Lessons of communication of new knowledge; Lessons of fixation of knowledge and of developing skills and abilities; Lessons of verification and control of knowledge; Lessons of systematization and revision of knowledge; Combined (mixed) lessons; Excursion lessons; Practical lessons.
Dars o’tish medoti:
Ko’rgazmali qurollar:
Textbook “Kids English”, pictures, Internet, Computers, projector, etc.
Darsning tarkibiy qismi:
Tashkiliy qismi:
Greeting. Working with pupils on duty.
Uy vazifasini tekshirish va o’tilgan mavzuni takrorlash:
Revision of the words. Pupils remember the words from the past lesson. Checking homework. Marking pupils for their homework.
Yangi mavzuning bayoni:
Activity1Listenandsing. STEP 1: ThepupilssingthesongtogetherwiththeDVD.
Look at Unit 4 Lesson 1 Activity 1 for the DVD script.
STEP 2: Thepupilsworkinpairsandreadtoeachothertheirhomework.
Activity2Makeabookletaboutprofessions STEP 1: Thepupilsworkindividuallyandprepareabooklet.Askthemtofollowthesteps.
a) Drawandwriteaboutyourgrandadandgranny.
b) Drawandwriteaboutyourdadandmum.
c) Drawandwriteaboutyou.
STEP 2: Makeadisplay.Ifyouhavetime,askthepupilstomakepresentations
Activity 2 Play “Word, sentence, question”. In advance write each verb shown in the textbook on a separate card.
STEP 1:Ask the pupils to work in groups of 4/5. Say they will play a game. Each group can “buy” any 4 verbs they like from the list (one verb from each column). Then the groups should write the past tense e.g. clean – cleaned. For each correct answer they get 5 points.
Note:To avoid chaos, ask the groups to come in turn to choose a verb. They are allowed to take only one card at the time.
STEP 2:Each group should write the sentences with their 4 verbs in the past tense. e.g. We cleaned the classroom. For each correct answer they get 5 points.
STEP 3:Each group should write the questions for their 4 sentences in the past tense. e.g. Did you clean the classroom? For each correct question they get 5 points.
STEP 4: Count the points together with the class.
Notes:1) If the class is slow, you can ask to work with 3 verbs; if the class is fast they can work with 5 verbs. 2) You can give papers of different colours to the groups where they will write their sentences and questions and at the end make a display.