Methods and Techniques.
Keserue, H-A.; Fuschlin, H.-P.; Egli, T. 2011. Rapid detection and enumeration of Giardia lamblia cysts in water samples by immunomagnetic separation and flow cytometric analysis. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 77: 5420-5427.
Konopka, M.C.; Strovas, T.J.; Ojala, D.S.; et al. 2011. Respiration response imaging for real-time detection of microbial function at the single-cell level. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 77: 67-72.
McMahon, S.K.; Wallenstein, M.D.; Schimel, J.P. 2011. A cross-seasonal comparison of active and total bacterial community composition in arctic tundra soil using bromodeoxyuridine labeling. Soil Biol. Biochem. 43(2):287-295.
Miura, T.; Masago, Y.; Sano, D.; Omura, T. 2011. Development of an effective method for recovery of viral genomic RNA from environmental silty sediments for quantitative molecular detection. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 77: 3975-3981.
Papadopoulou, E.; Karpouzas, D.; Menkissoglu-Spiroudi, U. 2011. Extraction parameters significantly influence the quantity and the profile of PLFAs extracted from soils. Microb. Ecol. 62(3):704-714.
Parvathi, A.; Radhakrishnan, S.; Sajila, M.; Jacob, B. 2011. Study of changes in bacterial and viral abundance in formaldehyde-fixed water samples by epifluorescence microscopy. Environ. Monit. Assess. 177(1-4):227-231.
Portilo, M.C.; Villahermosa, D.; Corzo, A.; Gonzalez, J.M. 2011. Microbial community fingerprinting by differential display-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 77: 351-354.
Savichtcheva, O.; Debroas, D.; Kurmayer, R.; et al. 2011. Quantitative PCR enumeration of total/toxic Plantothrix rubescens and total cyanobacteria in preserved DNA isolated from lake sediments. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 77: 8744-8753.
Schloss, P.D.; Westcott, S.L. 2011. Assessing and improving methods used in operational taxonomic unit-based approaches for 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 77: 3219-3226.
Small, G.E.; Bixby, R.J.; Kazanci, C.; Pringle, C.M. 2011. Partitioning stoichiometric components of epilithic biofilm using mixing models. Limnol. Ocean. 9:185-193.
Shimeta, J.; Cook, P.L.M. 2011. Testing assumptions of the eukaryotic inhibitor method for investigating interactions between aquatic protozoa and bacteria, applied to marine sediment. Limnol. Ocean. 9:288-301.
Talarmin, A.; Van Wambeke, F.; Duhamel, S.; Catala, P.; et al. 2011. Improve methodology to measure taxon-specific phosphate uptake in live and unfiltered samples. Limnol. Ocean. 9:443-453.
Trottet, A.; Fouilland, E.; Leboulanger, C.; Lanouguère, E.; Bouvy, M. 2011. Use of inhibitors for coastal bacteria and phytoplankton: Application to nitrogen uptake measurement. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 93(2):151-159.
van Elsas, J.D.; Boersma, F.G.H. 2011. A review of molecular methods to study the microbiota of soil and the mycosphere. Eur. J. Soil. Biol. 47(2):77-87.
Wallenius, K.; Niemi, R.M.; Rita, H. 2011. Using stratified sampling based on pre- characterization of samples in soil microbiological studies. Appl. Soil. Ecol. 51:111-113.
Yamaguchi, N.; Torii, M.; Uebayashi, Y.; Nasu, M.; 2011. Rapid, semi-automated quantification of bacterial cells in freshwater by using a microfluidic device for on-chip staining and counting. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 77: 1536-1539.
Yilmaz, L.S.; Parnerker, S.; Noguera, D.R. 2011. mathFISH, a web tool that uses thermodynamics-based mathematical models for in silico evaluation of oligonucleotide probes for fluorescence in situ hybridization. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 77: 1118-1122.
Zhou, S.M.; Fan, Y.; Zhu, X.Q.; Xie, M.Q.; Li, A.X. 2011. Rapid identification of streptococcus iniae by specific PCR assay utilizing genetic markers in ITS rDNA. J. Fish. Dis. 34(4):265-271.
Methods and Techniques.
Methods in Aquatic Algology/Phycology/Botany
Agyemang, T.; Heblinski, J.; Schmieder, K.; Sajadyan, H.; Vardanyan, L. 2011. Accuracy assessment of supervised classification of submersed macrophytes: The case of the Gavaraget region of Lake Sevan, Armenia. Hydrobiologia 661(1):85-96.
Battarbee, R.; Simpson, G.; Bennion, H.; Curtis, C. 2011. A reference typology of low alkalinity lakes in the UK based on pre-acidification diatom assemblages from lake sediment cores. J. Paleolimnol. 45(4):489-505.
Bertoni, R. 2011. A Surface Bloom Sampler (SUBS) for cyanobacteria and algae. J. Limnol. 70(2):313-314.
Camp, E.V.; Gwinn, D.C.; Lauretta, M.V.; Pine, W.E.; Frazer, T.K. 2011. Use of recovery probabilities can improve sampling efficiency for throw traps in vegetated habitats. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 140(1):164-169.
Chung, I.; Beardall, J.; Mehta, S.; Sahoo, D.; Stojkovic, S. 2011. Using marine macroalgae for carbon sequestration: A critical appraisal. J. Appl. Phycol. 23(5):877-886.
Dekker, A.G.; Phinn, S.R.; Anstee, J.; Bissett, P.; et al. Intercomparison of shallow water bathymetry, hydro-optics, and benthos mapping techniques in Australian and Carribean coastal environments. Limnol. Ocean. 9: 396-425.
del Valle, D.A.; Slezak, D.; Smith, C.M.; Rellinger, A.N.; Kieber, D.J.; Kiene, R.P. 2011. Effect of acidification on preservation of DMSP in seawater and phytoplankton cultures: Evidence for rapid loss and cleavage of DMSP in samples containing phaeocystis sp. Mar. Chem. 124(1-4):57-67.
Doan, T.; Obbard J. 2011. Improved nile red staining of Nannochloropsis sp. J. Appl. Phycol. 23(5):895-901.
Echavarria-Heras, H.; Solana-Arellano, E.; Leal-Ramirez, C.; Franco-Vizcaíno, E. 2011. The length times width proxy for leaf area of eelgrass: Criteria for evaluating the representativeness of leaf width measurements. Aquat. Conserv. Mar. Freshwat. Ecosyst. 21(7):604-613.
Gevaert, F.; Delebecq, G.; Menu, D.; Brutier, L. 2011. A fully automated system for measurments of photosynthetic oxygen exchange uner immersed conditions: an example of its use in Laminaria digitata (Heterokontophyta: Phaeophyceae). Limnol. Ocean. 9:361-379.
Graff, J.R.; Ryanearson, C.R. 2011. Extraction methods influences the recovery of phytoplankton pigments from natural assemblages. Limnol. Ocean. 9:129-139.
Gruner, N.; Gebuhr, C.; Boersma, M.; Feudal, U. 2011. Reconstructing the realized niche of phytoplankton species from environmental data: fitness versus abundance approach. Limnol. Ocean. 9:432-453.
Hansen, B.W.; Dolmer, P.; Vismann, B. 2011. In situ method for measurments of community clearance rate on shallow water bivalve populations. Limnol. Ocean. 9:454-459.
Karanikola, V.; Ngo, A.T.; Valdes, J.R. 2011. Plankton filtration with compressible crumb rubber packs. Chemosphere 82(4):597-602.
Kelly, M.; Tuxen, K.A.; Stralberg, D. 2011. Mapping changes to vegetation pattern in a restoring wetland: Finding pattern metrics that are consistent across spatial scale and time. Ecol. Ind. 11(2):263-273.
Khanna, S.; Santos, M.J.; Ustin, S.L.; Haverkamp, P.J. 2011. An integrated approach to a biophysiologically based classification of floating aquatic macrophytes. Int. J. Remote Sens. 32(4):1067-1094.
Kim, E.; Kim, D.; Kim, Y.; Hwang, H.; Nam, T.; Kong, I. 2011. An improved method of protein isolation and proteome analysis with Saccharina japonica (laminariales) incubated under different pH conditions. J. Appl. Phycol. 23(1):123-130.
Methods and Techniques.
Knee, K.L.; Garcia-Solsana, E.; Garcia-Orellana, J.; Boehm, A.B.; Payton, A. 2011. Using radium isotopes to characterize water ages and coastal mixing rates: A sensitivity analysis. Limnol. Ocean. 9:396-425.
Lavoie, I.; Hamilton, P.; Poulin, M. 2011. Phytoplankton community metrics based on absolute and relative abundance and biomass: Implications for multivariate analyses. J. Appl. Phycol. 23(4):735-743.
Lawrenz, E.; Fedewa, E.; Richardson, T. 2011. Extraction protocols for the quantification of phycobilins in aqueous phytoplankton extracts. J. Appl. Phycol. 23(5):865-871.
Mendoza Guzmán, H.; Jara Valido, A.; Carmona Duarte, L.; Freijanes Presmanes, K. 2011. Analysis of interspecific variation in relative fatty acid composition: Use of flow cytometry to estimate unsaturation index and relative polyunsaturated fatty acid content in microalgae. J. Appl. Phycol. 23(1):7-15.
Murphy, R.J.; Klein, J.C.; Underwood, A.J. 2011. Chlorophyll a and intertidal epilithic biofilms analysed in situ using a reflectance probe. Aqua. Biol. 12(2):165-176.
Peperzak, L.; Timmermans, K.R.; Wernand, M.R.; Oosterhuis, S.; van der Woerd, H.J. 2011. A mesocosm tool to optically study phytoplankton dynamics. Limnol. Ocean. 9:232-244.
Rigosi, A.; Marcé, R.; Escot, C.; Rueda, F.J. 2011. A calibration strategy for dynamic succession models including several phytoplankton groups. Environ. Model. Soft. 26(6):697-710.
Rubini, A.; Pieroni, G.; Elia, A.; Zippilli, L.; Paolocci, F.; Taticchi, M. 2011. Novel morphological and genetic tools to discriminate species among the family plumatellidae (phylactolaemata, bryozoa). Hydrobiologia 664(1):81-93.
Shelef, O.; Golan-Goldhirsh, A.; Gendler, T.; Rachmilevitch, S. 2011. Physiological parameters of plants as indicators of water quality in a constructed wetland. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 18(7):1234-1242.
Shishlyannikov, S.M.; Zakharov, Y.R.; Volokitina, N.A.; Mikhailov, I.S.; et al. 2011. A procedure for establishing an axenic culture of the diatom Synedra acus subsp. radians (Kutz.) Skabibitsch. from Lake Baikal.
Silva, D.; Cunha-Santino, M.; Marques, E.; Bianchini, I. 2011. The decomposition of aquatic macrophytes: Bioassays versus in situ experiments. Hydrobiologia 665(1):219-227.
Singh, V.; Tewari, A.; Kushwaha, S.P.S.; Dadhwal, V.K. 2011. Formulating allometric equations for estimating biomass and carbon stock in small diameter trees. For. Ecol. Manage. 261(11):1945-1949.
Swalwell, J.E.; Ribalet, F. Armbrust, E.V. 2011. SeaFlow: A novel underway flow-cytometer for continuous observations of phytoplankton in the ocean. Limnol. Ocean. 9:466-477.
Wang, B.; Zhang, E.; Gu, Y.; Ning, S.; Wang, Q.; Zhou, J. 2011. Cryopreservation of brown algae gametophytes of Undaria pinnatifida by encapsulation–vitrification. Aquaculture. 317(1-4):89-93.
Weller, D. 2011. Detection, identification and toxigenicity of cyanobacteria in new zealand lakes using PCR-based methods. N.Z. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 45(4):651-664.
Yan, S.; Zhu, L.; Su, H.; et al. 2011. Single-step chromatography for simultaneous purification of C-phycocyanin and allophycocyanin with high purity and recovery from Spirulina (arthrospira) platensis. J. Appl. Phycol. 23(1):1-6.
Yin Y, Kreiling R. The evaluation of a rake method to quantify submersed vegetation in the upper Mississippi river. Hydrobiologia 2011; 675(1):187-195.
Methods in Fish/Fisheries Biology
Abrantes, K.; Semmens, J.; Lyle, J.; Nichols, P. 2012. Normalisation models for accounting for fat content in stable isotope measurements in salmonid muscle tissue. Mar. Biol. 159(1):57-64.
Adams, S,; Ham, K. 2011. Application of biochemical and physiological indicators for assessing recovery of fish populations in a disturbed stream. Environ. Manag. 47(6):1047-1063.
Methods and Techniques.
Aina, V.O.; Hauwa Haruna, M.S.; Zakari, Amina. 2010. Comparative determination of trimethylamine in fresh fish (Halibut, Mullet and Tilapia). Cont. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 4:44-46.
Ajiboye, O.; Yakubu, A.; Adams, T.; Olaji, E.; Nwogu, N. A review of the use of copepods in marine fish larviculture. Rev. Fish. Biol. Fish. 2011; 21(2):225-246.
Azevedo P.A, Podemski C.L, Hesslein R.H, Kasian S.E.M, Findlay D.L, Bureau D.P. 2011. Estimation of waste outputs by a rainbow trout cage farm using a nutritional approach and monitoring of lake water quality. Aquaculture 311(1-4):175-186.
Baggio, M. 2011. Estimating weight–length relationships without individual weight data: An application to the american lobster (Homarus americanus) fishery of long island sound. Rev. Fish. Biol. Fish. 21(4):771-777.
Bajer, P.G.; Chizinski, C.J.; Sorensen, P.W. 2011. Using the judas technique to locate and remove wintertime aggregations of invasive common carp. Fish. Manage. Ecol. 18(6):497-505.
Borrell, Y.J.; Gallego, V.; García-Fernández, C.; et al. 2011. Assessment of parental contributions to fast- and slow-growing progenies in the sea bream Sparus aurata L. using a new multiplex PCR. Aquaculture. 314(1-4):58-65.
Bradbury, I.R.; DiBacco, C.; Thorrold, S.R. Snelgrove, P.V.R.; Campana, S.E. 2011. Resolving natal tags using otolith geochemistry in an estuarine fish, rainbow smelt Osmerus mordax. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 433:195-204.
Britton, J.; Copp, G.; Brazier, M.; Davies, G. 2011. A modular assessment tool for managing introduced fishes according to risks of species and their populations, and impacts of management actions. Biol. Invasions 13(12):2847-2860.
Brodeur, R.D.; Daly, E.A.; Benkwitt, C.E.; Morgan, C.A.; Emmett, RL. 2011. Catching the prey: Sampling juvenile fish and invertebrate prey fields of juvenile coho and Chinook salmon during their early marine residence. Fish. Res. 108(1):65-73.
Brown, R.; Eppard, M.; Murchie, K.; Nielsen, J.; Cooke, S. 2011. An introduction to the practical and ethical perspectives on the need to advance and standardize the intracoelomic surgical implantation of electronic tags in fish. Rev. Fish. Biol. Fish. 21(1):1-9.
Budy, P.; Baker, M.; Dahle, S. 2011. Predicting fish growth potential and identifying water quality constraints: A spatially-explicit bioenergetics approach. Environ. Manag. 48(4):691-709.
Carter, K.; Woodley, C.; Brown, R. 2011. A review of tricaine methanesulfonate for anesthesia of fish. Rev. Fish. Biol. Fish. 21(1):51-59.
Chih, C. 2011. The design effects of cluster sampling on the estimation of mean lengths and total mortality of reef fish. Fish. Res. 109(2-3):295-302.
Colotelo, A.H.; Cooke, S.J. 2011. Evaluation of common angling-induced sources of epithelial damage for popular freshwater sport fish using fluorescein. Fish. Res. 109(2-3):217-224.
Cooke, S.; Wagner, G.; Brown, R.; Deters, K.; 2011. Training considerations for the intracoelomic implantation of electronic tags in fish with a summary of common surgical errors. Rev. Fish. Biol. Fish. 21(1):11-24.
Costa, C.; D’Andrea, S.; Russo, R.; Antonucci, F.; Pallottino, F.; Menesatti, P. 2011. Application of non-invasive techniques to differentiate sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax, L. 1758) quality cultured under different conditions. Aquacult. Int. 19(4):765-778.
Crossman, J.A.; Scribner, K.T.; Yen, D.T.; Davis, C.A.; Forsythe, P.S.; Baker, E.A. 2011. Gamete and larval collection methods and hatchery rearing environments affect levels of genetic diversity in early life stages of lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens). Aquaculture 310(3-4):312- 324.
Methods and Techniques.
Davies, C.A.; Brophy, D.; Jeffries, T.; Gosling, E. 2011. Trace elements in the otoliths and dorsal spines of albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga, bonnaterre, 1788): An assessment of the effectiveness of cleaning procedures at removing postmortem contamination. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 396(2):162-170.
de Barros, A.V.; Sczepanski, T.S.; Cabrero, J.; Camacho, J.P.M.; Vicari, M.R.; Artoni, R.F. 2011. Fiber FISH reveals different patterns of high-resolution physical mapping for repetitive DNA in fish. Aquaculture 322-323:47-50.
Eero, M. Mackenzie, B.R. 2011. Extending time series of fish biomass using a simple surplus production-based approach. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 440:191-202.
Esmaeili, A.; Tarazkar, M. 2011. Prediction of shrimp growth using an artificial neural network and regression models. Aquacult. Int. 19(4):705-713.
Falahatkar, B.; Tolouei Gilani, M.H.; Falahatkar, S.; Abbasalizadeh, A. 2011. Laparoscopy, a minimally-invasive technique for sex identification in cultured great sturgeon Huso huso. Aquaculture 321(3-4):273-279.
Finger, A.J.; Anderson, E.C. Stephens, M.R.; May, B.P. 2011. Application of a method for estimating effective population size and admixture using diagnostic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs): implications for conservation of threatened Paiute cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii seleniris) in Silver King Creek, California. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68(8):1369-1386.
Ferreira, N.C.; Bonetti, C.; Seiffert, W.Q. 2011. Hydrological and water quality indices as management tools in marine shrimp culture. Aquaculture 318(3-4):425-433.
Gago, J.; Luís, O. 2011. Comparison of spawning induction techniques on Paracentrotus lividus (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) broodstock. Aquacult. Int. 19(1):181-191.
Galley, T.; Green, B.; Watkins, L.; Vay, L. 2011. Development of larval culture techniques for the shore crab, Carcinus maenas (L). Aquacult. Int. 19(2):381-394.
Gias, E.; Johnston, C.; Keeling, S.; Spence, R.P.; McDonald, W.L. 2011. Development of real-time PCR assays for detection of megalocytiviruses in imported ornamental fish. J. Fish. Dis. 34(8):609-618.
Guillard, J.; Fernandes, P.; Laloe, T.; Brehmer, P. 2011. Three-dimensional internal spatial structure of the young of the year pelagic freshwater fish provide evidence for the identification of fish school species. Limnol. Ocean. 9:322-328.
Hamre, L.A.; Lunestad, B.T.; Hannisdal, R.; Samuelsen, OB. 2011. An evaluation of the duration of efficacy of emamectin benzoate in the control of Caligus curtus müller infestations in atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L. J. Fish. Dis. 34(6):453-457.
Han, H.; Jung, S.; Oh, M.; Kim, D. 2011. Rapid and sensitive detection of streptococcus iniae by loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP). J. Fish. Dis. 34(5):395-398.
Harnish, R.; Colotelo, A.; Brown, R. 2011. A review of polymer-based water conditioners for reduction of handling-related injury. Rev. Fish. Biol. Fisheries. 21(1):43-49.
Hernández, J,; Fernández, L.; Pogrebnyak, O. 2011. Assessment and prediction of water quality in shrimp culture using signal processing techniques. Aquacult. Int. 19(6):1083-1104.
Herrera, A.; M. Gomez,; Molina, L.; Otera, F.; Packard, T. 2011. Rearing techniques and nutritional quality of two mysids from Gran Canaria (Spain). Aquacul. Res. 42: 677-688.
Heuch, P.A.; Gettinby, G.; Revie, C.W. 2011. Counting sea lice on atlantic salmon farms — empirical and theoretical observations. Aquaculture 320(3-4):149-153.
Ibáñez, A.L.; O’Higgins, P. 2011. Identifying fish scales: The influence of allometry on scale shape and classification. Fish. Res. 109(1):54-60.
Jeswiet, S.B.; Godin, J.J. 2011. Validation of a method for quantifying male mating preferences in the guppy (poecilia reticulata). Ethology 117(5):422-429.
Methods and Techniques.
Jurvelius, J.; Kolari, I.; Leskelä, A. Quality and status of fish stocks in lakes: Gillnetting, seining, trawling and hydroacoustics as sampling methods. Hydrobiologia 2011; 660(1):29-36.
Kim, T.H.; Yang, K.U.; Hwang, K.S.; Jang, D.J.; Hur J.G. 2011. Automatic submerging and surfacing performances of model submersible fish cage system operated by air control. Aquacult Eng. 45(2):74-86.
Lahnsteiner, F. 2011. Limitations for prolonged chilled storage of zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Aquacul. Res. 42:288-295.
Lefebvre, F.; Fazio, G.; Palstra, A.P.; Székely, C.; Crivelli, A.J. 2011. An evaluation of indices of gross pathology associated with the nematode Anguillicoloides crassus in eels. J. Fish. Dis. 34(5):409-409.
Lievens, B.; Frans, I.; Heusdens, C.; et al. 2011. Rapid detection and identification of viral and bacterial fish pathogens using a DNA array‐based multiplex assay. J. Fish. Dis. 34(11):861-875.
Link, J.S.; Bundy, A.; Overholtz, W.J.; et al. 2011. Ecosystem-based fisheries management in the northwest atlantic. Fish. Fish. 12(2):152-170.
Livingston, P.A.; Kruse, G.H.; Richards, L.J. 2011. Progress toward ecosystem-based approaches for the assessment of fisheries under data-limited situations. Fish. Res. 112(3):105- 107.
Loher, T.; Rensmeyer, R. 2011. Physiological responses of pacific halibut, hippoglossus stenolepis, to intracoelomic implantation of electronic archival tags, with a review of tag implantation techniques employed in flatfishes. Rev. Fish. Biol. Fish. 21(1):97-115.
McMahon, K.W.; Fogel, M.M.; Johnson, B.J.; Houghton, L.A.; Thorrold S.R. 2011. A new method to reconstruct fish diet and movement patterns from δ13C values in otolith amino acids. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68(8):1330-1340.
Meuthen, D.; Baldauf, S.A.; Bakker, T.C.M.; Thunken, T. 2011. Substrate-treated water: a method to enhance fish activity in laboratory experiments. Aquat. Biol. 13(1):35-40.
Mouton, A.M.; Alcaraz-Hernández, J.D.; De Baets, B.; Goethals, P.L.M.; Martínez-Capel, F. 2011. Data-driven fuzzy habitat suitability models for brown trout in Spanish Mediterranean rivers. Environ Model. Soft. 26(5):615-622.
Mulcahy, D. 2011. Antibiotic use during the intracoelomic implantation of electronic tags into fish. Rev. Fish. Biol. Fish. 21(1):83-96.
Murchie, K.J.; Cooke, S.J,; Danylchuk, A.J.; Suski, C.D. 2011. Estimates of field activity and metabolic rates of bonefish (Albula vulpes) in coastal marine habitats using acoustic tri-axial accelerometer transmitters and intermittent-flow respirometry. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 396(2):147-155.
Musyl, M.K.; Domeier, M.L.; Nasby-Lucas, N.; Brill, R.W.; et al. 2011. Performance of pop-up satellite archival tags. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Series. 433: 1-28.
McEwan, A.; Joy, M. 2011. Monitoring a new zealand freshwater fish community using passive integrated transponder (PIT) technology; lessons learned and recommendations for future use. N.Z. J. Mar. Freshwat. Res. 45(1):121-133.
Ogata, Y.; Tokue, Y.; Yoshikawa, T.; Hagiwara, A.; Kurokura, H. 2011. A laotian strain of the rotifer brachionus angularis holds promise as a food source for small-mouthed larvae of freshwater fish in aquaculture. Aquaculture 312(1-4):72-76.
Oldenburg, E.; Colotelo, A.; Brown, R.; Eppard, M. 2011. Holding of juvenile salmonids for surgical implantation of electronic tags: A review and recommendations. Rev. Fish. Biol. Fish. 21(1):35-42.
Oparaku, N.F. 2010. Comparative study of sun and solar cabinet fish dryer of three freshwater fish. Con. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 4:8-16.
Österling, M.E. 2011. Test and application of a non-destructive photo-method investigating the parasitic stage of the threatened mussel margaritifera margaritifera on its host fish E. Salmo trutta. Biol. Conserv. 144(12):2984-2990.
Methods and Techniques.
Palialexis, A.; Georgakarakos, S.; Karakassis, I.; Lika, K.; Valavanis, V. 2011. Fish distribution predictions from different points of view: Comparing associative neural networks, geostatistics and regression models. Hydrobiologia 670(1):165-188.
Penglase, S.; Hamre, K.; Sweetman, J.W.; Nordgreen, A. 2011. A new method to increase and maintain the concentration of selenium in rotifers (brachionus spp.). Aquaculture 315(1-2):144- 153.
Phillis, C.C.; Ostrach, D.J.; Ingram, B.L.; Weber, P.K. 2011. Evaluating otolith Sr/Ca as a tool for reconstructing estuarine habitat use. Can. J. Fish. Aqua. Sci. 68:360-373.
Pinkiewicz, T.H.; Purser, G.J.; Williams, R.N. 2011. A computer vision system to analyse the swimming behaviour of farmed fish in commercial aquaculture facilities: A case study using cage-held Atlantic salmon. Aquacult. Eng. 45(1):20-27.
Ramsay, A.L.; Milner, N.J.; Hughes, R.N.; MacCarthy, I.D. Comparison of the performance of scale and otolith microchemistry as fisheries research tools in a small upland catchment. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 68:823-833.
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Robotham, H,; Castillo, J.; Bosch, P.; Perez-Kallens, J. 2011. A comparison of multi-class support vector machine and classification tree methods for hydroacoustic classification of fish-schools in Chile. Fish. Res. 111(3):170-176.
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Schroeder, J.P.; Croot, P.L,; Von Dewitz, B.; Waller U,; Hanel, R. 2011. Potential and limitations of ozone for the removal of ammonia, nitrite, and yellow substances in marine recirculating aquaculture systems. Aquacult. Eng. 45(1):35-41.
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