Page 17 Opinion, attitude & belief answers A. 1. opinion 2. concerned 3. convinced 4. regarding 5. disapproval 6. maintains 7. reckon (an informal word
which means
think or
believe ) 8. suspect 9. doubt 10. disapprove 11. exception 12. fanatical
13. obsessive (Note: obsessive
about / obsessed
with ) 14. moderates 15. conservative 16. committed
17. dedicated 18. traditional
B. Political beliefs: a republican / a revolutionary / left-wing / right-wing / a socialist / a royalist / a conservative / a liberal
/ a communist / a fascist / middle-of-the-road / an anarchist
Personal convictions and philosophies: opinionated / pragmatic / a Muslim / an intellectual / tolerant / a moralist /
narrow-minded / bigoted / open-minded / a vegan / a Buddhist / a vegetarian / dogmatic / moral / religious / a Hindu
/ a stoic