Flung it at the screen = throw
All that was said of Him seemed to me to be true
Big brother seemed to tower up =
Hung about his very existence
Hordes of Asia = large group of people
He would flog her to death = beat someone
Flog myself to death = work too hard
Supple waist = bending easily belcha
There was only the odious scarlet sash = extremely hateful, sash = clothing for the wasit
Winston’s entrails seeming to grow cold = inchki organlari
Faint scribble on a lavatory wall = toilet
Abandon the enterprise altogether = eagerness to do something
Everything had a battered and trampled-on look = damaged, trampled-on = tepkilab tashlangan
It was shot through by a sharper reek of sweat = to leave quickly to do something
He had just been unwillingly evicted from the youth league = to force someone to leave
Statutory age = ishlash mumkin bo’lgan yosh
Gamboling of tiger cubs = to run and jump in happy way, cub = young animal
Capering round = gambol
His heart quailed before the enormous pyramidal shape = to feel or show fear
His mother’s memory tore at his heart
He was standing on short springy turf = o’z holiga qaytadigan bosganda, turf = land where grass grows
The slanting rays of the sun gilded the ground = to cover with bright light
In the ragged hedge on the opposite side of the field = yo’li chekkasida o’sadigan bush
The boughs of the elm tree = large branch of tree
He reeked of gin =
Orifice = opening hole
Joined the fray
Other artifacts could have drifted downward over time in the sandy sediments
Remunerative work = work which provides money for your work
Seeming unanimous in the opinion = they all agree about one thing
There had been a famine of them for months past
Which he was hoarding up
It was darning wool
By scrounging more or less furtively on the ‘free’ market
I shall see it on the flicks
His mocking face roved over Winston’ face
On to each was dumped the regulation lunch
They threaded their way across the crowded room
Harsh gabble almost like the quacking of a duck
A sort of vapid eagerness flitted across Winston’s face
Going to put on a tremendous show
We are making an all-out effort
I gave him a good dressing-down for it
We can’t afford to take chances
As though in confirmation of this
Trumpet call floated from the telescreen
Sort of gaping solemnity
He had lugged out a huge and filthy pipe
Everything was whizzing rapidly upwards
Was dabbling in the pale-colored gravy that dribbled across the table