Choose the right answer /To’g’ri javobni tanlang /Выберите правильный вариант ответов. … go to school.*a Pupils

Qaysi dastur yordamida informatikada dasturlash jarayonini, aniqroq qilib aytganda algoritmlash bo‘limini o‘quvchiga aniqroq yetkazib berish mumkin?

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494. Qaysi dastur yordamida informatikada dasturlash jarayonini, aniqroq qilib aytganda algoritmlash bo‘limini o‘quvchiga aniqroq yetkazib berish mumkin?
*a) Crocodile ICT dasturi
b) Crocodile Technology dasturi
c) Crocodile Physics dasturi
d) Crocodile Chemistry dasturi

495. TK1 qanday kompetensiya?
*a) kommunikativ kompetensiya
b) axborot bilan ishlash kompetensiyasi
c) o‘zini-o‘zi rivojlantirish kompetensiyasi
d) ijtimoiy faol fuqarolik kompetensiyasi

496. TK2 qanday kompetensiya?
*a) axborot bilan ishlash kompetensiyasi
b) o‘zini-o‘zi rivojlantirish kompetensiyasi
c) ijtimoiy faol fuqarolik kompetensiyasi
d) kommunikativ kompetensiya

497. 10 terabayt nimaga teng
*a)10240 gigabayt
b) 80 kilobayt
c) 10240 megabayt
d) 10240 bit

498. Ajratilgan aloqa kanali (vыdelennaya liniya) yordamida internetga ulanish usulini ko‘rsating
*a) ADSL
b) Dial-up
c) WiFi
d) WiMAX

499. Axborotlashtirish – bu
*a) yuridik va jismoniy shaxslarning axborotlarga bo‘lgan ehtiyojlarini axborot resurslari, axborot texnologiyalari va axborot tizimlaridan foydalangan holda qondirish uchun tegishli sharoitlarni yaratishning ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy va ilmiy-texnik jarayonidir
b) zamonaviy axborot texnologiyalari vositalarini ishlab chiqishdir
c) yuridik va jismoniy shaxslarning axborotlarga bo‘lgan ehtiyojidir
d) davlat axborot resurslarini shakllantirishdir

500. O‘zbekiston Respublikasining “Axborotlashtirish to‘g‘risida”gi Qonuni qachon qabul qilingan?
*a) 2003 yil 11 dekabr
b) 1992 yil 8 dekabr
c) 1997 yil 29 avgust
d) 1991 yil 1 sentyabr

  1. What … your name?

*a) is
b) are
c) am
d) do
2. - Where are you from? – I’m … Uzbekistan.
*a) from
b) in
c) at
d) on
3. How … you?
*a) are
b) is
c) am
d) old
4. This is my brother. … name is Karim.
*a) his
b) your
c) my
d) her
5. - How … is Salim? - He is 10 years old.
*a) old
b) much
c) do
d) many
6. My sister … many friends.
*a) has got
b) have got
c) have
d) is
7. He is my Dad’s son, but not me.
*a) my brother
b) sister
c) uncle
d) aunt
8. He is my father’s mother.
*a) my granny
b) my granddad
c) my cousin
d) my uncle
9. - …. is your telephone number? – 776 08 67.
*a) what
b) which
c) how well
d) where
10. - How many people …. in your family?
*a) are there
b) there are
c) is there
d) there is
11. My sister … in a house.
*a) lives
b) has got
c) play
d) likes
12. John … friends in Uzbekistan.
*a) has got
b) reads
c) find
d) have got
13. We live … a house.
*a) in
b) on
c) at
d) -
14. I live …. my parents.
*a) with
b) on
c) in
d) from
15. - What … you … ? - I’m a teacher.
*a) do/do
b) is/do
c) does/do
d) are/doing
16. My father cures sick people. He is …
*a) a doctor
b) a farmer
c) a teacher
d) an electric
17. Jack is a taxi-driver. He … a car.
*a) drives
b) ride
c) drive
d) rides
18. Teachers … pupils at schools.
*a) teach
b) work
c) grow
d) study
19. Doctors work in … .
*a) hospitals
b) farms
c) factories
d) schools
20. My office is near my house. I go there …. .
*a) on foot
b) by bus
c) by tram
d) by car
21. - What … are your sister’s eyes? – They are blue.
*a) colour
b) number
c) shape
d) -
22. My hair …. curly.
*a) is
b) am
c) are
d) does
23. Her …. colour is green.
*a) favourite
b) luck
c) right
d) dark
24. My brother Nodirbek is very …. .
*a) tall
b) high
c) low
d) light
25. My brother has got long …. and ….. .
*a) arms/legs
b) head/face
c) arms/ eyes
d) hair/legs
26. Grandfather and grandmother live … us.
*a) with
b) for
c) in
d) on
27. There … a book, two pencils on the desk.
*a) is
b) are
c) am
d) to be

28. My …. names are Nilufar and Nodira.

*a) sisters’
b) sister’s
c) brothers’
d) sisters
29. Dilbar is … .
*a) beautiful
b) curly
c) handsome
d) high
30. My dog … a big, round head.
*a) has got
b) have got
c) is having
d) have
31. There are seven …. a week.
*a) days
b) weeks
c) years
d) hours
32. Tuesday is the …. day of the week.
*a) second
b) third
c) first
d) fourth
33. We don’t go to school on … .
*a) Sunday
b) Friday
c) Tuesday
d) Monday
34. We … our classroom every day.
*a) tidy up
b) speak
c) read
d) do exercise
35. Children … go to school every day.
*a) must
b) has
c) are
d) -
36. Children go on holiday … summer.
*a) in
b) on
c) at
d) of
37. Teachers must write … the blackboard.
*a) on
b) in
c) at
d) for
38. I don’t like Maths. It is …. .
*a) boring
b) funny
c) interesting
d) easy
39. We like English. It is …. .
*a) interesting
b) difficult
c) tiring
d) boring
40. My friend likes to know countries. He likes … .
*a) Geography
b) History
c) English
d) Music
41. During … lessons we often play ball games.
*a) PI
b) Art
c) Botany
d) Uzbek
42. We draw pictures in … classes.
*a) Art
b) History
c) Russian
d) Chemistry
43. It’s a quarter past nine.
*a) 9.15
b) 9.45
c) 9.30
d) 9.25
44. - I like Handicrafts. What … you?
*a) about
b) to
c) on
d) in
45. 9.30 - ……
*a) It’s half past nine
b) It’s nine
c) It’s half to nine
d) It’s a quarter to nine
46. … you like fast food?
*a) do
b) have
c) is
d) are
47. … we … a coffee break at 11?
*a) do/have
b) have/got
c) is/having
d) has/got
48. I … a cat. Its name is Mosh.
*a) have got
b) has got
c) am having
d) do have
49. Every pupil must have a …. .
*a) timetable
b) car
c) coffee
d) sister
50. English schoolchildren usually do their homework …. .
*a) in the evening
b) in the morning
c) at midday
d) at midnight
51. Her brother and sister … pupils.
*a) are
b) is
c) am
d) –
52. Rustam is 12 … old.
*a) years
b) year’s
c) years’
d) year
53. His friend Alisher … history, literature, art.
*a) likes
b) to like
c) is liking
d) like
54. - What … do you like? - I like English and Literature.
*a) subjects
b) flowers
c) things
d) animals
*a) subjects
55. A farmer works in the ….. .
*a) field
b) school
c) office
d) factory
56. A businessman works at the … .
*a) office
b) field
c) factory
d) hospital
57. An engineer works in the … .
*a) factory
b) farm
c) school
d) café
58. There are two girls … the picture.
*a) in
b) of
c) at
d) on
59. There is a rainbow. It has seven …. .
*a) colours
b) subjects
c) pictures
d) kinds
60. - … do you have your favourite subjects? - I have them …. Friday.
*a) when/on
b) who/ on
c) which/ in
d) where/on
61. I sit on the … in the classroom.
*a) chair
b) map
c) table
d) desk
62. We can show countries on the … .
*a) map
b) stick of chalk
c) ruler
d) plan
63. We write on the blackboard with … .
*a) stick of chalk
b) door
c) book
d) ruler
64. We can draw a straight line with the help of a … .
*a) ruler
b) pen
c) desk
d) circle
65. There are pictures … the walls in our classroom.
*a) on
b) up
c) at
d) in
66. …. pencil is this? - It’s …. .
*a) whose/mine
b) where/ mine
c) when/ mine
d) which/ your
67. Give me … books.
*a) those
b) this
c) that
d) a
68. Can I … that pen, please?
*a) have
b) speak
c) write
d) read
69. I have lunch in the …. at school.
*a) canteen
b) staff room
c) gym
d) computer room
70. We have our PI classes in the …. in winter.
*a) gym
b) library
c) geography room
d) yard
71. I … … at 7 o’clock in the morning.
*a) get up
b) have dinner
c) come from school
d) watch TV
72. ... before going to bed.
*a) brush your teeth
b) come home
c) have a rest
d) do your hair
73. My friend always …. hard.
*a) works
b) is working
c) working
d) work
74. My farther usually … a rest in the evening.
*a) has
b) have
c) having
d) is having
75. Your hair is untidy. … it, please.
*a) Do
b) Tap
c) Make
d) Be
76. My sister is fond of making dresses. Her hobby is …. .
*a) sewing
b) travelling
c) playing chess
d) doing puzzles
77. - What do you … in the evening? – I have a rest, do my lessons, watch TV,
play with my brothers.
*a) do
b) have
c) read
d) play
78. Mrs. White works in a …. . She has got a lot of students.
*a) university
b) school
c) farm
d) hospital
79. She …. her mother. She isn’t a good girl.
*a) doesn’t help
b) likes
c) offend
d) helps
80. …. is your hobby?
*a) what
b) how well
c) how
d) which
81. It’s a domestic animal. It eats grass. It has a beard, a short tail and two long horns. What animal is it?
*a) a goat
b) a pig
c) a turkey
d) a goose
82. My grandmother has got a lot of …. .
*a) geese
b) duck
c) donkey
d) goose
83. Cats like … .
*a) milk
b) corn
c) born
d) grass
84. What time do you have breakfast?
*a) At 8 a.m.
b) At 8 p.m.
c) At 12 a.m.
d) At 10 a.m.
85. The teacher helps you … .
*a) to learn
b) to speak
c) to skip
d) to play
86. The cleaner …. the school.
*a) cleans
b) teaches
c) studies
d) goes
87. Munojat Yulchieva is a …. .
*a) singer
b) film star
c) dancer
d) writer
88. The …. answers telephone calls and works with letters and documents.
*a) secretary
b) director
c) librarian
d) cook
89. Hamid works in the park. He looks after trees and flowers. He is a … .
*a) gardener
b) policeman
c) fireman
d) chef
90. My sister’s daughter is my … .
*a) niece
b) nephew
c) cousin
d) aunt
91. Are you happy? - ….
*a) Yes, I am
b) No, I are
c) Yes, you are
d) No, she is
92. I …. born in 1982 in Uzbekistan.
*a) was
b) were
c) is
d) are
93. Choose the right answer.
*a) 2- two – second
b) 2- two – first
c) 1- two – seconth
d) 2- one – second
94. Choose the right answer . - ….. go to school.
*a) Pupils
b) Students
c) Doctor
d) People
95. I have got a computer. I like ….. .
*a) playing computer games
b) collecting coins
c) sewing
d) drawing
96. My brother and I … students.
*a) are
b) is
c) am
d) be
97. We go to the park …. the evening .
*a) in
b) under
c) at
d) of
98. I have got an aunt. She is my mother’s …
*a) sister
b) uncle
c) aunt
d) cousin
99. When do you celebrate Teachers’ Day?
*a) 1st October
b) 1st September
c) 8th December
d) 21st March
100. Translate these words: sariq, oq, yashil, malla
*a) yellow, white, green, brown
b) yellow, brown, white, green
c) yellow, white, green, brown
d) green, yellow, white, brown

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