), Boundary Work and Deinstitutionalization, 29th EGOS Colloquium, Montreal, Canada.
7. Ben Slimane Karim and Chaney Damien (2013), Boundary Work and Deinstitutionalization: The fate of Absinthe in France from Fairy to Poison, 9th New Institutionalism Workshop, Warsaw, Poland.
6. Chaney Damien (2012), An Institutional Perspective of Consumer Loyalty: The Case of the Music Festival Industry, 2012 Global Marketing Conference, Korean Association of Marketing Science, Seoul, South Korea.
5. Chaney Damien (2011), Music industry at the digital age: let’s meet the consumer collaborator, 11th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC), Antwerp, Belgium.
4. Chaney Damien (2011), Analyzing mental representations in marketing: the contribution of cognitive mapping, Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, Coral Gables, USA.
3. Chaney Damien (2008), La place du consommateur dans les représentations des managers: l’apport de la cartographie cognitive, 24ème Congrès international de l’Association Française de Marketing, Paris-bois de Vincennes, France.
2. Chaney Damien (2007), Le concept d’appropriation : une application au domaine de la musique enregistrée, 6èmes Journées Normandes de Recherche sur la Consommation, Rouen, France.
1. Chaney Damien (2005), Le rôle de l’environnement dans l’élaboration d’une politique de communication : une approche conceptuelle par la Théorie Institutionnelle. Application au secteur culturel », 3ème congrès de l’ADERSE/ ISEOR/ Academy of Management, Lyon, France.
Journal of Strategic Marketing (2017) (with Mourad Touzani and Karim Ben Slimane): Marketing and Generation, Volume 25, issue 3.
Qualitative Market Research: an International Journal (forthcoming in 2018) (with Renaud Lunardo and Rémi Mencarelli)
Journal of Business Research (forthcoming in 2019) (with Karim Ben Slimane, Ashlee Humphreys and Bernard Leca).
Co-chair of the International Research Meeting in Business and Management Conference http://ipag-irm.sciencesconf.org/
Co-organizer of the “Bringing institutional theory to marketing” workshop in Paris (2017)
Journals: Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, Tourism Management, Business and Society, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, Thunderbird International Business Review, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, Qualitative Market Research, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Management International, International Journal of Event and Festival Management, Décisions Marketing.
Conferences: the Association for Consumer Research (USA), Global Marketing Conference in Tokyo (Asia), Conference of the French Association of Marketing (France), Global Innovation Knowledge Academy Conference.
Market studies, marketing strategy, communication, brand management, research note.
1 ESC TROYES IN CHAMPAGNE, France (2009-2018)
Graduate and undergraduate programs:
Applied Marketing Studies, core course for ESC 3rd year students (English)
Market value proposition, core course for ESC 2nd year students (English)
Strategic marketing, core course for ESC 2nd year students (English)
Research note, core course for ESC 2nd year students (French)
Market studies, core course for ESC 1st year students (French)
Brand management, core course for ESC 2nd year students (French)
Communication, core course for ESC 2nd year students (French)
Strategic marketing, core course for INBA 2nd year students (English)
Direct marketing, core course for ESC 1st year students (French)
Market studies, core course for INBA 1st year students (French)
Customer Relationship Management, core course for EMVOL 1st year students (French)
85% of positive evaluations from students
Executive education
Research method: BADGE Crédit Agricole
Supervisor of all the research notes: BADGE Crédit Agricole
Brand Management: BADGE Retail outlet
Merchandising, core course for 2nd year students (French)
Customer Relationship management, core course for 2nd year students (French)
Strategy, core course for 5th year students (French)
Organization Theory, core course for 2nd year students (French)
Marketing, core course for 3rd year students (French)
Micro Economy, core course for 1st year students (French)
Accounting, core course for 1st and 2nd year students (French)
French: native speaker
English: fluent
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