Current and selected bibliographies on benthic biology – 2012

Aquatic and semiaquatic Heteroptera

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Aquatic and semiaquatic Heteroptera.


Jarial, M. S. & Kelly-Worden, M. (2011) Additional ultrastructural observations of the first segments of malpighian tubules in Cenocorixa bifida (Hemiptera: Corixidae) in relation to reabsorption of solutes. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 104, 768-777.

Jobe, J. (2011) Ranatra linearis - another from northern England. Het News, 17-18, 18-18.

Kar Niladri, B., Mohapatra, P. P., Das, A. & Dutta, S. K. (2011) Hyla rana malabarica (fungoid frog). Predation. Herpetological Review, 42, 259-259.

Kawano, K., Obara, K., Ohgi, K., Yoshioka, M., Aoki, S., Hayashi, M., et al. (2011) Distribution of aquatic Hemiptera in Shimane prefecture, Honshu, Japan. Hoshizaki Gurin Zaidan Kenkyu Houkoku Tokubetsugou, 2, 1-104.

Keen, D. (2011) Letter from Spain - 10th in a series - finding more dead insects. Bulletin of the Amateur Entomologists' Society, 70, 33-35.

Khatukhov, A. M., Yakimov, A. V. & Lvov, V. D. (2011) Backswimmers (Heteroptera, Notonectidae) of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (Central Caucasus). Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 90, 113-117.

Kight Scott, L., Tanner, A. W. & Coffey, G. L. (2011) Termination of parental care in male giant waterbugs, Belostoma flumineum Say (Heteroptera: Belostomatidae) is associated with breeding season, egg pad size, and presence of females. Invertebrate Reproduction and Development, 55, 197-204.

Kment, P. & Beran, L. (2011) Check-list of water bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Nepomorpha, Gerromorpha) in Croatia with two new records and four rediscoveries. Natura Croatica, 20, 159-178.

Konopko, S. A. & Mazzucconi, S. A. (2011) Morphometry and chaetotaxy of the nymphs of Ectemnostega (Ectemnostegella) quechua (Bachmann 1961) (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Corixidae). Journal of Natural History, 45, 1995-2014.

Konopko, S. A. & Mazzucconi, S. A. (2011) The immature stages of the genus Trepobates Uhler (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerridae), with an identification key to instars and the description of the nymphs of T. taylori (Kirkaldy). Zootaxa, 2733, 1-15.

Konopko Susana, A., Mazzucconi, S. A. & Bachmann, A. O. (2011) Description of the immature stages of Trichocorixa mendozana Jaczewski (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Corixidae). Zootaxa, 3060, 47-61.

Kovacs, T., Merkl, O., Nemeth, T. & Pesic, V. M. (2011) True bugs and beetles new to Montenegro and Bulgaria (Insecta: Heteroptera, Coleoptera). Folia Historico Naturalia Musei Matraensis, 35, 39-42.

Krams, I., Daukste, J., Kivleniece, I., Krama, T. & Rantala, M. J. (2011) Overwinter survival depends on immune defence and body length in male Aquarius najas water striders. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 140, 45-51.

Kurzatkowska, A. & Zawal, A. (2011) Sigara dorsalis (Leach, 1817) (Heteroptera: Corixidae) - A New Species in Poland and Changes in its Eastern Range Extension. Zoologica Poloniae, 56, 5-10.

Kweka Eliningaya, J., Zhou, G., Gilbreath, T. M., Afrane, Y., Mramba, N., Githeko, A. K., et al. (2011) Predation efficiency of Anopheles gambiae larvae by aquatic predators in western Kenya highlands. Parasites & Vectors, 4, 7-7.

Lanigan, A. C. & Hyslop, E. J. (2011) The aquatic and semiaquatic Hemiptera of Jamaica. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 26, 295-297.

Luo, Z. & Vinokurov, N. N. (2011) A new species of the genus Macrosaldula Leston et Southwood, 1964 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Saldidae) from Northwestern China. Zootaxa, 2909, 57-63.

MacPhee Shannon, A., Arnott, S. E. & Keller, W. (2011) Lake thermal structure influences macroinvertebrate predation on crustacean zooplankton. Journal of Plankton Research, 33, 1586-1595.

Man, Y. C. & Murphy, D. H. (2011) Guide to the aquatic Heteroptera of Singapore and peninsular Malaysia. 6. Mesoveliidae, with description of a new Nereivelia species from singapore. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 59, 53-60.

Aquatic and semiaquatic Heteroptera.


Marico-Perez, R., Mayen-Estrada, R., Macip-Rios, R. & Dovgal, I. V. (2011) Morphometric variations of Discophrya elongata (Ciliophora, Suctorea) attached to two different species of aquatic true bugs (Hemiptera, Prosorrhyncha, Nepomorpha). Vestnik Zoologii, 45, 421-427, 479.

Marino-Perez, R., Dovgal, I. & Mayen-Estrada, R. (2011) New records of suctorians (Ciliophora: Suctoria) as epibionts of aquatic true bugs (Hemiptera: Prosorrhyncha: Nepomorpha) from two regions: Mexico and Eastern Europe. Zootaxa, 2798, 48-60.

Matsueda, A. & Fujisaki, K. (2011) Influence of male density on guarding behaviour in the water strider Aquarius paludum (Heteroptera: Gerridae). European Journal of Entomology, 108, 597-601.

Matthews Philip, G. D. & Seymour, R. S. (2011) Oxygen binding properties of backswimmer (Notonectidae, Anisops) haemoglobin, determined in vivo. Journal of Insect Physiology, 57, 1698-1706.

Mazzucconi, S. A. (2011) A new species of Martarega White, 1879 from South America (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Notonectidae), with an identification key to all described species of the genus. Aquatic Insects, 33, 113-126.

McCoy, M. W., Bolker, B. M., Warkentin, K. M. & Vonesh, J. R. (2011) Predicting predation through prey ontogeny using size-dependent functional response models. American Naturalist, 177, 752-766.

Melo, M. C., Dellape, P. M., Carpintero, D. L. & Montemayor, S. I. (2011) Heteroptera (Hemiptera) from the Chaco National Park (Argentina). Zootaxa, 2999, 1-19.

Melo, M. C. & Scheibler, E. E. (2011) Description of the immature stages of Sigara (Tropocorixa) jensenhaarupi (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Corixidae: Corixini), with ecological notes. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 82, 117-130.

Moreira Felipe, F. F., Barbosa, J. F. & Nessimian, J. L. (2011) Description of Microvelia urucara sp. nov. and new distributional data on veliids (Insecta: Heteroptera: Veliidae) from the Amazon River floodplain, Brazil. Zoologia, 28, 658-662.

Moreira, F. F. F., Alecrim, V. P., Ribeiro, J. R. I. & Nessimian, J. L. (2011) Identification key to the Gerridae (Insecta: Heteroptera: Gerromorpha) from the Amazon River floodplain, Brazil, with new records for the Brazilian Amazon. Zoologia, 28, 269-279.

Moreira, F. F. F. & Barbosa, J. F. (2011) The Veliidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerromorpha) from Sao Paulo State, Brazil: new species, description of the male of Microvelia ioana Drake & Hottes, 1952, and synonymical and distributional notes. Annales de Limnologie, 47, 297-311.

Moreira, F. F. F., Barbosa, J. F., Ribeiro, J. R. I. & Alecrim, V. P. (2011) Checklist and distribution of semiaquatic and aquatic Heteroptera (Gerromorpha and Nepomorpha) occurring in Brazil. Zootaxa, 2958, 1-74.

Moreira, F. F. F., Ribeiro, J. R. I., Nessimian, J. L., Itoyama, M. M., Castanhole, M. M. U. & Pereira, L. L. V. (2011) New records and distribution expansions for Neotropical water-striders (Insecta: Heteroptera: Gerromorpha). Check List, 7, 303-309.

Nagaba, Y., Tufail, M., Inui, H. & Takeda, M. (2011) Hormonal regulation and effects of four environmental pollutants on vitellogenin gene transcription in the giant water bug, Lethocerus deyrollei (Hemiptera: Belostomatidae). Journal of Insect Conservation, 15, 421-431.

Nakajima, J., Asano, K., Kawano, R., Matsuo, K., Funasako, E. & Aharen, N. (2011) Record of Halobates germanus and H. micans in Fukuoka Prefecture, northern Kyushu Island, Japan. Hoshizaki Gurin Zaidan Kenkyu Hokoku, 14, 175-177.

Nakao, S. & Yamao, A. (2011) Geographic variation of annual life cycle and egg diapause in Metrocoris histrio (Hemiptera, Gerridae) in northern area of Wakayama prefecture in Japan. Nanki Seibutu, 53, 59-64.

Nazareno Pereira, L., Gambale, P. G. & Hiroiuki Oda, F. (2011) Leptodactylus macrosternum (Miranda's white-lipped frog). Predation. Herpetological Review, 42, 584-585.

Aquatic and semiaquatic Heteroptera.


Nikdel, M., Dordaei, A. A. & Matocq, A. (2011) Faunistic study on Hemiptera in Arasbaran area (east Azarbaijan Province, Iran). Munis Entomology & Zoology, 6, 389-395.

Nozaki, T. & Nozaki, Y. (2011) The reexamination of the Hemiptera collection preserved in Hiwa Museum for Natural History (1). Miscellaneous Reports of the Hiwa Museum for Natural History, 52, 13-21.

Ohba, S.-y. (2011) Density-Dependent Effects of Amphibian Prey on the Growth and Survival of an Endangered Giant Water Bug. Insects, 2, 435-446.

Ohba, S.-y. (2011) Field observation of predation on a turtle by a giant water bug. Entomological Science, 14, 364-365.

Ohba, S.-y. (2011) Ecological studies in lentic aquatic insects including rare species: Consideration of their conservations and applied aspects from the predator-prey relationships. Japanese Journal of Environmental Entomology and Zoology, 22, 39-48.

Ohba, S.-y. (2011) Impact of the invasive crayfish Procambarus clarkii on the giant water bug Kirkaldyia deyrolli (Hemiptera) in rice ecosystems. Japanese Journal of Environmental Entomology and Zoology, 22, 93-98.

Padilla-Gil, D. N. (2011) Four new species of Rhagovelia in the robusta group from Colombia (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Veliidae). Zootaxa, 2975, 35-46.

Padilla-Gil, D. N. (2011) A new Rhagovelia in the armata group from Colombia (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Veliidae). Zootaxa, 2784, 33-38.

Padilla-Gil, D. N. & Damgaard, J. (2011) A new species of Potamobates Champion from Colombia with a re-analysis of phylogenetic relationships (Hemiptera: Gerridae). Zootaxa, 2789, 41-49.

Padilla-Gil Dora, N. (2011) Ten new species of Rhagovelia in the R. angustipes complex from Colombia (Heteroptera: Veliidae). Aquatic Insects, 33, 203-231.

Padilla-Gil Dora, N. & Moreira Felipe Ferraz, F. (2011) A new species of Paravelia Breddin, 1898 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Veliidae) from Colombia, with a key to Colombian Paravelia species. Zootaxa, 3065, 14-26.

Padilla-Gil Dora, N. & Osvaldo, A. P. (2011) Aquatic Hemiptera associated to estuaries of the Colombian pacific coast. Revista Colombiana de Entomologia, 37, 350-353.

Papacek, M. & Zettel, H. (2011) A new subgenus and species of Mixotrephes (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Helotrephidae) from Laos and notes on Mixotrephes punctatus. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 51, 397-406.

Perez Iglesias Juan, M., Gutierrez, F. R., Romina, M. G., Moreno, L. E. & Natale, G. S. (2011) Pleurodema tucumanum. Predation. Herpetological Review, 42, 587-587.

Perez-Bilbao, A., Jenetti, C. J. & Garrido, J. (2011) First record of the family Hebridae Amyot & Serville, 1843 in Galicia (Northern Spain) (Insecta: Hemiptera). Boletin de la Asociacion Espanola de Entomologia, 35, 289-290.

Perry, J. C. & Rowe, L. (2011) Rapid microsatellite development for water striders by next-generation sequencing. Journal of Heredity, 102, 125-129.

Plath, M., Riesch, R., Culumber, Z., Streit, B. & Tobler, M. (2011) Giant water bug (Belostoma sp.) predation on a cave fish (Poecilia mexicana): effects of female body size and gestational state. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 13, 133-144.

Polhemus, D. A. & Polhemus, J. T. (2011) Seven new species of Rhagovelia (Heteroptera: Veliidae) from the Raja Ampat Islands, eastern Indonesia. Aquatic Insects, 33, 41-74.

Polhemus, D. A. & Polhemus, J. T. (2011) Two new species of the marine genus Ocheovelia (Heteroptera: Veliidae) from the Cenderawasih Bay region of western New Guinea. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 154, 3-13.

Aquatic and semiaquatic Heteroptera.


Polhemus Dan, A. & Polhemus, J. T. (2011) Five new species of Neusterensifer from western New Guinea (Heteroptera: Veliidae) with biogeographic notes. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 154, 139-157.

Pollitt, M. & Ferguson, L. (2011) Around the British Isles. Dumfriesshire. Het News, 17-18, 22-22.

Pramanik, M. K. & Raut, S. K. (2011) Chironomid Larvae Hindering Potentiality of Water-Bugs in Regulating Vector Mosquito Populations in Kolkata, India. Environment and Ecology (Kalyani), 29, 1513-1516.

Reynaldi, S., Meiser, M. & Liess, M. (2011) Effects of the pyrethroid fenvalerate on the alarm response and on the vulnerability of the mosquito larva Culex pipiens molestus to the predator Notonecta glauca. Aquatic Toxicology (Amsterdam), 104, 56-60.

Rico, A., Waichman, A. V., Geber-Correa, R. & van den Brink, P. J. (2011) Effects of malathion and carbendazim on Amazonian freshwater organisms: comparison of tropical and temperate species sensitivity distributions. Ecotoxicology, 20, 625-634.

Rudio, J. A. & Moreira, F. F. F. (2011) A new species of Microvelia (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerromorpha) from coastal Espirito Santo State, with a key to the species of the genus recorded from southeastern Brazil. Zootaxa, 3004, 63-68.

Salur, A. & Mesci, S. (2011) Nepomorphan fauna of Corum province (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Munis Entomology & Zoology, 6, 1014-1016.

Sano, K. & Kurokura, H. (2011) Predatory behavior of the backswimmer (Anisops ogasawarensis) on larval medaka (Oryzias latipes). Aquaculture, 317, 210-213.

Silberbush, A. & Blaustein, L. (2011) Mosquito females quantify risk of predation to their progeny when selecting an oviposition site. Functional Ecology, 25, 1091-1095.

Sites, R. W., Arunachalam, M. & Sundar, S. (2011) A new species of Aphelocheirus (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Aphelocheiridae) from southern India. Zootaxa, 2916, 35-40.

Sites, R. W. & Vitheepradit, A. (2011) Heleocoris (Heteroptera: Naucoridae: Laccocorinae) of Thailand, with description of a new species. Zootaxa, 2736, 1-16.

Sites, R. W., Zettel, H. & Arunachalam, M. (2011) Waterfall-inhabiting Naucoridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of southern India and Sri Lanka: Pogonocaudina Sites and Zettel, n. gen., and a review of Diaphorocoris with descriptions of two new species. Zootaxa, 2760, 1-17.

Stenhouse, D. (2011) Notonecta glauca. Het News, 17-18, 18-18.

Sueur, J., Mackie, D. & Windmill, J. F. C. (2011) So small, so loud: Extremely high sound pressure level from a pygmy aquatic Insect (Corixidae, Micronectinae). PLoS ONE, 6, 1-e21089.

Tara, J. S., Kour, R. & Sharma, S. (2011) A record of aquatic Hemiptera of Gharana wetland, Jammu. Bioscan, 6, 649-655.

Touchon, J. C. & Warkentin, K. M. (2011) Thermally contingent plasticity: temperature alters expression of predator-induced colour and morphology in a Neotropical treefrog tadpole. Journal of Animal Ecology, 80, 79-88.

Trekels, H., Van de Meutter, F. & Stoks, R. (2011) Habitat isolation shapes the recovery of aquatic insect communities from a pesticide pulse. Journal of Applied Ecology, 48, 1480-1489.

Trekels, H., Van de Meutter, F. & Stoks, R. (2011) Effects of species-specific interactions with predation risk on the relative species sensitivities to a pesticide in water boatmen (Corixidae). Oikos, 120, 897-905.

Turic, N., Merdic, E., Kutuzovic, B. H., Jelicic, Z. & Bogdanovic, T. (2011) Diversity of aquatic insects (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha, Gerromorpha and Coleoptera: Hydradephaga, Hydrophilidae) in the karst area of Gorski Kotar, Croatia. Natura Croatica, 20, 179-188.

Aquatic and semiaquatic Heteroptera.


Warburg, A., Faiman, R., Shtern, A., Silberbush, A., Markman, S., Cohen, J. E., et al. (2011) Oviposition habitat selection by Anopheles gambiae in response to chemical cues by Notonecta maculata. Journal of Vector Ecology, 36, 421-425.

Wegener, C. (2011) On the true bug fauna (Insecta: Heteroptera) of the Nature Reserve 'Kleine Lummersbach' near Marburg on the Lahn in central Hessia.]. Philippia, 15, 45-52.

Weirauch, C. & Schuh, R. T. (2011) Systematics and Evolution of Heteroptera: 25 Years of Progress. Annual Review of Entomology, 56, 487-510.

Yao, Y., Zhang, W., Ren, D. & Shih, C. (2011) New fossil Ochteridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Ochteroidea) from the Upper Mesozoic of north-eastern China, with phylogeny of the family. Systematic Entomology, 36, 589-600.

Yesilova, A., Ozgokce, M. S., Atlihan, R., Karaca, I., Ozgokce, F., Yildiz, S., et al. (2011) Investigation of the effects of physico-chemical environmental conditions on population fluctuations of Notonecta viridis Delcourt, 1909 (Hemiptera: Notonectidae) in Van Lake by using Zero-inflated generalized Poisson regression. Turkiye Entomoloji Dergisi, 35, 325-338.

Zettel, H. (2011) The type of the enigmatic creeping water bug Naucoris sumatranus Fieber, 1851 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Naucoridae). Zootaxa, 2981, 65-68.

Zettel, H. (2011) Metrocoris pardus sp. n. (Heteroptera: Gerridae) from west Malaysia. Zeitschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Oesterreichischer Entomologen, 63, 109-114.

Zettel, H. (2011) Interesting Water Striders (Heteroptera: Gerridae) from the Kai Islands. Zeitschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Oesterreichischer Entomologen, 63, 115-122.

Zettel, H. (2011) A contribution to the knowledge of Gerromorpha (Insecta: Hemiptera) of Myanmar, with seven new species, eight new records, and a catalogue. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Serie B Botanik und Zoologie, 112, 89-114.

Zettel, H. & Heiss, E. (2011) New species of water striders (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerromorpha: Hydrometridae, Gerridae) from Eocene Baltic amber. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien A Mineralogie Petrologie Geologie Palaeontologie Archaeozoologie Anthropologie Praehistorie, 113, 543-553.

Zettel, H. & Heiss, E. (2011) Baptista vetai sp. n. (Heteroptera: Veliidae), a microveliine bug from Eocene Baltic amber. Zeitschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Oesterreichischer Entomologen, 63, 43-48.

Zettel, H. & Lane, D. J. W. (2011) The creeping water bugs (Insecta: Heteroptera: Naucoridae) of Brunei. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Serie B Botanik und Zoologie, 112, 163-171.

Zettel, H., Papacek, M. & Kovac, D. (2011) Guide to the aquatic Heteroptera of Singapore and peninsular Malaysia: vii. family Helotrephidae. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 59, 171-179.

Zhang, W., Yao, Y. & Ren, D. (2011) New shore bug (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Saldidae) from the Early Cretaceous of China with phylogenetic analyses. ZooKeys, 130, 185-198.

Zhang, W., Yao, Y., Ren, D. & Zhao, Y. (2011) First Description of Fossil Naucoridae (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha) from Late Mesozoic of China. Acta Geologica Sinica English Edition, 85, 490-500.

Zuharah, W. F. & Lester, P. J. (2011) Are exotic invaders less susceptible to native predators? A test using native and exotic mosquito species in New Zealand. Population Ecology, 53, 307-317.



TRICHOPTERA – Andrew P. Nimmo


Where known, at the end of each citation, I have provided references to abstracting organs which make reference to the paper. Print versions of these are no longer available to me at the University of Alberta - only electronic. Zoological Record appears to be the only one which supplies volume number. Otherwise I can give only accession numbers (an) in case these may be of use in searching out abstracts of papers. The abstracting organs are: BP [Biological Previews, formerly BA - Biological Abstracts]; ZR an [Zoological Record]; TN [Trichoptera Newsletter, now Braueria]. The plethora of, largely awkward, contractions for Cambridge Scientific Abstracts entries here has been replaced simply by CSAan as I realised that papers registered by CSA had only one an regardless of how many of their organs recorded the paper.

Some authors with more than one initial may use, or not, the extra initials. Such initials, where omitted by the author in some papers, are given in square brackets thus [A.]. All papers by a particular author are grouped together in the list as if all initials were given in all papers. Where author names are given in square brackets, thus [ .. ], the name is not given in the publication, but is known to me. Andy Nimmo.


Aggrey-Fynn, J., I. Galyuon, D.W. Aheto, & I. Okyere. 2011. Assessment of the environmental conditions and benthic macroinvertebrate communities in two coastal lagoons in Ghana. Ann. biol. Res. 2: 413-424. CSAan 20113381517.

Akenteva, N.A. 2011. Morphology of the antennal sensory cone in insect larvae from various orders. Biol. Bull. 38: 459-469. CSAan 20113332654.

Albertson, L.K., B.J. Cardinale, S.C. Zeug, L.R. Harrison, H.S. Lenihan, & M.A. Wydzga. 2011. Impacts of channel reconstruction on invertebrate assemblages in a restored river. Restor. Ecol. 19: 627-638. CSAan 20113310870.

Al-Shami, S.A., M.R.C. Salmah, A.H. Ahmad, S.A. Hamid, & M.N.S. Azizah. 2011. Influence of agricultural, industrial, and anthropogenic stresses on the distribution and diversity of macroinvertebrates in Juru River basin, Penang, Malaysia. Ecotoxic. environ. Safe. 74: 1195-1202. CSAan 20113206504.

Amato, J.F.R., S.B. Amato, S.A. Seixas, & T.H.D.A. Vidigal. 2011. Trichoptera the newest insect order host of temnocephalans (Platyhelminthes, Temnocephalida) and the description of a new species of Temnocephala from Brazil. Zootaxa 2975: 47-58. TN.

Arefina-Armitage, T.I. & B.J. Armitage. 2011. The genus Psilotreta Banks (Trichoptera: Odontoceridae) in Vietnam. Ins. Mundi 180: 1-6. TN.

Arefina-Armitage, T.I. & B.J. Armitage. 2011. Three new species of Phylocentropus Banks (Trichoptera: Dipseudopsidae) from Vietnam. Ins. Mundi 193: 1-6. TN.

Arimoro, F.O., R.B. Ikomi, I.O. Ajuzieogu, & F.O. Nwadukwe. 2011. Temporal and spatial variability in macroinvertebrate community structure in relation to environmental variables in Ajijiguan Creek, Niger Delta, Nigeria. Afr. J. aquat. Sci. 36: 57-66. CSAan 20113181779.

Arluziaga, I. & L. Gondat. 2010(2011). Pagoeta (Gipuzkoa, Euskal Herria) Parke Naturaleko trikopteroen larbak (Insecta: Trichoptera). I. Zatia: espezieen aurretiko inbentarioa. [The Caddis larvae (Insecta: Trichoptera) from Pagoeta Natural park (Gipuzkoa, the Basque Country). Part I: preliminary list of species]. Munibe (Ciencias Naturales - Natur Zientziak) 58: 47-71. Basq. ZRan 14706046967.

Arluziaga, I. & L. Gondat. 2010(2011). Pagoeta Parke Naturaleko (Gipuzkoa, Euskal Herria) trikopteroen larbak (Insecta: Trichoptera). II. Zatia: alderdi sinekologikoak. [The Caddis larvae (Insecta: Trichoptera) from Pagoeta Natural Park (Gipuzkoa, the Basque Country). Part II: synecological aspects]. Munibe (Ciencias Naturales - Natur Zientziak) 58: 99-109. Basq. ZRan 14706046973.



Armitage, B.J. & T.I. Arefina-Armitage. 2011. Three new species of Goera Stephens (Trichoptera: Goeridae) from Sulawesi, Indonesia. Ins. Mundi 186: 1-10. TN.

Armitage, B.J., S.[C.] Harris, G.A. Schuster, J.D. Usis, D.V. MacLean, B.A. Foote, M.J. Bolton, & R.J. Garano. 2011. Atlas of Ohio aquatic insects, vol. 1. Trichoptera. Ohio Biol. Surv. 92 pp. TN.

Baird, D.J., T.J. Pascoe, X. Zhou, & M. Hajibabaei. 2011. Building freshwater macroinvertebrate DNA-barcode libraries from reference collection material: formalin preservation vs specimen age. J. NABS 30: 125-130. CSAan 20113053910.

Bálint, M., S. Domisch, C.H.M. Engelhardt, P. Haase, S. Lehrian, J. Sauer, K. Theissinger, S.U. Pauls, & C. Nowak. 2011. Cryptic biodiversity loss linked to global climate change. Nature climate change 21 August 2011. [reference ??] TN.

Bálint, M., L. Ujvárosi, D.A. Lehel, & O. Popescu. 2011. European phylogeography of Rhyacophila tristis Pictet (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae): preliminary results. Proc. int. Symp. Trich. (Zoosymposia 5): 11-18. BPan 201100496201.

Barbola, I.F., M.F.P.G. Moraes, T.M. Anazawa, E.A. Nascimento, E.R. Sepka, C.M. Polegatto, J. Milleo, & G.S. Schuhli. 2011. Avaliacao da comunidade de macroinvertebrados aquaticos como ferramenta para o monitoramento de um reservatorio na bacia do rio Pitangui Parana, Brasil. [Evaluation of the aquatic macroinvertebrate community as a tool formonitoring a reservoir in the Pitangui river basin, Parana, Brazil]. Iheringia, Ser. Zool. 101: 15-23. Port., engl. CSAan 20113359564.

Bazinet, N.L., B.M. Gilbert, & A.M. Wallace. 2010. A comparison of urbanization effects on stream benthic macroinvertebrates and water chemistry in an urban and an urbanizing basin in Southern Ontario, Canada. Water Qual. Res. J. Can. 45: 327-341. CSAan 20113210775.

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