Levels Pre-A1 / A1
CEFR Descriptor (2017 Extended Set)
Relevance for adaptation to
ages 7-10
Accredited / registered ELP can-do statements
ages 7-10
I can understand the names for people who work and live in my town or area. [11.2001-IE/PRI]
I can understand the days of the week. [11.2001-IE/PRI]
I can understand when I am told the time. [11.2001-IE/PRI]
I can recognise the names of other countries in the world. [11.2001-IE/PRI]
I can understand the names of some animals and plants. [11.2001-IE/PRI]
I can understand the words for the main places in the town or village where I live. [11.2001-IE/PRI]
I can understand common words and names of everyday objects that are in my everyday life. [86.2007-ARM/6-
I can understand days of the week and months of the year. [86.2007-ARM/6-10]
I can understand some geographical names. [86.2007-ARM/6-10]
I can read and understand words and short phrases I frequently come across at school or in the classroom (such
as: headmaster, book, teachers’ room, library, etc.). [86.2007-ARM/6-10]
I can understand the names of clothes I wear to school and the food that I eat in school. [11.2001-IE/PRI]
I can understand the words for colours and shapes. [11.2001-IE/PRI]
I can identify names of shops or places (chemist’s, baker’s, school, post office, football field, …) [116.2010-
POR/6-10]I can name some animals. [118.2010-SLO/6-10]
I can count to 20. [118.2010-SLO/6-10]
I can count to 20. [116.2010-POR/6-10]
I can name some foods and drinks. [118.2010-SLO/6-10]
I can tell the
names of the colours, some food, some animals, some of the objects in my house, some of the
in my classroom, some of my favourite places, shops and places I usually visit. [116.2010-POR/6-10]
I can say the schooldays, the
food I like or dislike, what the weather is like, the main parts
of the body, some
means of transport. [116.2010-POR/6-10]
I can write words for different foods and for the clothes we wear. [11.2001-IE/PRI]
I can say the words for the seasons and for the weather in different seasons. [11.2001-IE/PRI]
I can name the days of the week and the months of the year. [11.2001-IE/PRI]
I can tell the names of all the animals I know. [11.2001-IE/PRI]
I can give the names of the buildings in my area. [11.2001-IE/PRI]
Shows only limited control of a few simple grammatical structures and
sentence patterns in a learnt repertoire.
I can write short sentences with words that I already know. [116.2010-POR/6-10]
Can employ very simple principles of word order in short statements.