Circassian Bibliography & Library Compiled and edited by

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— (ed.), Caucasologie et mythologie comparée. Actes du Colloque international du CNRS, IVe Colloque de caucasologie (Sèvres, 27-29 juin 1988), Société d’études linguistiques et anthropologiques de France, 23, Paris: Peeters, 1992. [Langues caucasiques: I. L'ensemble du domaine: Catford, John C., ‘Caucasian Phonetics and General Phonetics’, pp 193-16. II. Langues du Nord-Ouest: Batouka, Niaz, ‘L'expression linguistique de l'espace: essai contrastif tchétchène-tcherkesse’, pp 219-30; Höhlig, Monika, ‘Textuelle Funktionen von infiniten Verbalkonstruktionen in adygeischen Texten’, pp 231-47; Keracheva, Z. I., ‘Lokativnye i napravitel'nye preverby v adygskikh jazykakh’ (Préverbes locatifs et directionnels dans les dialectes tcherkesses), pp 249-63; Koumakhov, M. A., ‘Osnovnye voprosy sozdanija sravnitel'no-istoričeskoj grammatiki zapadnokavkazskikh jazykov’ (Problèmes fondamentaux de la grammaire comparée des langues du Caucase du Nord-Ouest), pp 265-74; Lucassen, Wim, ‘Clusters in Abkhaz’, pp 275-87; Özsoy, A. Sumru, ‘Relativization in Oubykh’, pp 289-301; Smeets, Rieks, ‘Towards an Analysis of Pronominal r in Circassian’, pp 301-20. III. Langues du Nord-Est: Bailey, Harold W., ‘Iranica in Veinakh languages’, pp 323-24; Magometov, Alexandre, ‘Les changements morphophonologiques des verbes à préverbe en dargwa’, pp 325-29; Outtier, Bernard, ‘Le vocabulaire religieux en oudi’, pp 331-33; Schulze, Wolfgang, ‘Zur Entwicklungsdynamik morphosyntaktischer Subsysteme. Die ostkaukasischen Klassenzeichen’, pp 335-62; Topuria, Guram V., ‘Structural and semantic analysis of case formants in the Daghestanian languages’, pp 363-71. IV. Langues du Sud: Boeder, Winfried, ‘Die Metapher des Raums in den georgischen Präverbien’, pp 375-90; Harris, Alice C., ‘Changes in relativization strategies: Georgian and language universals’, 391-403; Hewitt, George B., ‘Another case of the influence of Abkhaz on Mingrelian syntax?’, pp 405-09; Tchanichvili, N., ‘Lingvističeskaja structura prostranstva v gruzinskom jazyke’ (La structure linguistique de l'espace en géorgien), pp 411-16. Langues caucasiennes et d'autres domaines linguistiques: Christol, Alain, ‘Autour des corrélatifs ossètes’, pp 419-29; Kowal, Béla, ‘East Armenian relative clauses’, pp 431-39; Steiner, Gerd, ‘Die Bezeichnung des Relativums im Hurritischen und Urartäischen’, pp 441-53. Table ronde: comment fabriquer des dictionnaires dans les langues caucasiques: Chaguirov, A.K., ‘O principakh sostavlenija etimologičeskogo slovarja adygskikh (čerkesskikh) jazykov’ (A propos des principes de l'élaboration du Dictionnaire étymologique des dialectes adyghé {tcherkesses}), pp 457-66; Gamzatov, Gadži G., ‘Opyt slovarnoj raboty po dagestanskim jazykam’ (L'expérience de l'élaboration de dictionnaires dans les langues du Daghestan), pp 467-75; Kibrik, Alexandre, E. et Kodzasov, Sandro V., ‘Concerning the principles of work on the comparative dictionary of the Daghestanian languages’, pp 477-84; Rayfield, Donald, ‘The drudgery of words: problems of a Georgian-English dictionary’, pp 485-89]

Paris, C. and Batouka, N., Dictionnaire abzakh (tcherkesse occidental) Tome II: Phrases et textes illustratifs, vol. 1, L’Europe de Tradition Orale 6, Publié avec le concours du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (SELAF), Paris: Peeters, 1987, 1988. [228 pages]

Dictionnaire abzakh (tcherkesse occidental) Tome II: Phrases et textes illustratifs, vol. 2, L’Europe de Tradition Orale 6, Publié avec le concours du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (SELAF), Paris: Peeters, 1990.

Dictionnaire abzakh (tcherkesse occidental) Tome II: Phrases et textes illustratifs, vol. 3, L’Europe de Tradition Orale 6, Publié avec le concours du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (SELAF), Paris: Peeters, 1992.

Dictionnaire abzakh (tcherkesse occidental) Tome II: Phrases et textes illustratifs, vol. 3, L’Europe de Tradition Orale 6, Publié avec le concours du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (SELAF), Paris: Peeters, 1995.

Dictionnaire abzakh (tcherkesse occidental) Tome I, vol. 1/2, Publié avec le concours du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (SELAF), Paris: Peeters, 2005.

Pasch’e, B., Wisaghexer [Poetic Compositions], Nalchik: Kabardino-Balkarian Book Press, 1963. [Prepared for printing by A. T. Shorten]

Pashtov (Paschti), G., Èkslibrisi [Ex Libris], Nalchik: Elbrus Book Press, 1975.

Pavlyuk, S., Tisyacha verst sudbi [Thousand Versts of Fate], Stavropol, 1964.

Paxson, M., ‘The Story of Memory in a Kabardian Village: Preparatory Field Research’, IREX (International Research & Exchanges Board) Research Report, 2007. Online. Available HTTP: <> (accessed 10 October 2008). [‘Presently, regional policies exist which encourage children of all ethnic groups (in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic) to learn Kabardian in school. Because of this, a pedagogical system is developing for the study of Kabardian aimed at the education of school children. For adult learning, virtually no pedagogy has existed up to this point. Those who wish to learn the language must invent methods and techniques in consultation with linguists, philologists, and teachers…’]

— ‘They Call It Home: Ethnic and Religious Violence Keep Russia’s North Caucasus Region in the News’, in The Wilson Quarterly, vol. 33, no. 2, spring 2009. Online. Available HTTP: <> (accessed 18 May 2009). [A portrait of daily life in one small village reveals a richer, more hopeful reality. Margaret Paxon is senior associate at the Woodrow Wilson Center’s Kennan Institute and a visiting scholar at the Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies at George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs]

Peake, F. G., A History of Jordan and Its Tribes, Coral Gables, Florida: University of Miami Press, 1958.

Pereira, M., Across the Caucasus, London: Geoffrey Bles, 1973.

Perovic, J., ‘The North Caucasus on the Brink’, ISN Case Study No. 8, Zurich: International Relations and Security Network & Center for Security Studies, 29 August 2006. Online. Available HTTP: <> (accessed 6 June 2008).

Perrie, M., The Image of Ivan the Terrible in Russian Folklore, Cambridge Studies in Oral and Literate Culture, Cambridge University Press, 2002. [Available for preview on Google Books]

Peterson, T., ‘Minimality and Syllabification in Kabardian’, in Proceedings from the Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago Linguistic Society, vol. 39, no. 1, 2003, pp 215-35. [Abstract: While there has been much discussion in the literature on the phonemic inventory of Kabardian, there has been little work done exploring syllabification in this language. This paper aims to provide a preliminary account of syllable structure in Kabardian and show how this predicts the distribution of epenthetic schwa and consonant clustering. It will be shown that the distribution of a moraic coda is not only autonomous from the nucleus, but an obligatory component of the Kabardian syllable. This analysis uses an Optimality Theoretic framework to show that schwa epenthesis ensures the satisfaction of Proper Headedness and that the optimal syllable in Kabardian is a closed syllable. Tyler Peterson is at the University of British Columbia]

— ‘Issues of Homophony and the Minimal Word in the Adyghan Languages’, paper presented at Conference on the Languages of the Caucasus, Department of Linguistics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, 7-9 December 2007. Online. Abstract available HTTP: <> (accessed 22 February 2009).

Petry, C. F., Protectors or Praetorians?: The Last Mamluk Sultans and Egypt’s Waning as a Great Power, Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, November 1994.

Peyssonnel (de), Traité sur le commerce de la Mer-Noire, Paris, 1787 (2 vols).

Philipp, T. and Haarmann, U., The Mamluks in Egyptian Politics and Society, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Phillipps-Wolley, C., Sport in the Crimea and Caucasus, London: Richard Bentley & Sons, 1881. [The author, the British vice-consul at Ketch on the Black Sea, enjoyed considerable sport on the Crimean Peninsula and in the Caucasus Mountains – bird, boar, bear, and antelope]

Piggott, S., ‘The Earliest Wheeled Vehicles and the Caucasian Evidence’, in The Prehistoric Society Proceedings for 1968, 1969, N. S., vol. 34, pp 266-318.

— ‘Chariots in the Caucasus and China’, in Antiquity, 48, 1974, pp 16-24.

Pikman, A. M., ‘O borbe kavkazskikh gortsev s tsarskimi kolonizatorami [On the Fight of the Caucasian Mountaineers against the Tsarist Colonizers]’, in Voprosi Istorii, 3, 1956.

Pindar, Peter (1738-1819), The Ambassador at Court, or George and the Fair Circassian: A Poem, London: J. Johnston, 1819. [Satire on the Prince Regent, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830; [2], 42 pages]

Pinson, M., Russian Expulsion of Mountaineers from the Caucasus, 1856-66, and its Historical Background. Demographic Warfare: An Aspect of Ottoman and Russian Policies, 1854-66, unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard University, 1970.

— ‘Ottoman Colonization of the Circassians in Rumili after the Crimean War’, in Études Balkaniques, Sofia, 8e Année, no. 3, 1972, pp 71-85.

Pipes, D., Slave Soldiers and Islam: The Genesis of a Military System, New Haven–London: Yale University Press, 1981.

Pipes, R., The Formation of the Soviet Union: Communism and Nationalism, 1917-1923, Cambridge, Massashusetts: Harvard University Press, 1957.

Pokrovsky, M. V. (1897-1959), Iz istorii adigov v kontse XVIII-pervoi polovine XIX veka: Sotsyalno-ekonomicheskie ocherki, Krasnodar: Krasnodar Book Press, 1989. [Includes bibliographical references on pp 312-17; 318 pages]

Polák, V., ‘La position linguistique des langues caucasiennes’, in Studia Linguistica, vol. 4, 1950, pp 94-107.

— ‘L’État actuel des études linguistiques caucasiennes’, in Archiv Orientální, Prague, vol. 18, nos 1/2, 1950, pp 383-407.

Polezhaev, A. I., ‘Circassian Romance’. Translated from Russian by Gitta Hammarberg. Online. Available HTTP: <> (accessed 20 August 2008). [Aleksandr Ivanovich Polezhaev (1804/5/6-1838) was a Russian poet/soldier]

Polievktov, M. A., Evropeiskie puteshestvenniki XIII-XVIII vv. po Kavkaza [European Travellers of the 13th to 18th centuries to the Caucasus], Tiflis (Tbilisi), 1935.

Pollock, S., ‘Claiming Kabarda: The Contest of Empire in North Caucasia from the Conversion of Korgoka Konchokin to the Treaty of Kuchuk Kainardja’, Online. Available HTTP: <> (accessed 20 June 2008).

  • ‘Ambiguity in the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca: The Case of Kabarda’, paper presented at Third Annual Conference of Central Eurasian Studies Society, University of Wisconsin, 17-20 October 2002. ['The most important event to occur in western Eurasia in the second half of the eighteenth century, the Russian-Ottoman War of 1768-74 cast a shadow over European politics. In this paper I explore Russia's Caucasian policies in the early years of Catherine's reign leading up to the war. I attempt to show how these policies evolved in discussions between Catherine and her closest advisers in the capital, and how they were interpreted by Russian envoys in Constantinople and imperial administrators on the frontier. The paper examines Russia's intentions in Caucasia through the prism of debates concerning Russia's war aims, preparations for peace negotiations, and treaties that attempted to structure Caucasian political life in certain ways. Special attention is paid to the articles of the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca pertaining to matters Caucasian, which continue to vex historians of Russia and mar maps that mark the progress of Russian territorial expansion.']

  • ‘A New Line in Russian Strategic Thinking and in North Caucasia’, paper presented at Russian and East European Historians’ Workshop, Harvard University, 16 December 2004. Online. Available HTTP: <> (accessed 20 June 2008).

  • Empire by Invitation?: Russian Empire-Building in the Caucasus in the Reign of Catherine II, Ph.D. Thesis, History Department, Harvard University, 2006.

— ‘Religion and Subjecthood in the North Caucasus in the Age of Catherine II’, paper presented at the conference Empire, Conquest and Faith: The Russian and Ottoman Interaction, 1650-1920, The Harriman Institute, Columbia University, 24-26 April 2008.

Polyaenus, Strategems in War, translated to English by E. Shepherd, London, 1793.

Popov, A., ‘From PINDOS to PONTOS: The Ethnicity and Diversity of Greek Communities in Southern Russia’, in Studia Pontocaucasica, Bullettin: Anthropology, Minorities, Multiculturalism, RAiF Ltd: Krasnodar, vol. 5, 2004, pp 84-90. Online. Available HTTP: <> (accessed 8 October 2008). [The Greeks in Adigea and the Krasnodar Krai in the North Caucasus, including the ‘Circassian’ Greeks in Bzhedugh-hable in Adigea]

— ‘The Components of Ethno-Political Situation in the Krasnodar Region’, in Bulletin of Network on Ethnological Monitoring and Early Warning of Conflict, 2008, pp 47-53.

Popović, A., ‘Les Čerkesses dans les territoires Yougoslaves (Un complément à l’article Čerkesses de l’Encyclopédie de l’Islam)’, in Bulletin d’Études Orientales, vol. 30, 1978 (1980), pp 159-71.

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