Class VI science Q. what are sprouts ?write importance of sprouts

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CLASS VI - Science

Q. what are sprouts ?write importance of sprouts.

Q. do Q.3 and Q.4 of chapter 1.

Q. do Q.3 , 4 and 5 of chapter 2.

Q. read out the chapter from 1 to 8 ones and write a summary points of chapter 2 and 3.

Prepare your diet chart for week as follows .


Food items

Nutrients supplied to our body









Protein , vitamins and calcium and fat





Class- VI

  1. Do the chapter 1 and Ex. 2.1 in notebook with try these boxes.

  2. All the worksheets which had done during reediness programme.

  3. Do the tables 1 to 20, 10 times in notebook.

  4. Project: - Show symmetrical figures and line of symmetry by taking different examples.

कक्षा 6 hindi

  1. 'र’ स्वर रहित पाँच शब्द बनाइए .

  2. र’ स्वर सहित पाँच शब्द बनाइए .

  3. दुकानदार से सामान खरीदते समय मोल भाव करते हुए संवाद लिखिए .

  4. रसोई में माँ-बेटी का संवाद लिखिए .

  5. संज्ञाओ के चित्र बनाकर उनके भेद लिखो .

  6. आपने साईकिल चलाना कैसे सिखा ?

  7. निम्नलिखित शब्दों से वाक्य बनाओ और अंतर देखो . कम-काम, दिन-दीन, मेल-मैल, जल-जाल .

कक्षा – षष्ठी सत्र –2015-16

संस्कृत तत्परता कार्यक्रम

पञ्चदिवसीय: संस्कृतपाठ्यक्रम:

1– सर्वप्रथमं संस्कृतभाषायां परस्परं परिचय: |

2 – संस्कृतभाषाया: सामान्यपरिचय: |

3 – संस्कृतभाषाया: सामान्यस्वरूपपरिचय: |

4 – संस्कृतवर्णानां सामान्य परिचय: |

5 – संस्कृतभाषाया: सामान्यव्याकरणपरिचय: |

6 – संस्कृते कर्ता-क्रियापदप्रयोगेण वाक्य निर्माणम् |


कक्षा – षष्ठी अ ब

  1. गृह-वस्तूनां चित्रसहित-नाम लेखनम् ।(एक फ़ोल्डर में कुछ पेज पर कार्य करना)

  2. पाठ 1 पाठ 2 का लेखन (हिन्दी अर्थ सहित)

  3. धातुरूप लेखन लट् लकार(चल्, हस्, नम्, रम्, वद्, खाद्, पठ्, पा (पिब्), धाव्, पत्)

Holidays homework class VI social science

  • Make a model of a solar system

  • Glossary – social science, history, geography.

  • In scrap book:--.

  • Make a collage on unity in scrap book.

  • India political and physical map in scrap book.

  • Collect and paste the pictures of different dresses of different states.

  • Information and paste the pictures of freedom fighter(any 6).

  • Paste pictures of the wonders of India.

  • Make a diagram/flow chart of list of different duties of students forwards the vidhalaya.

  • Paste pictures of festivals of India.

Social Science

Holiday Homework Class VII

  • Puzzle

  • Map practices:-

  • Provunces of Delhi Sultanate during Muhmmad Tughlaq’s reign according to the Egyptian source.

  • Major kingdoms, 7th to 20th centuries.locate the gujara-pratiharas, rashtrakutas, palas, cholas, and chahmans(chauhans). Can you identify the present day states over which they exercised control.

  • The chola kingdom and its neighbours.

  • Major cities captured by shamsuddin Iltutmish.

  • Alaudin khalji’s campaign in south india.

  • Make a Flow chart of Mughal dynasty.

  • Make a glossary diary of all chapters of social science.

  • Activity file:- imagine an ideal environment where you would love to live.Draw the picture of your ideal environment.

  • Activity file:- write information and paste the picture of historical monuments.

  • Collage:-

  • PHC’s- primary health service

  • PHF- Private Health Facility

  • PHF- public health facility.

कक्षा 7 hindi

  1. टीवी पर महाभारत देखे व समझे .

  2. हिंदी महीनो के नाम लिखिए .

  3. निबंध लिखिये – मेरे जीवन का लक्ष्य, दीपावली, समाचार पत्र की उपयोगिता.

  4. ऋतुओ के अनुसार खानपान व पहनाव की सूची बनाओ.

  5. छुट्टियों में अपने जहाँ-जहाँ यात्रा की उसके खट्टे-मीठे अनुभवो को एक अनुछेद में लिखिए .


Class – VII

  1. Do the chapter 1 and Ex. 2.1 in notebook with try these boxes.

  2. Write the properties of Integers.

  3. Do the tables 1 to 20, 10 times in notebook.

  4. Write all the definitions of different types of number using in number system.

  5. Project: - Make a chart on Acute angle, Obtuse angle, Right angle with definition.

  6. Second Chart on Complementary angle, Supplementary angle, Vertically Opposite angles, Linear pair with definition.


कक्षा –सप्तमी अ ब

  1. शुभकामना पत्र निर्माणम्

  2. सुभाषित श्लोकानां संग्रहम् (20 श्लोक अर्थ सहित)

  3. कथा संकलनम्

Class- VIII mathematics

  1. Do the chapter 1 and 2 in notebook with try these boxes.

  2. Write the properties of Rational Numbers.

  3. Do the tables 1 to 20, 10 times in notebook.

  4. Project on Number System with definitions.

  5. Any 3 Rational No. on number line.


  1. Write an article on one of these topics, on a sheet of paper. (150-200 words) - Literacy leads to progress.

- The India of my dream.

- Impact of television on life of teenagers.

- Hard work and success go hand in hand.

2. Make a bright colorful poster on an A-3 size drawing sheet. Choose any one of the topics given below:

- Donate Eyes/ Blood

- Child Labor

- Kindness to Animals

- Promoting Cleanliness

3. Imagine you are a tiger – On behalf of all the animals in the jungle, write a letter to the human beings making appeal for protecting the forest; their habitat. Write this letter on A-4 size ruled sheet.

4. Read any book and on a colored sheet write the book review.

5. Continue your word for the day assignment.

6. Listen to the English news on TV/radio every day.

7. Read the English newspaper every day.

8. Try and speak in English for at least one hour everyday.

ग्रीष्मावकाश-गृह-कार्य hindi

कक्षा –अष्टमी अ ब

  1. सिन्धुघाटी सभ्यता के विषय में तथ्य संकलन (चित्र सहित) (अनुच्छेद लेखन)

  2. स्वयं द्वारा की गई यात्रा का यात्रा-वृतान्त (स्मरणीय तथ्य)

  3. 10अनेकार्थी शब्द, 10 पर्यायवाची शब्द, 10 युग्म शब्द , 10पुनरुक्त शब्द, 10 श्रुति समभिन्न शब्द


कक्षा –अष्टमी अ ब

  1. शुभकामनापत्रनिर्माणम्

  2. सुभाषितश्लोकानांसंग्रहम् (20 श्लोक अर्थ सहित)

  3. कथा संकलनम्

  4. पाठ 1 व पाठ 2 के अभ्यास कार्य

Holiday Homework class VIII social science

  • Activity file

  • Make a pocket dictionary of glossary words of all chapters of social science.

  • Make a scrap book on disaster management.

  1. Fire 2 Earthquake 3 Floods 4 Air and rail accidents 5 Cyclones

Holiday homework class IX Social Science

  • Make a dictionary of all glossary terms of all chapters of social science.

  • Make a ppt. on any chapter of social science

  • Make a scrap book on Nepal disaster. (Meaning, types, causes.)(10-15 pages)

CLASS IX mathematics

  1. Do exercise 2.5 & examples of chapter 2 ‘ Polynomials’ in notebook.

  2. Project work

Make a file on the topic “Design a crossword puzzle with mathematical terms”

  1. Make a Mathematical model (working/non working).

CLASS IX - English

  1. Continue word for the day.

  2. Prepare a speech on “The role of youth in realizing Dr APJ Abdul Kalam’s Dreams for the Future”.

  3. Write a diary entry on Q9, Lesson 1 of Fiction unit.

  4. Write a letter to your cousin describing the nature, features and whatever you have gathered about your class teacher in month of April-May.

  5. Write an article for your school magazine on “The importance of adult education and ways to implement it”.

  6. Listen to the English news on TV/Radio.

  7. Read the English newspaper every day.

  8. Try and speak English at home with someone.

  9. Read chapters 1 to 10 of your novel “Three Men in a Boat” and write the summary of each chapter in your own words on pastel sheets.

CLASS IX science

Q. Write short notes on the given topics –

1. Power house of the cell

2. Suicide bags of cell.

3. Protein factories of cell

4. Functional unit of DNA

5. Semipermeable membrane.

Q. Difference between

1.Prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cell with diagram .

2. Plant cell and animal cell with diagram.

3. Distance and displacement.

4. Solid , liquid and gaseous.

Q. Derive the three equation of motion by graphical method.

Q. Do ten M.C.Q each from practical.

1. Onion peel .

2. Human cheek cell.

3. Boiling point.

4. Melting point

हिन्दी गृहकार्य कक्षा नौवीं ग्रीष्म अवकाश

FA –I की तैयारी करें (यादकरें)

निबंध लिखो : मेरे जीवन लक्ष्य, दहेजप्रथा, समाचार पत्रो का महत्त्व, मोबाइल सुविधा या दुविधा

उपसर्गोसे 20 शब्दनिर्माण : गैर, हम, अन, कु, सम

प्रत्ययो से 20 शब्दनिर्माण : इया, आस, आलू, इत

पानी पर कोई 5 मुहावरे लिखकर अर्थ सहित वाक्य प्रयोग करो.

जल पर कोई दो नारे लिखो

किन्हीं चार वस्तुओ के विज्ञापन तैयार करो

सभीअलंकारोंको 5-5 उदाहरणोंसहितसमझाओ

हिंदी गृहकार्य कक्षा दसवीं

  1. नाक पर आधारित आठ मुहावरे लिखकर वाक्य में प्रयोग करें।

  2. अनुछेद लेखन ( 200-250 शब्दोँ में )जीवन में खेलोँ का महत्त्व, फेरी वाला, देश प्रेम, दहेज प्रथा, मोबाईल सुविधा या दुविधा और स्वच्छ भारत अभियान , प्राकृतिक आपदा |

  3. नगरीय निकाय जैसे नगरपालिका । नगर निगम द्वारा आपके क्षेत्र में कौन-कौन से कार्य करवाती है? उनकी सूची बनाइए। आप एक ज़िम्मेदार व्यक्ति की भूमिका कैसे निभाएंगे।

  4. घर के बाहर व अंदर खेले जाने वाले खेलोँ की चित्र सहित सूची बनाइए और अपने प्रिय खेल पर अनुच्छेद लिखिए?

  5. सभी रसों को उदाहरण सहित समझाइए।

  6. अपने प्रिय लेखक की जीवनी चित्र सहित लिखो |

एफ..-1 की तैयारी करें ( याद करें )

CLASS X mathematics

  1. Do chapter 3 ‘Pair of linear equations in two variables’ in notebook.

  2. Project work

Make a file on the topic “Development of number system with their needs”

  1. Make a Mathematical model (working/non working).

Holiday homework class X social science

  • Make a ppt. on any one chapter. (History, political science, geography, economics)

  • Activity file - earthquake in Nepal- case study.

  • Make a dictionary of all glossary terms of chapters of social studies.

  • Make a scrapbook related to History of Novels and Indian Novelists.


Q. Draw neat and labelled diagram of 1.Stomata

2. Human digestive system.

3. Section of human heart.

4. Nephron

Q. Do ten M.C.Q from each practical .

1. CO2 is given out during respiration .

2. Observe stomata from a leaf peel.

3. Light is necessary for photosynthesis.

4. Dependence of resistance or cross section , temperature etc.

Q. Search out about and study homo dialysis , it’s requirements and method. write a short note on it

Q. Study about blood pressure , disorders related two blood pressure ( hypertension and low blood pressure ) and measures to be taken to control the disorder write in brief.


  1. Continue ‘Word for the Day’ in your copies.

  2. Make the comic strip on “the frog and the nightingale”.

  3. Prepare a chart on any 2 herbal plants.

  4. Read the first eleven chapters of the novel “the story of my life” and write the summary of each chapter on pastel sheets in your own words.

  5. Write an article for school magazine on “the lesson you have learnt of love, faith and trust” from the lesson “two Gentlemen of Verona” on pastel sheets.

  6. Listen to the English news on TV/Radio every day.

  7. Read the English newspaper every day.

  8. Try and speak in English for at least 1 hour a day.


  1. f(x) =27x3 and g(x)= then find gof(x).

  2. What is the range of the function f(x)=, x1

  3. Show that the function f in defined as is one-one and onto. Hence, find f-1.

  4. Show that the relation R in the set of real numbers defined as R={(a,b): ab2} is neither reflexive nor symmetric nor transitive.

  5. Consider the binary operations : RRR and O: RRR defined as ab=a-b and aob=a for all a,b R. Show that  is commutative but not associative and O is associative but not commutative.

  6. A binary operation  as on the set {0,1,2,3,4,5} is defined as ab=.
    Show that zero is the identity for the operation and each element ‘a’ of the set is invertible with
    6-a being the inverse of ‘a’.

  7. Find the principal value of cos-1 (½) -2sin-1(-1/2)

  8. Using principal value evaluate sin-1(sin3/5).

  9. Find the principal value of cos-1 (cos7/6).

  10. Prove that sec2 (tan-12) + cosec2 (cot-13) =15

  11. Prove that ++ =0

  12. Solve the equation cos(tan-1x)=sin(cot-13/4)

  13. Solve the equation tan-1(x+1) + tan-1(x-1) =tan-18/31.

  14. Prove that tan-1 .

  15. Prove that cos {tan-1 {sin(cot-1x}}=.

  16. Prove the following;
    tan [/4+1/2cos-1(a/b)] + tan [/4-1/2cos-1(a/b)] =2b/a.

  17. For what value of x, is the matrix
    A= a skew symmetric matrix

  18. Find the value of ‘a’ if


  19. Express

    A= as sum of symmetric and a skew symmetric matrix.

  20. If
    A= then find the value of A2 – 3A+ 2I

  21. Construct 23 matrix whose elements are given by

  22. If A is a square matrix then prove that A+A/ is a symmetric matrix.

  23. If = then find the value of x.

  24. Using properties of det. Prove that
    =0 where , ,  are in A.P.

  25. If A= then find the value of  so that A2 = A- 2I Hence find A-1.

  26. Using properties prove that
    = a3+b3+c3-3abc

  27. Without expanding prove that (a-b) is a factor of the det.

  28. Using properties prove that = 3(x+y+z) (xy+yz+zx)

  29. Determine the Product of and and then use it to the solve the system of equations x-y+z =4
    x-2y-2z =9
    2x+y+3z =1

  30. A diet is to contain 30 unit s of vitamin A, 40 units of vitamin B and 20 units of vitamin C. Three types of foods F1, F2 & F3 are available. 1 unit of F1 contains 3 units of vitamin A, 2 units of vitamin B and 1 unit of vitamin C. 1 unit of F2 contains 1 unit of vitamin A, 2 units of vitamin B and 1 unit of vitamin C. 1 unit of food F3 contains 5 units of vitamin A, 3 units of vitamin B and 2 units of vitamin C. represent the above situation algebrically and find the diet contains each types of food by using matrix method. Why a proper diet is required by us.

  31. A merchant plans to sell three types of personal computers- a palmtop model, a portable model and a desktop model that will cost Rs 8000/-, Rs. 10500/- and Rs 10000/- respectively. He makes the survey by two persons, one person estimates that the monthly demand of computers will be 70 units and the other person survey that palmtop model type computer will be demanded 30 units and total units required is 273 units. If a dealer wants to invest Rs. 7 lakh on it then represent the above situation algebrically and find each types of unit sales. How we can use computers in student life and which is best model for students?

  32. Prove that the determinants is independent of .

  33. Using the properties, show that

  34. Find the value of K so that the function f is continuous at x=/2

  35. Find the value of K so that the function f is continuous at x=0

  36. Find the value of ‘a’ so that the function f is continuous at x=0

  37. If siny = xsin(a+y) then prove that

  38. If y=then find

  39. If x = and then show that

If x = a and y = then find


Note-All these questions are to be done using functions.

  1. Write a function to reverse an array.

  2. Write a program to enter a matrix and display its row sum and column sum.

  3. Write a program to enter a matrix and display its matrix.

  4. Matrix multiplication.

  5. Write a program to exchange the left most and the right most column of a matrix.

  6. Write a program to exchange the top most and the bottom most row of a matrix.

  7. Write a program to enter a matrix and display the sum of its diagonals.

  8. Write a program to display the sum of upper triangular matrix and lower triangular matrix.

  9. Write a program to enter a matrix and display the sum of all even numbers in the matrix.

  10. Write a program to enter the data as follows :1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and display:2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 10 9.

  11. Write a program to enter the data as follows :1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and display:6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5.

  12. (i)Binary search (ii)Linear search (iii) Bubble sort.

  13. String concatenation without using string function.

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